Political leanings on the USMB Board

Al Gore's a friggin' fraud.

Preaching all his global warming BS while he flies around all over the place in his emmisions spewing private jet. And then to top it off, that Tipper nutjob drives a friggin' Escalade. And the sheep buy their bullshit hook, line, and sinker. It's beyond laughable.

What do you suggest he fly around in? A balloon?
Al Gore's a friggin' fraud.

Preaching all his global warming BS while he flies around all over the place in his emmisions spewing private jet. And then to top it off, that Tipper nutjob drives a friggin' Escalade. And the sheep buy their bullshit hook, line, and sinker. It's beyond laughable.

What do you suggest he fly around in? A balloon?

he could do more 'web conferences' or 'webcasts' on that internet thing he once mistakenly claimed to have invented.
:lol: Because the right doesn't have a stranglehold on radio? Or a foothold in television?

Let me guess, the left "controls the internet" too? :lol:

Air America failed because nobody wanted to listen to it. You could have supported it if it were important to you. NPR receives government handouts and has a very liberal editorial viewpoint. It's not the right's fault that the left can't run a viable business on the radio.

A foothold in television is just that "a foothold" - the majority of editorial content on TV is left leaning.

NPR has the second and third most listened to talk radio shows and is supported by members, corporations, foundations, and the will of the PEOPLE as expressed through their elected representatives.

It's also a myth, propogated by the wingnuts that NPR is way liberal...but what else would you expect from idiots who's main source of info comes from the likes of Beck and Limbaugh?
Lib's are just too damn funny!

"Oooooooh god, oooooh lordy lordy lordy. Fox news is daring to question the great messiah. Ooooooh god oh lordy lordy lordy!..How they dare they question the great one!....Ohhhhh god help me, lordy lordy lordy. Their not drinking the kool aid!...Oooooooh god, Ooooooh lordy lordy lordy. This just can't be!...OOOOOOOOOH THE HUUUUMMMMMAAAAAANIIIIITTTTYYYY!"


Lib's are entertaining, to say the least!
Air America failed because nobody wanted to listen to it. You could have supported it if it were important to you. NPR receives government handouts and has a very liberal editorial viewpoint. It's not the right's fault that the left can't run a viable business on the radio.

A foothold in television is just that "a foothold" - the majority of editorial content on TV is left leaning.

The internet, thank GAWD, is wide open territory. The low overhead of running a website makes it the most "democratic" form of media on the planet - anybody can post news stories and commentary. We should all hope it stays that way.

Air America failed because it didn't have the backing of a huge conglomerate capable of bringing it into every living room in America. It could only be heard on a few stations, and by the time they figured out that they needed the entertainment factor to keep it interesting, they'd lost their best people to more visible arenas.
Actually, Air America failed because only 21% of our citizens identify with their loony agenda. Advertisers weren't going to pony up to reach such a small fan base. After all, biznezz is biznezz!

Is that 21% some poll released just recently? Did it involve a poll ONLY of Air America? I don't mind people posting polling information, just don't try to make it up.

RealClearPolitics - RealClearPolitics Poll Averages
It would seem that of late, the population of this board has taken a rather pronounced turn to the right.

New members have typically been right-wing oriented, and the posts have taken a decidedly right-wing talking point direction, including much in the way of repetitive spam.

It seems that many of my fellow posters on the left-hand side of things, have found this unpalatable and are posting less and less..

It would be unfortunate to see USMB turn into a right-wing echo chamber, ala Townhall.com.

Perhaps folks on both sides might want to talk about this issue and express their political leanings to see if my assertion has any validity whatsoever.

I, myself, am a leftie.

Really. Why is it that the lefties that permeate this board always have that same, lame accusation?

This board leans neither way, nor will I allow it to. Everybody gets to say what they want and only the retards get squashed.


so....when can I go squash a few retards? :eusa_pray:
Gunny, the postings, not the board, lean to the right these days. That's OK because you keep even the reactionary loons in line. That's good.
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Al Gore's a friggin' fraud.

Preaching all his global warming BS while he flies around all over the place in his emmisions spewing private jet. And then to top it off, that Tipper nutjob drives a friggin' Escalade. And the sheep buy their bullshit hook, line, and sinker. It's beyond laughable.

What do you suggest he fly around in? A balloon?

he could do more 'web conferences' or 'webcasts' on that internet thing he once mistakenly claimed to have invented.

He's making money by speaking engagements. Capitalism, you know. Don't get me wrong, folks. I was never a huge fan of Al Gore and knew he was doomed as soon as he picked Liberman as his running mate. Snooze and snoozier.
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A conservative throwing private charities/donations under the bus. You don't see that every day.

I'm not disavowing the validity of charities - just pointing out that NPR is a charity case which is not self-sufficient without hand outs. That says a lot about its programming and its inability to support a proper business model.

No. It says nothing about it's "inability to support a proper business model". It was never intended to - that is the meaning of "public" - and that frees it from many of the more obnoxious attributes of private media. It receives donations from a number of sources including private corporations and individuals and it manages to maintain quality programming that is very well rated and has a high viewership. If that is what it takes to get quality program then I'm all for that model.
Lib's are just too damn funny!

"Oooooooh god, oooooh lordy lordy lordy. Fox news is daring to question the great messiah. Ooooooh god oh lordy lordy lordy!..How they dare they question the great one!....Ohhhhh god help me, lordy lordy lordy. Their not drinking the kool aid!...Oooooooh god, Ooooooh lordy lordy lordy. This just can't be!...OOOOOOOOOH THE HUUUUMMMMMAAAAAANIIIIITTTTYYYY!"


Lib's are entertaining, to say the least!

Good grief. How did you ever manage to own and run a successful business with an attitude that's either filled with extreme bias or childish hissy fits?
It would seem that of late, the population of this board has taken a rather pronounced turn to the right.

New members have typically been right-wing oriented, and the posts have taken a decidedly right-wing talking point direction, including much in the way of repetitive spam.

It seems that many of my fellow posters on the left-hand side of things, have found this unpalatable and are posting less and less..

It would be unfortunate to see USMB turn into a right-wing echo chamber, ala Townhall.com.

Perhaps folks on both sides might want to talk about this issue and express their political leanings to see if my assertion has any validity whatsoever.

I, myself, am a leftie.

Really. Why is it that the lefties that permeate this board always have that same, lame accusation?

This board leans neither way, nor will I allow it to. Everybody gets to say what they want and only the retards get squashed.


so....when can I go squash a few retards? :eusa_pray:

Don't even bother. Eventually you'll get sick of the stalking since they insist on the last word.
Why are you so hostile?? Why can't you righties treat people the way you want to be treated?? You are the ones that always start shit. Always. Nobody said anything to you that would make you respond like that. Grow up.

Reread the OP and think about it.

Thank you.

I don't get it, I'm sorry. Can you please just explain it??
Lib's are just too damn funny!

"Oooooooh god, oooooh lordy lordy lordy. Fox news is daring to question the great messiah. Ooooooh god oh lordy lordy lordy!..How they dare they question the great one!....Ohhhhh god help me, lordy lordy lordy. Their not drinking the kool aid!...Oooooooh god, Ooooooh lordy lordy lordy. This just can't be!...OOOOOOOOOH THE HUUUUMMMMMAAAAAANIIIIITTTTYYYY!"


Lib's are entertaining, to say the least!

Good grief. How did you ever manage to own and run a successful business with an attitude that's either filled with extreme bias or childish hissy fits?

...depends on the business...

Really. Why is it that the lefties that permeate this board always have that same, lame accusation?

This board leans neither way, nor will I allow it to. Everybody gets to say what they want and only the retards get squashed.


so....when can I go squash a few retards? :eusa_pray:

Don't even bother. Eventually you'll get sick of the stalking since they insist on the last word.

Ah....but you can have so much fun in the stalking...and poking and prodding and then munching popcorn when they explode...

of course....there's always the mess afterwards to clean up but, hell...that's what Hazmat is for :eusa_angel:
Lib's are just too damn funny!

"Oooooooh god, oooooh lordy lordy lordy. Fox news is daring to question the great messiah. Ooooooh god oh lordy lordy lordy!..How they dare they question the great one!....Ohhhhh god help me, lordy lordy lordy. Their not drinking the kool aid!...Oooooooh god, Ooooooh lordy lordy lordy. This just can't be!...OOOOOOOOOH THE HUUUUMMMMMAAAAAANIIIIITTTTYYYY!"


Lib's are entertaining, to say the least!

Good grief. How did you ever manage to own and run a successful business with an attitude that's either filled with extreme bias or childish hissy fits?
Extreme talent, smarts, and business savvy, sweetheart!
Oh, really?

You all relegated this to "Conspiracy Theory"?


Is there some kind of "community discussion" meta-category? If not, there should be.

I mean, this isn't really a conspiracy theory, just some general commentary on everyday board life.
Oh, really?

You all relegated this to "Conspiracy Theory"?


Is there some kind of "community discussion" meta-category? If not, there should be.

I mean, this isn't really a conspiracy theory, just some general commentary on everyday board life.
Vast, these mod's and administrators aren't the brightest lights on the ol' christmas tree. In case you haven't noticed yet.:razz:
Oh, really?

You all relegated this to "Conspiracy Theory"?


Is there some kind of "community discussion" meta-category? If not, there should be.

I mean, this isn't really a conspiracy theory, just some general commentary on everyday board life.
Vast, these mod's and administrators aren't the brightest lights on the ol' christmas tree. In case you haven't noticed yet.:razz:

gee, i might cry.
When does a discussion on a topic as obvious as the nose on one's face become conspiracy? Well two faces if we are contrasting positions.

I noticed no one responded to my child analogy, and I thought maybe it was too simple but then I thought.... lol

Anyway, this is excellent and I may post more prominently at another time.

liberals v conservative
Jonathan Haidt on the moral roots of liberals and conservatives | Video on TED.com

A show of hands?
When does a discussion on a topic as obvious as the nose on one's face become conspiracy? Well two faces if we are contrasting positions.

I noticed no one responded to my child analogy, and I thought maybe it was too simple but then I thought.... lol

Anyway, this is excellent and I may post more prominently at another time.

liberals v conservative
Jonathan Haidt on the moral roots of liberals and conservatives | Video on TED.com

A show of hands?

By all means, Conservatives do watch this video; see yourself stereotyped by the very open minded professor, Jonathon Haidt. Do you fit the stereotype as he outlines YOU?
(Notice the count of the raised hands in his audience; check out the maps he has displayed)
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