Political Cartoon

Just went to a tourist spot in America, and the Mexicans or possibly illegals have taken over the service industry, yet meanwhile young Americans who once did those jobs have been led to believe that it's cool getting so wrapped up in their virtual worlds, social media's, and their deadly drugs that they are literally dying by the thousands, and becoming non-productive citizen's dependent on the Democrat's forever if they survive.

What a set up...

The only difference in an 1800s slave, and a modern day slave is the way that the rations for survival are given to them. The slaves were giving a tiny shack on site, and food with clothing etc. The modern day slave is being given the equivalent, but it's in the form of currency just so it looks better as they get to leave the plantation/jobsite to use their meager earnings to purchase basically the same amount of necessities needed. 10 to a house, SS card's stolen and given to them, cell phone's for alerting their master's if they come close to being caught etc.
Stop using "Women" for whom you leftist hate, and then you compete in sport's against just so you can hurt them. The one thing about you leftist is that you know how to attach yourselves like leeches to a group for whom you think that you can use or fool without them figuring you out until it's too late.
Wussy up fuckup

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