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I think that's hilarious. Even funnier, Joe Biden said he wouldn't pardon Trump. That's why Trump is in full panic mode.

And the whole Tara Reade thing is falling apart.
She has two lawyers working for free, one of them gave Trump $55,000 in 2016 and the other was on Vladimir Putin's payroll, working at Sputnik, a propaganda radio network broadcasting out of Kansas.

She has all these different aliases and a bunch of Go Fund Me pages. She has a history of accusing others of assault and harassment.

One of her witnesses said they lied. They were just trying to help her out when she came by crying.

This is a young women with severe problems. And Biden has treated her with so much respect. Not one assaulter her character.

They pretty much stopped talking about her over on Fox, especially considering that rape case going though the courts. The one where the woman kept the dress. She's asking for Trump's DNA.
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This fire is going to hit the Midwest, the Deep South and Appalachia.
I have relative in Appalachia. Sure hope they're OK.
Black Lung in West Virginia
Opoid Addiction in Kentucky

Biden hugs everybody. I grew up with that in California. Touchy Feely. I ever liked is. I always said keep your skinners to yourself. I would post pictures of Trump touching.......well, I don't want to talk about it. The pictures look like Lolita porn.
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It's just hilarious to me that a little less than half of America would vote a comedy/reality TV star to his greatest role.

This is why the rest of the world is laughing at us. Does he even look sane?

And what kind of people see this as a great leader.

And yet, he has a 90% approval among Republicans. And that says a lot about them.

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