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Really !!! Well here's the facts on the ground, and this instead of getting them from your lying Democrat occupying Whitehouse puppet master crew and media lap dogs.

Every construction site I go to and inspect now in the south (not sure about other parts of the country), has total Mexican labor crews working them. FACT !

They can't speak any English which tells me that they are new arrivals that really aren't new arrivals at all. They are back here again from the Obama and Clinton's year's, and this is based upon their skills being worked within their trades. They have an interpreter that works with them, and who is one of them.

Trump ended the illegal labor problem to a large extent, and Americans began working in all sector's again. Many poultry plant's were loaded down with Guatemalan's, Mexican's, and etc, but when Trump started his MAGA run, we began to see more and more American's take back the workforce as laborers and other in the south.

There is absolutely no way that any current or former president (other than Donald Trump), had created a path back to the work place for American worker's to re-enter the workforces other than Donald Trump. We literally saw the transition take place right before our very eyes. Trump also brought back or was re-installing confidence in fair trade and bid war practices among American companies seeking job's for their American companies and their American employee's.

Biden destroyed everything with an ink pen for his rich elite buddies who want (almost slaved, off the grid cheap labor force's to dominate again), as opposed to working American's in order to Make-American's-Strong-

Biden destroyed the low interest rates, making it impossible for young American's to buy a house now or in the near future, but meanwhile his elite buddies bank account's are growing ferociously as a result of the new higher rates.

Biden destroyed the economy for the poor to lower middle class working family's, who needed desperately for the prices for goods and services to stay within their means.

Biden is an old time slave owner mindset Democrat, otherwise who is one of the slickest, lyingest politician's we may have ever had the displeasure of knowing once again in this country.

What's amazing is how they were able to achieve what they have done, and are still doing it without the people finally realizing how bad these modern day slave minded Democrat's truly are.

The poor Black's who needed job's, and not hand outs from evil puppet master's, are truly the one's who suffer the most under Democrat tyranny. Many are waking up to realize that it's all been a scam, and they are pissed.

Then you had Barack Obama who attempted to motivate the Black's to not only go after Republican's and secretly white Democrat's, but to go after a people based upon their far since removed past, and to basically go against their skin color being none other than white, and somehow being connected to that past.

Obama (most think), was using the Democrat white liberal in an old adage that said "keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer". He has done this as if he is the savior of the black race in America, when all he really was is a shite stirring bull shite artist with a huge chip on his shoulder against white folks. His bull shite rhetoric spoke for itself, and Biden became his puppet.

Thank God American Black's are waking up to the huge scam that became their Democrat party.
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It will end when the Democrat's learn that they aren't communist dictators who can take over a republic, and install a dictator with all his little bought and paid for loyalists who are attempting to help usher in changes that the majority of American's absolutely are against. American's will not become the new modern day slaves in which the newly born again so called Democrat "Reich" are trying to make and/or turn them into.
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If you all are wanting to burn it all to the ground for fear of losing something that a majority of American's don't want anyways or worse are sorely sickened by (i.e. your Democrat agenda's), then good luck with that.

Hopefully your game's will be revealed (are currently being revealed), along with your demonic agendas, in so that the people of this republic can and will stand up against your Democrat folly like they ought too.
This country is screwed. Yes the people ought to take this into perspective, and then realize how screwed this country really has gotten itself over the year's.

Yes a solid month should be dedicated to those who served, and to definitely recognize their achievements and sacrifices given.

Great analogy and post.

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