Political Cartoon

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If we were actually beaten we wouldn't still be here but we are. Another failure of the white man.
The fact that you are here proves there was never an attempt to eradicate you. Your open racism is pathetic, so I will give you what you dish out... Why do redskins live in brick houses and stick built homes, drive 4wd trucks and wear blue jeans and cotton t shirts? Are any of you still capable of tying rocks to sticks and then gathering your own food from the wilderness? Is that what you want for your grandchildren? Should your tribes go back to killing each other and stealing each others women and raping them so you can have children again? You know, murdering the males of your neghboring tribes so they could not compete with you for resources?

What do you expect the mean ole white man to do? Does this post hurt your feelings or raise your blood pressure? You are one of the most hate filled racists on the internet, I simply provided you a tea spoon of what you puke out every time you post here.
yet you put a comma after well regulated militia too. So the constitution says we have a right to keep and bear arms and it SHALL NOT be infringed. But thanks for proving that your ilk lies when you say you don;t want to take everyones guns away from them... If you try you will get mine one piece of ammunition at a time.
They don’t want to disarm you if you are a responsible nonviolent gun owner. What needs to happen is tighter regulations for buying guns. The goal is to keep guns out of the hands of people who murder.
Then enforce the laws that are on the books, and put violent offenders in prison and keep them ther. Thats all you need to do now. And quit messing up the brains of our youth.

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