Political Cartoon

Those exact same people have all appeared and shown their respects at specific historical locations at Buckingham Palace, Berlin, Paris, Japan, Washington DC etc. Take a wild guess now. You really are that naive and ignorant to think that 15 million Jews worldwide control the world? Ha ha ha. They obviously don't, not even close. If you do think that which is another typical antisemitic canard, then that is a great complement to Jews.

Antisemitic tropes or antisemitic canards are "sensational reports, misrepresentations, or fabrications"[1] that are defamatory towards Judaism as a religion or defamatory towards Jews as an ethnic or religious group. Since the Middle Ages, such reports have been a recurring motif of broader antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Some antisemitic tropes or false accusations date back to the birth of Christianity, such as the allegation that the Jews are collectively responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus. In Medieval Europe, the scope of antisemitic tropes expanded and became the basis for regular persecutions and formal expulsions of Jews in England, France, Germany, Spain and Portugal. During these times, it was widely believed that Jews caused epidemics like the Black Death by poisoning wells. Jews were also accused of ritually consuming the blood of Christians.

Starting in the 19th century, the notion first emerged that Jews were plotting to establish control over the world and dominate it by promoting capitalism and engaging in banking and finance. In the 20th century, other antisemitic tropes alleged that Jews were responsible for the propagation of Communism and trying to dominate the news media. Those antisemitic tropes, which had political and economic contexts, became political myths central to the worldview of Adolf Hitler, and persist to the present day.[2][3][4][5]

Holocaust denial is also considered an antisemitic conspiracy theory because of its position that the Holocaust was a hoax or misrepresentation and was designed to advance the interests of Jews and/or justify the creation of the State of Israel.[6][7]

Economic and political tropes​

Further information: Economic antisemitism

World domination​

Further information: Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Zionist Occupation Government, Anti-globalization and antisemitism, Serpent seed § Christian Identity movement, and Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovich
A Nazi German cartoon c. 1938 depicts Churchill as a Jewish-controlled octopus encircling the globe.
The publication of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in 1903 is usually considered the beginning of contemporary conspiracy theory literature.[8]

This trope often manifests as both writings and graphic imagery that seek to accuse Jews (or their supporters) of trying to control the world for nefarious means. Examples of this imagery include Nazi cartoons that depict Jews as octopuses, encircling the globe.[9] A more recent example is the 2001 re-printing in Egypt of Henry Ford's antisemitic text The International Jew, with the same octopus imagery on the front cover.[10]

Among the earliest refutations of The Protocols as a forgery were a series of articles printed in The Times of London in 1921. This series revealed that much of the material in The Protocols was plagiarized from The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, an earlier political satire that did not have an antisemitic theme. Since 1903, when The Protocols first appeared in print, its earliest publishers have offered vague and often contradictory testimony detailing how they obtained their copies of the rumored original manuscript.[11]

The text was popularized by supporters of the Tsarist regime. Such supporters, in an effort to discredit the Bolshevik movement that succeeded their regime, claimed that the Jews were the conspirators behind the Russian revolution and held power within the Bolshevik regime, a claim later picked up by the Nazis.[12] The protocols falsely conclude that Communism was fabricated by the Jews for the purpose of stirring up a political revolution to destabilize society, ultimately gaining control and instituting a repressive transnational political system amid the chaos.[13] By framing the Jews as a central conniving power, the protocols developed and popularized the theory of Jewish domination for the sake of preserving monarchic systems, blaming Jews for attempting to undermine Christianity. In this way, the antisemitic world domination trope weaponized the long-standing tendency to use Jews as scapegoats, turning it into a conspiracy theory. This distinctive brand of Jewish scapegoating sought to release anxiety at instability and political change in society—especially rupture that threatened groups and governments that had historically been in power and in the majority—by casting social change as the scheming of Jews eager to undermine the status quo.[14]

These allegations quickly spread Westward from 1920 onward. The Great Depression and the rise of Nazism were important developments in the history of The Protocols, and the hoax continued to be published and circulated despite its debunking. Despite the fact that numerous independent investigations have repeatedly proven The Protocols to be a plagiarism and a literary forgery, the hoax is still frequently quoted and reprinted by antisemites, and is sometimes used as evidence of an alleged Jewish cabal by antisemitic groups in the United States and in the Middle East.[15][16]

Nazi propagandists, accusing "international Jewry" of plotting and extending World War II through its supposed control of Allied governments, threatened to annihilate the Jews as justified retaliation.[17]

Another world-domination conspiracy goes by the name Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG) and various other names, and it claims that Jews secretly control the governments of Western states.[18][19] The expression is used by white supremacist, white nationalist, far right, nativist,[20] black nationalist,[21] or antisemitic groups in the United States[22][23][24][25][26][27] and Europe,[28] as well as by ultra-nationalists such as Svoboda in Ukraine.[29][30]

On 16 October 2003, the Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammed drew a standing ovation at the 57-member Organisation of the Islamic Conference for his speech, in which he said: "today the Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them ... They invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy so that persecuting them would appear to be wrong so that they can enjoy equal rights with others. With these, they have gained control of the most powerful countries and they, this tiny community, have become a world power."[31] He further urged Muslims to emulate Jews in this regard in order to achieve similar results.

In April 2017, Politico magazine published an article purporting to show links between U.S. President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Jewish outreach organization Chabad-Lubavitch.[32] The article was condemned. Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the Anti-Defamation League, said that it "evokes age-old myths about Jews".[33]

In December 2023, at a Palestine Justice Movement forum in Bankstown, New South Wales, Australian politician Jenny Leong echoed Mahathir Mohammed's 2003 speech with her accusation that "the Jewish lobby and the Zionist lobby are infiltrating into every single aspect of what is ethnic community groups ... they rock up to every community event because their tentacles reach into the areas that try and influence power”. She later apologized.[34]

The trope of Jewish governmental and international domination often appears in the twenty-first century in coded terms that cast Jewish domination plots as the exploits of elite individuals, and like with the history of the protocols, this often seeks to scapegoat Jews for orchestrating broader political changes or perpetuating great social ills. For example, it has been linked with the conspiracy theory QAnon, a conspiracy theory which purports that a secret, evil cabal of global elites is harvesting children for world power.[35] The trope of the globalist is another example of the coded deployment of this antisemitic idea of Jewish world domination.[36]

Two-time heavyweight world champion Tyson Fury has spoken of his belief in a Jewish/Zionist plot to brainwash people and lower moral standards by utilising influence held in the media and financial industries.[37]

According to Gustavo Perednik, unlike any other group hatred, antisemitism tries to disguise brutal instincts as a struggle against "the powerful" embodied in the Jew, no matter how defenceless the actual victim.[38]

Certainly not all 15 million pull the strings of Globalism but certainly the Rothschild family and their puppets like the Soros clan. One truly is naive not to notice!
Certainly not all 15 million pull the strings of Globalism but certainly the Rothschild family and their puppets like the Soros clan. One truly is naive not to notice!
You‘re only pointing out the Jews. What about the Vatican, when are the thousands of their priests going to go to jail for buttfucking innocent young boys all over the world. I would assume like the Democrats, NEVER.
I'm not a Catholic. I don't bow to statues nor to I kiss inanimate objects like walls -- no matter how old they are. I believe in one God ... and that's Christ. Your little gods deny Him.

My G-d is the same G-d that Jesus worshipped and prayed to. Jesus wasn’t a Christian, he was a devout Jew. That makes you a Jew worshipper.

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