Political Cartoon


Delusional.... Won't work this time, otherwise showing a tiny fraction of the
Oh you mean your bud there is promoting a counter offensive into stopping the Republican/Conservative from trying to detach the group who is attempting or has begun the grooming of children for a radicalized agenda ? Otherwise he wants to stop Conservatives from being able to stop radical groups who are trying to get their kids to adapt or believe in thing's that even their parent's have been oblivious too during the indoctronational process in which shows up later in a shocking way ? Hell even some of the parent's have fallen to the indoctrination bull shite in way to many instances or cases. Good luck, not !!!!!!

A reckoning is coming, and what the modern Democrat has morphed into will be reversed.
Absolutely right... It's because they know that they aren't right, but they are being led by anti-traditional American forces that have all but built an army out of these people through indoctrinating them over time. They had the help of government, and that's why government is so important for them to control and seek power in.

Greed has blinded the wealthy who then assisted these groups to target government jobs while other's went on to make their wealth in the private sectors. The radicals went on to focus on infiltrating government in hopes to tear down the country from within, and to fundamentally change it in this way. All evidence shows that it has worked so far.

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