Political leanings on the USMB Board

Except for the ones that didn't.

And those would be . . . ?

Bernie in San Fran, Tom Hartmann, Ed Shultz, Randi Rhodes, Mike Malloy, Rachel Maddow (yes, she has a radio show), Michael Jackson (not the dead pop singer), Bill Press, Stephanie Miller (actually daughter of a late Republican congresscritter so I bet THAT dinner conversation used to be a bit awkward), Dave Ross...

Those are the ones who I can think of off of the top of my head. All have been successful.

I don't even know who "Bernie" is, since I'm not in San Francisco, but I'm going to say he's local, so he doesn't count in a discussion of national radio personalities, plus being a successful progressive in San Francisco is about as difficult as finding a poopy diaper in a daycare.

As for the rest, correct me if I'm wrong, but you're listing a bunch of people on Air America, which begs the question of how you define "successful". Apparently, it ain't numbers of listeners.
Bernie in San Fran, Tom Hartmann, Ed Shultz, Randi Rhodes, Mike Malloy, Rachel Maddow (yes, she has a radio show), Michael Jackson (not the dead pop singer), Bill Press, Stephanie Miller (actually daughter of a late Republican congresscritter so I bet THAT dinner conversation used to be a bit awkward), Dave Ross...

Those are the ones who I can think of off of the top of my head. All have been successful.

These aren't Radio Stations - they are programs. Their measure of success is due to the personalities developing a following - something Air America was not able to do despite the name recognition of some of its so-called talent.

BTW, BERNIE WARD from San Francisco is no longer on the air. He was convicted of distributing CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. He's in prison serving out his sentence after accepting a plea bargain.
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Except for the ones that didn't.

And those would be . . . ?

Bernie in San Fran, Tom Hartmann, Ed Shultz, Randi Rhodes, Mike Malloy, Rachel Maddow (yes, she has a radio show), Michael Jackson (not the dead pop singer), Bill Press, Stephanie Miller (actually daughter of a late Republican congresscritter so I bet THAT dinner conversation used to be a bit awkward), Dave Ross...

Those are the ones who I can think of off of the top of my head. All have been successful.

INTERESTING ITEM THAT: The only Congressman which instantly came to mind was William E. Miller, Barry Goldwater’s VP nominee, (my first election) in 1964, and who died in 1976. So he was saved from that awkward dinner conversation by dying early
As for the rest, correct me if I'm wrong, but you're listing a bunch of people on Air America, which begs the question of how you define "successful"

For the most part, they were successful radio personalities prior to AA, which is why AA signed them on to begin with. AA was stupid to not make them the centerpiece to begin with, which is another reason why AA failed. These personalities have also been successful since, actually even more successful than prior to AA, and most with national syndication deals.

So, yeah. You're wrong, and have been corrected.
Bernie in San Fran, Tom Hartmann, Ed Shultz, Randi Rhodes, Mike Malloy, Rachel Maddow (yes, she has a radio show), Michael Jackson (not the dead pop singer), Bill Press, Stephanie Miller (actually daughter of a late Republican congresscritter so I bet THAT dinner conversation used to be a bit awkward), Dave Ross...

Those are the ones who I can think of off of the top of my head. All have been successful.

These aren't Radio Stations - they are programs. Their measure of success is due to the personalities developing a following - something Air America was not able to do despite the name recognition of some of its so-called talent.

Strawman much? I wasn't attempting to give examples of liberal radio stations. Cecilie wanted examples of successful leftist talk radio. All of those listed fit the bill. They are 1)leftist 2)on the radio and 3)talk oriented.

Try to keep up with the big kids.

BTW, BERNIE WARD from San Francisco is no longer on the air. He was convicted of distributing CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. He's in prison serving out his sentence after accepting a plea bargain.

And this means he wasn't a successful radio host....how?
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It would seem that of late, the population of this board has taken a rather pronounced turn to the right.

New members have typically been right-wing oriented, and the posts have taken a decidedly right-wing talking point direction, including much in the way of repetitive spam.

It seems that many of my fellow posters on the left-hand side of things, have found this unpalatable and are posting less and less..

It would be unfortunate to see USMB turn into a right-wing echo chamber, ala Townhall.com.

Perhaps folks on both sides might want to talk about this issue and express their political leanings to see if my assertion has any validity whatsoever.

I, myself, am a leftie.

If the right could argue with "facts and statistics" instead of "talking points then it would be much better. The right expect the left to produce links from nonpartisan sources while they will post from The Discovery Institute" or "Fox".

For instance, the Bush tax cuts passed through reconciliation. The cost to the country is between 1.8 trillion and 2.5 trillion, add the more than 700 billion Bush stimulus package, the cost of Katrina the two wars whose estimate ranges from 1.1 trillion to 3 trillion and whose fault is it? Why, Obamas, of course. Considering these things all happened before Obama took office, it's somehow his fault. Add up the cost of all these and it's way more than any budget submitted by Bush. How can that be? Because Bush didn't include these in his budget. Because Obama did, for the first time in years, it's Obama who grew the deficit.

Ask yourselves, if Obama grew the budget, what did he spend the money on?

Bush had two wars, tax cuts, Katrina, and a nearly trillion dollar stimulus package? How come his budget was so small compared to Obama's? It's not rocket science.

You can't get a Republican to say cutting taxes during a time of war is fiscal responsibility. So how do the avoid saying that? By simply ignoring what they don't like. And these are the people we are trying to argue with?
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Strawman much? I wasn't attempting to give examples of liberal radio stations. Cecilie wanted examples of successful leftist talk radio. All of those listed fit the bill. They are 1)leftist 2)on the radio and 3)talk oriented.

Try to keep up with the big kids.

They aren't stations - they are programs on stations with a mixed format.

The fact that you can't tell the difference is not surprising, given your other displays of ignorance regarding the media and business.

BTW, BERNIE WARD from San Francisco is no longer on the air. He was convicted of distributing CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. He's in prison serving out his sentence after accepting a plea bargain.

And this means he wasn't a successful radio host....how?[/QUOTE]

He's not successful now - he's serving a sentence of 7 years for CHILD PORNOGRAPHY.
Strawman much? I wasn't attempting to give examples of liberal radio stations. Cecilie wanted examples of successful leftist talk radio. All of those listed fit the bill. They are 1)leftist 2)on the radio and 3)talk oriented.

Try to keep up with the big kids.

They aren't stations - they are programs on stations with a mixed format.

The fact that you can't tell the difference is not surprising, given your other displays of ignorance regarding the media and business.

Wow, you're just plain fucking retarded, huh?

Where did I say that I was giving examples of stations? I specifically said I was giving examples of liberal talk radio. This does not mean that it has to be stations ar-tard.

BTW, BERNIE WARD from San Francisco is no longer on the air. He was convicted of distributing CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. He's in prison serving out his sentence after accepting a plea bargain.

And this means he wasn't a successful radio host....how?

He's not successful now - he's serving a sentence of 7 years for CHILD PORNOGRAPHY.

He was a successful radio talk show host. Why is this difficult for you to digest?

Listen toots, take a look at my moniker on here. I just miiiight know what I'm talking about when it comes to radio formats and what it may take to run a successful radio station
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Air America was a radio station. You are trying to equate random programs with a station, which requires quite different management.

That is specious.

And what does it say about Bernie's audience that they approved of the opinions and values of a CHILD PORNOGRAPHER?
Air America was a radio station. You are trying to equate random programs with a station, which requires quite different management.

That is specious.

Bullshit. You are mis-framing the argument.

Go back and read the thread. Examples were wanted of leftist talk radio. Examples given. That you can't seem to handle reality says a lot.

And what does it say about Bernie's audience that they approved of the opinions and values of a CHILD PORNOGRAPHER?

Now THAT is a specious argument. You now have to prove that

1) his audience knew about his perversion prior to the allegations


2) that they approved of his perversion.

We'll be waiting retard.
Bullshit. You are mis-framing the argument.

Go back and read the thread. Examples were wanted of leftist talk radio. Examples given. That you can't seem to handle reality says a lot.

Examples were requested of successful leftwing radio stations.

It must suck not to be able to provide any.

Now THAT is a specious argument. You now have to prove that

1) his audience knew about his perversion prior to the allegations


2) that they approved of his perversion.

We'll be waiting retard.

It may be specious - but it is funny to note in hindsight how stupid his followers were. His shrillly hyper left wing hatred alone should have turned off the decent ones among them.
Bullshit. You are mis-framing the argument.

Go back and read the thread. Examples were wanted of leftist talk radio. Examples given. That you can't seem to handle reality says a lot.

Examples were requested of successful leftwing radio stations.

Now you're just flat out lying. And like a fucking retard, you forget that here on message boards we can go back and actually look at what was asked:

No, it's not wrong. Air America was not the first attempt at leftist talk radio. It was just the largest. And every damned one of them failed

Except for the ones that didn't.

And those would be . . . ?

Leftist talk radio does not mean leftist talk radio stations ijit.

You have been pwned righteously.

Now THAT is a specious argument. You now have to prove that

1) his audience knew about his perversion prior to the allegations


2) that they approved of his perversion.

We'll be waiting retard.

It may be specious - but it is funny to note in hindsight how stupid his followers were. His shrillly hyper left wing hatred alone should have turned off the decent ones among them.

Never turned off Rush fans. What the hell makes you think that liberals are any different?
Well, thats wrong too then. So add a d) to my previous post.

No, it's not wrong. Air America was not the first attempt at leftist talk radio. It was just the largest. And every damned one of them failed

Except for the ones that didn't.

Okay bub - read the pages 16 and onward.

The discussion up to the quoted post is about Stations and Networks (not single programs). The examples cited were NPR, MSNBC of leftwing media. You mentioned "except for the ones that didn't".

What are the leftwing national radio stations which haven't failed (in a for profit model)?

(You tried a rhetorical trick of diverting the discussion to single programs - it's ineffective and transparently disingenuous.)
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Bullshit. You are mis-framing the argument.

Go back and read the thread. Examples were wanted of leftist talk radio. Examples given. That you can't seem to handle reality says a lot.

Examples were requested of successful leftwing radio stations.

Now you're just flat out lying. And like a fucking retard, you forget that here on message boards we can go back and actually look at what was asked:

Leftist talk radio does not mean leftist talk radio stations ijit.

You have been pwned righteously.

Now THAT is a specious argument. You now have to prove that

1) his audience knew about his perversion prior to the allegations


2) that they approved of his perversion.

We'll be waiting retard.

It may be specious - but it is funny to note in hindsight how stupid his followers were. His shrillly hyper left wing hatred alone should have turned off the decent ones among them.

Never turned off Rush fans. What the hell makes you think that liberals are any different?

The difference between liberals and conservatives:


White, black, brown, Asian, gay, straight, old, young, women, feminists, conservatives, liberals, educated, uneducated, southerners, northerners, Jews, Muslims, Christians, rich, poor, middle class

The difference between liberals and conservatives:


White, black, brown, Asian, gay, straight, old, young, women, feminists, conservatives, liberals, educated, uneducated, southerners, northerners, Jews, Muslims, Christians, rich, poor, middle class


That is one of the most disgustingly racist comments I have seen in quite awhile.

You are absolutely loathesome.
No, it's not wrong. Air America was not the first attempt at leftist talk radio. It was just the largest. And every damned one of them failed

Except for the ones that didn't.

Okay bub - read the pages 16 and onward.

The discussion up to the quoted post is about Stations and Networks (not single programs). The examples cited were NPR, MSNBC of leftwing media. You mentioned "except for the ones that didn't".

What are the leftwing national radio stations which haven't failed (in a for profit model)?

(You tried a rhetorical trick of diverting the discussion to single programs - it's ineffective and transparently disingenuous.)

Can't follow threads, huh?

I wasn't responding to Foxfyre's comments about MSNBC.

Again, examples were wanted of leftist talk radio. Examples given.

You're continued attempt to mis-frame the argument is kinda cute though, in a retarded, Rainman sorta way.
Examples were requested of successful leftwing radio stations.

Now you're just flat out lying. And like a fucking retard, you forget that here on message boards we can go back and actually look at what was asked:

Leftist talk radio does not mean leftist talk radio stations ijit.

You have been pwned righteously.

It may be specious - but it is funny to note in hindsight how stupid his followers were. His shrillly hyper left wing hatred alone should have turned off the decent ones among them.

Never turned off Rush fans. What the hell makes you think that liberals are any different?

The difference between liberals and conservatives:


White, black, brown, Asian, gay, straight, old, young, women, feminists, conservatives, liberals, educated, uneducated, southerners, northerners, Jews, Muslims, Christians, rich, poor, middle class


Must suck to be that stupid. Circular logic is circular!
Nope. You are dissembling in a pathetic attempt to deflect attention away from the fact that you have not been able to provide a list of Successful Nationwide Liberal Talk Radio Stations.
Nope. You are dissembling in a pathetic attempt to deflect attention away from the fact that you have not been able to provide a list of Successful Nationwide Liberal Talk Radio Stations.

I am going to edit my comment here. I get mad, and write things I later regret: not the factuality but the emotion. OK. RadiomanATL is correct. You attempted to misframe the comment, and he corrected you. He was right, you are wrong, based on the evidence. Now let's move on.
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Comparing a single program to Air America is specious.

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