Political Cartoon

#meme #ACB #AmyBarrett #SCOTUS #democrats

Think about this for a moment. Who's funding the "counter-culture?" Multinational corporations, of course.

Multi-national, in that, they make stuff overseas where labor is cheaper to sell in America, resulting in a net migration of American jobs and money going overseas while simultaneously increasing their profits.

#meme #BLM #antifa #democrats #apple #BoycottNike #MadeInUSA

Todays Democratic Party is as bad as Tammany Hall.
Tammany Hall, the New York Democratic political organization, is best known for its scandals, corruption, embezzlement, fraud, and rigged elections. At the heart of it all was William Magear Tweed, nicknamed “Boss Tweed”, the corrupt politician behind the Tammany Hall party machine from the height of its power in 1868 to his eventual downfall in 1871.

Your friendly neighborhood fact-checker here. Here is how the three-judge panel ruled against plaintiff Smith...

" During his probationary employment period, Smith challenged and failed to follow directions, was confrontational, engaged in unsafe conduct, and received unsatisfactory evaluations. He filed internal and union complaints, alleging abusive language, docking his hours, and racial discrimination. The Illinois Department of Transportation discharged Smith. Smith sued the Department under Title VII, arguing that it had subjected him to a hostile work environment and fired him in retaliation for his complaints about racial discrimination … Given the extensive evidence that Smith was not meeting his employer’s legitimate expectations, a reasonable jury could not find that the Department fired him because of his protected activity rather than for his poor performance nor could a reasonable jury have resolved the hostile work environment claim in Smith’s favor. "

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