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Not trying to be mean..... but, is she missing a tit?

BREAKING: Republican Congresswoman exposes Trumper Congressman Jim Jordan, reveals that he threw an embarrassing temper tantrum during the meeting in which Republicans attempted to choose Steve Scalise over him to be the next House Speaker.
According to Político, Republican Congresswoman Ann Wagner “recalled the moment that lost Jordan her support. It took place during a private meeting between Scalise and Jordan, less than an hour after the majority leader won House Republicans’ internal speaker ballot. According to Wagner and other House Republicans briefed on the meeting, Jordan said to Scalise: 'You get one ballot. And when you go down, you will nominate me!’ When Scalise pushed back, arguing that he had won by the conference rules, Jordan angrily replied: 'America wants me!’ before storming out the door."
But it gets worse for Jim Jordan, because the Politico report adds, “The report adds, "Just as Scalise did, Jordan — who’s not yet officially announced a repeat bid for speaker — faces pockets of opposition from many sides of the House GOP. While Jordan is beloved by conservatives, he faces skepticism from senior and more establishment Republicans turned off by his rabble-rousing days as a Freedom Caucus founder. Some centrists in purple districts, too, are uneasy that an ultraconservative Speaker Jordan might sink their already fragile majority."
Jim Jordan’s sense of entitlement is beyond belief. He belongs in prison and as far away from the House Speaker’s gavel as possible…

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“I want to respond to the conservatives who are politicizing the attacks against Israel and falsely President Biden of being “weak” and “emboldening our enemies.”
I find it BEYOND HYPOCRITICAL that you all are the very same people who supported the January 6 insurrectionists — and who continue to support the leader of the attempted overthrow of our government, Donald Trump.
That same Donald Trump who, in 2018, stood next to Putin in Helsinki and told THE ENTIRE WORLD that he trusts Putin more than our own intelligence agencies.
The same Donald Trump who to this very day publicly expresses his continued admiration for brutal dictators Putin and Kim Jong Un.
The same Donald Trump who wants to cut off aid to Ukraine and allow Putin to continue his war of terror.
The same Donald Trump who has publicly attacked American Jews and continues to support and embrace white supremacy.
The same Donald Trump who has promised that, if he is re-elected, will pardon all of the terrorists of January 6 — and make no mistake, they ARE terrorists.
The same Donald Trump who, along with his Republican enablers, continues to call for defunding the FBI, DOJ, and CIA because protecting himself is more important than protecting the country.
The same Donald Trump whose MAGA supporters in the House of Representatives are so dysfunctional that our country now has a Congress that has ground to a halt and is without a Speaker.
The same Donald Trump who Putin has publicly endorsed for re-election. Why do you suppose that is?
The same Donald Trump along with his enablers continue to attack our own military, even going as far as to suggest that General Milley should be charged with treason and put to death.
The same Donald Trump who wanted to withdraw from NATO, which would seriously damage the security of all Western Democracies.
Trump AND Republicans have “emboldened our enemies” because one of America’s two major parties is being led by a wannabe dictator — and is quickly becoming anti-democratic and pro-authoritarian.
The world has been watching the cracks in our democracy continue to break, led by insurrectionist Donald Trump.
Unfortunately, you won’t hear this on FOX News.”
- David Goldman
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