Political Cartoon

What can I say. I hired a "The Party of the Rump" Rump Speech Proof Reader.

It takes some money to hire someone, Daryl. And clearly from what you write, you don't have any money.

That's what the Rumpster supporting Property Management Company thought as well. They were doing things that, in the end, took peoples home. Afterall, no one had enough money to go up against them. I hired a lawyer (guess what, not all of us are broke) and now they leave me the hell alone. My Neighbors benefited from it as well. They aren't nasty anymore. And the State of Colorado formed a Commission that people can go to with the complaints. It just took one person standing up and the local News grabbed it. Am I broke? Sure. But I can determine where to be broke and where not to be broke. You are stupid and you can't determine not to be stupid.

You just won an award. Wear it proudly.


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