Political Cartoon

While I'm here in the so-called 'political satire' sub-forum I had to scroll back a few to get to...

that's satire, I guess.

Still I'm seeing a bunch of not-so-much political satire in this sub-forum. Come on, man, the second I understood my thread had been moved to 'political satire' I adapted and got busy with political satire.


Should I read the next thread down?
No, but your buddies, Biden & Obama, would do it in a heartbeat.

I thought I had a nice chat with you last week about all that. Please to read ALL the words! I am the exact opposite of what you fancy I am.

Remember the Covid lockdowns?

No. By happenstance during that period I was vacationing in my cave, under a rock.


But then you are mighty right-wing, ain't you? Maybe it should be your turn...

Should homo-sexuals be jailed?

Should The Ten Commandments be proudly displayed in every classroom across America?

Is evolution a bull$h!t theory contrived by heathens?

Exactly how much did you over-pay for your last muffler?
How come I can't find Alex Soros' middle name in search engine inquirey?
Does it start with an S?
Someone stated that Alex was Satan, but his Girlfriend is that terrorist and activist funding Huma Abedin former vice chair and friend of Hillary Clinton, so Clinton is still pulling the strings of Huma and she is influencing Alex, so Satan is still
lol… Good one I believe it is Alexander F.G. Soros… Don’t ask me what F or G stand for but for his progressive policies he certainly gets an “F”

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