Political Cartoon

You are not so good with analogies I see? I'll explain: An accidental pregnancy is a baby unwanted, like an un-ordered steak, and all you care about is that the steak gets cooked (born) not thrown away (abortion) or left in the fridge until ordered (birth control). Pro-Life people care deeply about fetus, not the child it becomes. Like this:

Oh. I see. Some women arent aware that having a man inject their semen in her vagina may make them pregnant.
You know.....like an unordered steak.

Hello. I want to have sex with you. OK, as long as I dont get pregnant.

Hello. I want the lasagna, as long as I dont get the steak.

Oh. I see. Some women aren't aware that having a man inject their semen in her vagina may make them pregnant.
You know.....like an unordered steak.

Hello. I want to have sex with you. OK, as long as I don't get pregnant.

Hello. I want the lasagna, as long as I don't get the steak.

Patriot, the Leftist you were responding to is on my Ignore List. I had to click the button to read the lunacy he typed in. Nothing but lies.
1. Conservatives care about children. We simply expect their fathers to be responsible, rather than the government as LBJ determined when he said "I'll have them ni66ers voting Democrat for the next hundred years" as he established the Welfare State.
2. Women refuse to disclose the father of their children simply to suck in welfare benefits. Some have many children out of wedlock as their career move.
3. Martin Luther King's niece commented on the millions of black babies who have been aborted thanks to the treachery, the evil of Democrats' abortion demands.

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