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BREAKING: Just one day after being slapped with a $10,000 fine for attacking the judge overseeing his New York fraud trial, Donald Trump AGAIN launches an attack against the judge on Truth Social.

In his unhinged post, Trump declared, “The Judge in the New York State case refuses to accept the overturning of his decisions by the Appeals Court. This is a first in the history of the State! HE HAS GONE CRAZY IN HIS HATRED OF “TRUMP.” Also, their “STAR” witness just admitted his statements were all a big lie. He broke down in court. The Radical Left Judge said he doesn’t care. He is trying to protect RACIST A.G. Letitia James, who has no case, lost the appeal, but has a tyrannical and unhinged Trump Hating Judge. She campaigned for A.G. on, “I Will Get Trump,” long before she knew anything about me. This is Judicial Misconduct, coupled with Prosecutorial Misconduct, and somebody from the State of New York must step in and stop this Complete & Total Miscarriage of Justice!”

This is NOT good for Trump, because Judge Engoron warned him yesterday that “the consequences will be even more severe” for him if he continues to attack him — and Trump just did exactly that.

Now, Judge Engoron has all he needs to teach Trump a BIG lesson by throwing him in jail in order to cut off his access to social media and stop him from tainting his case.

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BREAKING: Special Counsel Jack Smith brings down the hammer on Donald Trump and formally urges the judge to throw Trump in jail because Trump is using social media to upend her case and intimidate witnesses.

But it gets even worse for Trump...

The brief filed by Smith's team meticulously lays out numerous remarks Trump has made since the gag order was suspended last Friday — and some of them are absolutely horrific. Some were even clearly designed to illegally influence witness testimony.

The brief also suggests stiffer penalties including actual jail time if Trump violates the order.

Additionally, the brief requests that Judge Tanya Chutkan modify the conditions of Trump's release to make it explicitly clear that his existing ban on communication with witnesses "includes indirect messages to witnesses made publicly on social media or in speeches."

Trump has repeatedly used his failed right-wing social media website Truth Social to spread his smears and attacks.

"In the few days since the administrative stay has been in place, the defendant has returned to the very sort of targeting that the Order prohibits, including attempting to intimidate and influence foreseeable witnesses, and commenting on the substance of their testimony," wrote prosecutors.

"There has never been a criminal case in which a court has granted a defendant an unfettered right to try his case in the media, malign the presiding judge as a ‘fraud’ and a ‘hack,’ attack the prosecutor as ‘deranged’ and a ‘thug,’ and, after promising witnesses and others, ‘IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU,’ target specific witnesses with attacks on their character and credibility, even suggesting that one witness’s actions warrant the ‘punishment’ of ‘DEATH!’" they went on.

Prosecutors also destroyed Trump's bad faith argument that the gag order violates his First Amendment rights and hurts his election prospects.

"The Order leaves the defendant entirely free to assert his innocence, claim that his prosecution is politically motivated, criticize the platforms and policies of his political opponents, and level all manner of criticism at various institutions and individuals, including the incumbent president and the Department of Justice," they wrote.

Judge Chutkan must heed the prosecutors' warning and lift the stay on the gag order. Justice is at stake.

May be an image of 2 people, beard and the Oval Office

BREAKING: Fox News' Sean Hannity gives a jaw-dropping response to the tragic mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine that claimed at 18 lives — and uses it to brag about his own mixed martial arts training.
This is a whole new level of sickness...
Of course Hannity doesn't want to talk about the very real problem of guns in America. Nobody at Fox does. Instead, he boasted that he has a "personal security plan" that could save him in an active shooter situation because he trains in "mixed martial arts."
It should go without saying, but a karate chop is not going to stop a hail of bullets from an AR-15. Hannity's insane words are unfortunately emblematic of the way a lot of Republicans view guns. They have absurd fantasy scenarios where they're the hero.
Predictably, Hannity whined that the shooting will become "politicized."
"I can literally probably count the seconds before an incident like this becomes politicized and that part of it I never like," he said. "Because that’s not going to bring back lives."
The argument is a total straw man. Democrats don't think passing sane gun laws will bring back the dead. We just know they might will more people from being killed in the future.
Nobody needs an AR-15.
Please pass this on if you support banning AR-15s, and let us know what you think of Hannity in the comments…
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BREAKING: Ivanka Trump is hit with devastating legal news as New York Attorney General Letitia James files a motion with a judge demanding that Ivanka be forced to testify against Donald Trump in the $250 million fraud trial against him.

But it gets WORSE for Ivanka Trump…

It all started last week, when Donald Trump's daughter filed a motion with the New York Supreme Court shamelessly arguing that Ivanka did not have to testify because subpoenas had “not been properly served” and that she is “not within the jurisdiction” of the court because she’s “not a resident” of New York.

Unfortunately for Donald and Ivanka, Attorney General Letitia James fired back today, destroying their attempt to weasel out of having Ivanka testify about her daddy’s crimes, telling the court that “Ivanka Trump was served properly at the New York addresses and actual place of business of multiple entities that are under her control; she should be compelled to testify in this proceeding. But even beyond that, Ivanka Trump remains financially and professionally intertwined with the Trump Organization and other Defendants and can be called as a person still under their control. Finally, Ivanka Trump has been and remains a litigant in the OAG's concurrent, still active, special proceeding, and appeared in and litigated this action without contesting personal jurisdiction. These are sufficient, ample bases to compel Ivanka Trump's testimony."

Well said, Attorney General James. Ivanka has ALWAYS played a prominent role in her dad’s crimes — and she knows it. That’s why she is pulling out all the stops in order to weasel out of testifying against him, but Letitia James isn’t about to let her get away with it.

Tick Tock, Ivanka…

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