Political Cartoon

whoops 44.jpg
Ummm, remember my report on Biden stealing Cancer Charity funds to fund his campaigns? And his son he lost to cancer would be very proud of his dad and his brother the wife stealer.
Family Values? That's gotta be your worst deflection yet. -Psychology 101 1st chapter, the very first thing they teach you in College Psych.
No wonder Biden wants to pay for everyones college, they all need a refund from not learning anything.
I thought I had a nice chat with you last week about all that. Please to read ALL the words! I am the exact opposite of what you fancy I am.

No. By happenstance during that period I was vacationing in my cave, under a rock.


But then you are mighty right-wing, ain't you? Maybe it should be your turn...

Should homo-sexuals be jailed?

Should The Ten Commandments be proudly displayed in every classroom across America?

Is evolution a bull$h!t theory contrived by heathens?

Exactly how much did you over-pay for your last muffler?
^^^^ And you scold two_iron for his lack of political satire ^^^^ tsk,tsk,tsk

I actually have no idea who the "f" you are, and I have no desire to change the path I'm on. Crybabies don't interest me much.

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