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BREAKING: Special Counsel Jack Smith's drops bombshell on Trump, calls him out in a brutal takedown and demands that Judge Chutkan DENY Trump’s motion to get his Big Lie case in D.C. thrown out.

Special Counsel Smith didn’t mince words today, telling the judge that Trump’s shameless excuses and legal arguments are nothing but "distortions and misrepresentations."

Smith also told the judge that Trump’s crimes are are unparalleled in American history – involving conspiracy and obstruction aimed at overturning legitimate election results.

But that’s not all…

Trump's defense centers around the claim that his actions as president should be immune from criminal prosecution, invoking First Amendment rights. Special Counsel Smith mounted a fierce counterargument, asserting that Trump's conduct falls beyond the protective scope of the First Amendment because Trump spent months fomenting "widespread anger, resentment, and mistrust of the election results by spreading knowingly false claims of election fraud."

Also, Smith told Judge Chutkan that Trump directed a large and angry crowd—one that he had summoned to Washington, D.C., and fueled with knowingly false claims of election fraud—to the Capitol to obstruct the congressional certification proceeding."

Moreover, when his supporters descended upon the Capitol, Smith declared that "the defendant did not try to stop them; instead, he encouraged them and attempted to leverage their actions by further obstructing the certification."

This marks a historic moment because it’s the FIRST time that Special Counsel Smith they’ve presented a robust defense of Trump’s prosecution in open court.

Well played, Special Counsel Smith!

May be an image of 1 person
You are not so good with analogies I see? I'll explain: An accidental pregnancy is a baby unwanted, like an un-ordered steak, and all you care about is that the steak gets cooked (born) not thrown away (abortion) or left in the fridge until ordered (birth control). Pro-Life people care deeply about fetus, not the child it becomes. Like this:

Pro lifers do care about the born as much as the unborn as both are the same person. That is why we are the ones building and staffing places where unwed mothers can stay and get prenatal care, nourishing food etc. until the baby comes.
And it is pro lifers who are running the orphanages and other havens for children who lose parents, whose parents cannot care for them, whose parents will not care for them and/or abuse/neglect them.

It is pro lifers who run CPCs to help women figure out how they'll manage raising their child when he/she comes, help her find resources and proper care during her pregnancy, and help her choose whether to raise the child herself or give the child up for adoption.

Many, maybe most adoption and foster care agencies are run by pro lifers.

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