Political Cartoon



Okay DOPers Christians. You can cheat on wife and Raw Dog Porn Stars. Like Leader DrumpF does.
If you're not to busy providing fresh young meat for church leaders to abuse
anally for the love of the lords' plans?

AOC Potentially Breaks Ethic Rules After Giving BF Access to Congressional Email Account‬
If you think that [RBG] is bustling around the Supreme Court doing justice stuff because you saw it on the news, where have you been the past 2 years? She is INCAPACITATED, is not fit to serve, and her votes are being recorded fraudulently. SHOW REAL PROOF!

AOC Potentially Breaks Ethic Rules After Giving BF Access to Congressional Email Account‬
She has popular (mob) support. She don't need no stinkin Congressional rules.

She Does Whatever She Wants

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