Political Correctness, Russia vs. USA.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The political correctness in Russia is different from what exists in the United States. On the heels of a mall fire in Siberia where scores of children died due to nepotism and graft among local officials along with inaction and dereliction of duty on the part of irresponsible adults, there are no plans by the Russian status quo to organize innocent, gullible children into national marches calling for the banning of malls.

Unlike the tragic scenario of the Federated Teacher’s Union and Planned Parenthood using students who survived the massacre in Parkland Florida as stooges for a misdirected mass movement against guns, it’s unlikely that Russian officials will let the real culprits off the hook.

The fire, which is reminiscent of the 1942 Cocoanut Grove conflagration in Boston, killed people who had no means of escape while staff and mall workers quickly acted to save themselves. The Mall, like the Cocoanut Grove, blocked, locked or hid escape exits.

While Russia is no friend of the United States, its handling of the disaster will probably not shield the corruption of public officials behind a political dog and pony show while it chooses a hapless, puppet representative like David Hogg to be the winner of a Russian Idle crisis talent show to carry the flag for a politically correct cause.

Scot Peterson and the other cops who stood around outside the building acting official while the carnage went on inside should thank their lucky stars they don’t live in Russia. They, along with Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel and school Superintendent Robert Runcie, would be staring at shackles right now.

There are some stark similarities between contemporary US and modern Russia; they both have a controlled press. But Putin’s response to the ineptitude of public officials leading to the deaths of children will certainly be swift and sure and heads that deserve to roll are going to roll.

It’s a shame that US colleges and universities have been acting as institutional antidotes for the Flynn Effect. The Scot Petersons of this world are more of a threat to doughnuts than school shooters. And Florida SWAT teams (Snowflakes, Wimps And Tinkerbells) let the kids die to protect their public sector pensions.

There is another Peterson that is relevant here and that is Dr. Jordan Peterson, author of 12 Rules for Life: An antidote to chaos. If you care about what’s happening read it.
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The complexity of this issue is unrecognized by many because logic is absorbed into politics. Rohm Emanuel's statement that you should never let a crisis go to waste applies here just like pseudo racism applied in the OJ Simpson trial. In Simpson's trial the defense confused the jury with DNA evidence and essentially proved what we already knew: nothing's perfect. Therefore OJ must have been innocent in spite of overwhelming proof that he did it. The trial was converted to a contest where blacks could get back at whites for what they have been told is institutional racism. Justice for two innocent white people gave way to the greater good of black revenge presided over by white lawyers to win a case. It worked.

In the Parkland case the Emanuel rule comes into play again as the dirty local politics of nepotism and pay for play led to ineffective policing that placed a cold blooded killer into the midst of innocent school children. A shell game quickly ensued to shield the real culprits and place the blame on the time tested myth of correlation equaling causation. A gun was used therefore the solution must be to address guns. So once again the actual bad actors escape behind the curtain of political activism.

Oddly, propaganda in the US is surpasses that which has always weaved itself into the fabric of Russian politics. This has not gone unnoticed by the Russians and they no doubt are gearing up to use the same strategy the US is using.

Rohm Emanuel's rule now takes on a life of its own as national marches are underway and the responsible parties come out smelling like a rose just like OJ. This isn't new; its' old and the people need to look beyond emotional knee-jerk reactions to find a fix to protect our children in school. This is not likely to happen. The US and Russia have more in common than many would like to admit especially with political correctness or propaganda which is its real name.

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