Political Fraud


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Excellent Opinion piece from the WSJ. Just a few snippets

Robert Popper: Political Fraud About Voter Fraud - WSJ.com

Consider the two studies from which Mr. Obama drew his statistics. The first, which he said "found only 10 cases of alleged in-person voter impersonation in 12 years," is a 2012 report issued by News21, an Arizona State University project.

The project acknowledged significant gaps in its data. Several states made no meaningful response............... Election officials and state attorneys general admitted that they did not track voter fraud. The Justice Department referred News21 to its 93 local U.S. attorneys but, the website reported, "many of those offices, in turn, referred News21 back to the department.................Crucially, News21 noted that "nearly all the data" it received had "some vital piece of information that had been requested specifically but that was missing."

Mr. Obama also cited an "analysis" showing that only 40 voters "were indicted for fraud" from 2002 to 2005. That number is drawn from an Aug. 2, 2005, Justice Department news release—which describes the department's "Ballot Access and Voting Integrity" initiative—and from a related list of federal cases. The release mentioned 120 pending election-fraud investigations, 89 prosecutions and 52 convictions.

It is preposterous to cite that news release as proof that voter fraud is rare. The release contains no information concerning prosecutions in any of the 50 state court systems for violations of state voting laws, even though these are far more common than prosecutions for violations of federal voting laws. Even as a list of federal offenses, the news releasee is inadequate. Justice did not claim to have compiled all convictions, prosecutions or investigations—let alone all known or unsolved cases—involving federal voter fraud. The release was only a list of legal actions relating to what was then a three-year-old initiative.

Read the article. It's worthwhile.

Our president?

He's at it again.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfl55GgHr5E]"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]



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