Is Kamala's Candidacy a Test Balloon?

You notice how Obama wouldn’t endorse her until she proved she could lie about her meeting with Netanyahu, and put the blame on Israel? She made it sound like she told that Jew what he needs to do (she really schooled HIM, didn’t she?!) when Netanyahu said she mischaracterized the content of their conversation.

IOW, Obama knows he has a pro-Muslim supporter and HAMAS enabler - and thus he gave her his seal of approval in a very weird video phone call.
Also, everything the Leftist do is premediated theater.

The Oballahs holding their endorsement until now can be seen as Cackla earning their support the old fashion way. The medias job is to build her up as the next Barry Owebama.
Also, everything the Leftist do is premediated theater.

The Oballahs holding their endorsement until now can be seen as Cackla earning their support the old fashion way. The medias job is to build her up as the next Barry Owebama.
Yes, it was so obvious: Let’s see if you can disrepect the Jew and throw Israel under the bus, and if you show proper allegiance to the HAMAS side, you win our endorsement.

The disgusting thing is that most Jews will continue to vote for the anti-Jew, pro-Muslim Party.
Yes, it was so obvious: Let’s see if you can disrepect the Jew and throw Israel under the bus, and if you show proper allegiance to the HAMAS side, you win our endorsement.

The disgusting thing is that most Jews will continue to vote for the anti-Jew, pro-Muslim Party.
/——/ Some Jews are liberal first, and Jewish second.
/——/ Some Jews are liberal first, and Jewish second.
That’s it in a nutshell. The observant Jews, who identify strongly as Jews, vote Republican. The secular Jews, who forget what day Yom Kippur is because it does not matter, vote for the antisemite Party.

This is nothing new, by the way. More than 30 years ago I asked my father, may he RIP, why so many Jews vote against their own interests? He said “because their liberalism Trumo’s their Judaism.”

it’s much more alarming now because the far-left of the Dems have become blatantly antisemitic, even allowing the Black Female who refused to say calling for the genocide of Jews is not acceptable, to keep getting paid $900,000.

I know a Jew - in name only - who joined a pro-HAMAS march the weekend after Oct 7th. Her reaction, upon learning of the Muslim terrorists’ barbarism and torture of Jews, was to join forces with the enemy and condemn the Jews. THIS IS HOW BADLY THEY ARE BRAINWASHED BY LIBERALISM.
Yes, it was so obvious: Let’s see if you can disrepect the Jew and throw Israel under the bus, and if you show proper allegiance to the HAMAS side, you win our endorsement.

The disgusting thing is that most Jews will continue to vote for the anti-Jew, pro-Muslim Party.
Its crazy.

Hussein Obama wants to arm Iran with a nuke and Iran already stated what will happen when that happens. Not if. The total destruction of Israel and Jewish vote will always go blue.
That’s it in a nutshell. The observant Jews, who identify strongly as Jews, vote Republican. The secular Jews, who forget what day Yom Kippur is because it does not matter, vote for the antisemite Party.

This is nothing new, by the way. More than 30 years ago I asked my father, may he RIP, why so many Jews vote against their own interests? He said “because their liberalism Trumo’s their Judaism.”

it’s much more alarming now because the far-left of the Dems have become blatantly antisemitic, even allowing the Black Female who refused to say calling for the genocide of Jews is not acceptable, to keep getting paid $900,000.

I know a Jew - in name only - who joined a pro-HAMAS march the weekend after Oct 7th. Her reaction, upon learning of the Muslim terrorists’ barbarism and torture of Jews, was to join forces with the enemy and condemn the Jews. THIS IS HOW BADLY THEY ARE BRAINWASHED BY LIBERALISM.
Prior to the Hamas attack on 10/7/23, I was watching a libtard political show on PBS. 3 Leftist women all agreeing that Anti Semitism is sharply on the rise in the USA and that Right wing White Supremacist's were the root cause. Basically, the GOP was at fault and if you follow the bread crumbs and it takes you to Trump.

Fast forward to after Israel declared war on Hamas and you see nothing but Liberals protesting for Hamas. Harassing Jewish students. Threatening Jewish people. I guess those 3 libtard females would categorize it as "Anti Semitism" if they ever go back on PBS.
Prior to the Hamas attack on 10/7/23, I was watching a libtard political show on PBS. 3 Leftist women all agreeing that Anti Semitism is sharply on the rise in the USA and that Right wing White Supremacist's were the root cause. Basically, the GOP was at fault and if you follow the bread crumbs and it takes you to Trump.

Fast forward to after Israel declared war on Hamas and you see nothing but Liberals protesting for Hamas. Harassing Jewish students. Threatening Jewish people. I guess those 3 libtard females would categorize it as "Anti Semitism" if they ever go back on PBS.
Everyone but the brainwashed know that the problem with rising antisemitism is on the Left, enabled via Muslim money donated to liberal universities to propagandize tens of thousands of gullible students to hate Jews. One liberal university even hands out an anti-Israel booklet as part of Freshman Orientation.

It has spread like wildfire from there. What makes it worse is these very same liberals will yell “racist!!” at anyone who objects to giving out favors according to race.

(Cue…..but, but, but a handful of fringe bigots that have no impact and hold no government influence shouted Jews will not Replace Us about seven years ago!)
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