Political Cartoon

There's a third option. I can be against both. Simple.

If I'm opposed to the Hells Angels, does that mean I support the Mongols?

I'm a Conservative. So why would I support the Jews who support leftist causes or the Muslims who support Sharia Law?
I'm a Christian. So why would I support any group that denies Jesus Christ?
You use a broad brush, and you claiming to be Christian should know that you can't do that. Finding the problem within that is leading the herd to the poisonous streams is always the job or task at hand. Not all Jews are leftist and support leftist causes, but yes their are those that unfortunately do. I bet they are regretting that more and more these day's, but some people have to be shown the err of their ways, so hopefully there will be a come to Jesus moment in their lives, and if not then may the good Lord have mercy upon their souls. The Lord Christ said upon the cross "forgive them father, for they know not what they do". Bashing Jews in a time of great sorrow is not a Christian way to be IMO.
What Hamas did was wrong. What Israel is doing is also wrong. Sad day when folks only see half the truth.
How can you say that what Israel is doing is also wrong ? Wars have to be won, and soldier's are dying because an enemy won't surrender, and therefore it keeps on fighting. Israel is doing what it has too, and the enemy can surrender at any moment if they wish.

The leaflets were dropped and the warnings went out, and people have got to vacate the war zone. Period.

Don't assist the enemy Jackson, and if you don't realize who their enemy is in that battle over there, then you best educate yourself better before helping the enemy, and hurting the victims.

All you have to do in order to find out if you are on the wrong side in life, is to look and see who the left is cheering for, and then joining them. 😂

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