Political Cartoon

Yeah, people sure are doing great under this empty vessel asshole installed by the Marxist Democrats and Deep State. The world is on fire slowly sliding towards nuclear war, crime and homelessness rampant, 8 million illegals crossing, and people all over are truly suffering financially. Exactly which parallel universe do you live in.

Inflation was so bad last year that real household income tumbled the most in 12 years, causing families severe economic pain​

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To be posted in all Members’ offices per order of the Speaker: 1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me, except thou shalt followeth thy Orange Jesus over any moral cliff.2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, unless thou shalt have purchaseth it on http://DonaldJTrump.com. 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, except when thou shalt attacketh Brandon or thy RINOs. 4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy, unless thou attendeth a musical production in Denver. 5. Honour thy father and thy mother, and burieth thy mother on thy father’s golf course.6. Thou shalt not kill, but thou shalt shooteth looters on sight, and puteth alligators in thy moat to keepeth out the Mexicans.7. Thou shalt not commit adultery, but if thou shalt do so with thy porn star, thou shalt payeth her off through an intermediary and falsifieth thy accounting records.8. Thou shalt not steal, unless thou needeth to steeleth one moreth than a certain number of popular votes or unless thou can hideth thy stollen documents at thy bathroom in thy resort. 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness. LOL.10. Thou shalt not covet (but seeth nos. 2, 4, 7, and 8 aboveth).

In January, @RepMikeJohnson joined me on the House floor while we were in a deadlock over who our next Speaker would be. We lifted up the speaker’s race to the Lord and asked for his divine guidance. Immediately after the prayer, 14 members changed their votes, ultimately leading to Speaker McCarthy securing the gavel by the end of the day. Mike Johnson is a strong conservative, but above all else, he is a strong Christian. He’s not afraid to look to his faith for guidance. America needs that more than ever in the U.S. House. I look forward to voting for Mike Johnson as our next Speaker


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