Political Cartoon

So you want it both ways Action Jackson, otherwise this is what we see by the memes you agree with yourself to post ? On the one hand you are against ISRAEL, then on the other hand you are against the Muslim's ?? What's with your confusion ? Talking leadership's and not people.
So you want it both ways Action Jackson, otherwise this is what we see by the memes you agree with yourself to post ? On the one hand you are against ISRAEL, then on the other hand you are against the Muslim's ?? What's with your confusion ? Talking leadership's and not people.
There's a third option. I can be against both. Simple.

If I'm opposed to the Hells Angels, does that mean I support the Mongols?

I'm a Conservative. So why would I support the Jews who support leftist causes or the Muslims who support Sharia Law?
I'm a Christian. So why would I support any group that denies Jesus Christ?
Sad day when modern Americans choose Netanyahu over Benjamin Franklin. But modern Americans are products of the public school system, FOX News, and Hollywood.
Sad day when you allow your politics or beliefs to override your decency when it comes to who was in the right and who was in the wrong on October the 7th /2023 in Israel.
Sad day when you allow your politics or beliefs to override your decency when it comes to who was in the right and who was in the wrong on October the 7th /2023 in Israel.
What Hamas did was wrong. What Israel is doing is also wrong. Sad day when folks only see half the truth.

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