Politically Activist Oberlin College Gets HAMMERED


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Too bad they couldn't be thrown in prison for the Nazi-esque garbage they're pulling.

No matter which side you vote for, if you don't condemn what Oberlin College (Lena Dunham's Alma Mater) did to those folks, you are not an American and you don't deserve the privilege of living in this Country.

I am not kidding.

And this isn't the only case. Hardly. It's going on all over the Country, which is why the Damages were so high.

Learn to code, bitches --

Oberlin College hit with maximum PUNITIVE DAMAGES (capped at $22 million by law) in Gibson's Bakery case

The jury just rendered its verdict on punitive damages in the Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College case.

Daniel McGraw, our reporter in the courtroom, reports that in addition to the $11.2 million compensatory damages awarded last Friday, the jury awarded a total of $33 million in punitive damages, which will probably be reduced by the court to $22 million because of the state law cap at twice compensatory (it’s not an absolute cap, but probably will apply here). That brings the total damages to $33 million. We will have the breakdown soon. The jury also awarded attorney’s fees, to be determined by the judge.

The breakdown was:

David Gibson – $17.5 million punitive damages

Allyn W. Gibson — $8.75 million punitive damages

Gibson Bros. Inc. (the Bakery) – $6,973,500 punitive damages.

Here's the dangerous duo that brave Oberlin was going after....


dimocraps are ____
Oberlin says this award will hurt students. Good. They should be hurt. Fire the activist professors and use their salaries to pay the judgement.
Too bad they couldn't be thrown in prison for the Nazi-esque garbage they're pulling.

No matter which side you vote for, if you don't condemn what Oberlin College (Lena Dunham's Alma Mater) did to those folks, you are not an American and you don't deserve the privilege of living in this Country.

I am not kidding.

And this isn't the only case. Hardly. It's going on all over the Country, which is why the Damages were so high.

Learn to code, bitches --

Oberlin College hit with maximum PUNITIVE DAMAGES (capped at $22 million by law) in Gibson's Bakery case

The jury just rendered its verdict on punitive damages in the Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College case.

Daniel McGraw, our reporter in the courtroom, reports that in addition to the $11.2 million compensatory damages awarded last Friday, the jury awarded a total of $33 million in punitive damages, which will probably be reduced by the court to $22 million because of the state law cap at twice compensatory (it’s not an absolute cap, but probably will apply here). That brings the total damages to $33 million. We will have the breakdown soon. The jury also awarded attorney’s fees, to be determined by the judge.

The breakdown was:

David Gibson – $17.5 million punitive damages

Allyn W. Gibson — $8.75 million punitive damages

Gibson Bros. Inc. (the Bakery) – $6,973,500 punitive damages.

Here's the dangerous duo that brave Oberlin was going after....


dimocraps are ____

Little Mao Zedong (the Oberlin College Intelligentsia) learned themselves a costly life lesson. I wonder if they'll pay out and double down or retreat into their postmodernist enclave and think more carefully the next time before deploying their mob.
Oberlin says this award will hurt students. Good. They should be hurt. Fire the activist professors and use their salaries to pay the judgement.

Normally I would have sympathy for that. However they were trying to close down this generations old business, and it didn't bother them the least.

It's a real shame. Oberlin is a very nice country setting community; not a liberal setting at all. Kind of reminds you of Mayberry. Goes to show you that liberals can ruin anyplace they pollute.
Oberlin says this award will hurt students. Good. They should be hurt. Fire the activist professors and use their salaries to pay the judgement.
America loathes the actions of Oberlin and their victimization of the innocent and their weaponization of their privilege.


The lawsuit against Oberlin by a local store, Gibson’s, that was defamed by the college and its Dean of Students. Student protesters, accompanied by the Dean, handed out leaflets accusing Gibson’s of being “racist” because the store’s employees caught an African-American Oberlin student shoplifting a bottle of wine. Does that make sense to you? It didn’t make sense to the jury, either.

The jury found Oberlin liable and assessed $11.2 million in compensatory damages. The jury then heard additional evidence–including an email from Oberlin to its alumni criticizing the jury verdict–in a second phase, to determine whether the college should be held liable for punitive damages. Today the jury returned its verdict, assessing another $22 million against Oberlin, roughly the maximum amount allowed by law. The jury also assessed the Gibsons’ attorneys fees against Oberlin.

The main significance of the jury’s verdict is that it shows how normal people react when they are exposed to today’s campus leftism. You cannot sell to a normal person the idea that it is “racism” for a store to catch a student stealing a bottle of wine, and call the police, merely on account of the student’s skin color. Social justice warrior culture is insane, and is properly judged as such by normal people, who–luckily for them–tend not to encounter it often. The jury’s reaction to the demonization of Gibson’s bakery is, I think, a good indication of how most Americans will respond if, and when, they realize how depraved the Left has become.

Oberlin argued at trial that it isn’t libel because its students, not the college, were to blame for harming Gibson’s. Then, at the damages phase, Oberlin argued that the college shouldn’t be slammed with a big damages assessment because that outcome would harm its students.

I suspect the jury wanted to punish both the college and its students.
Our local news is reporting the total damage the college is liable for is 44 million.

Oberlin College owes family-owned bakery more than $44 million
The Jury did return a punitive damage verdict of $33M and with the original $11M that totals $44M, but, OH law caps Punitive at double the original judgement, so cut the $33M to $22M bringing the total to $33M which their insurance carrier says their policy does not cover.

Privileged Oberlin College pleads poverty to jury deciding on punitive damages

Yesterday saw the president (salary: over half a million dollars) of Oberlin College (with an endowment of $887.4 million) plead poverty to a jury in Lorrain County, Ohio (median household income: $54,932) urging them not to add punitive damages of up to $22 million to the $11 million already awarded to Gibson's Bakery.

Gibson's lawyers spent considerable time going over Oberlin College's IRS Form 990, showing over $1 billion in assets and numerous employees earning over $100,000, They also got the Vice President and General Counsel of the college to admit to some of the content of the blast email she sent out soon after the compensatory verdict, including that she felt the jury disregarded the "clear evidence," though they were not permitted to show the jury the letter itself under a prior court ruling.​

For about four hours, it felt like a divorce court proceeding where one of the spouses was claiming they had no assets to divide. Even though they had a Rolls Royce car in the garage and a nice yacht at the marina.​
Too bad they couldn't be thrown in prison for the Nazi-esque garbage they're pulling.

No matter which side you vote for, if you don't condemn what Oberlin College (Lena Dunham's Alma Mater) did to those folks, you are not an American and you don't deserve the privilege of living in this Country.

I am not kidding.

And this isn't the only case. Hardly. It's going on all over the Country, which is why the Damages were so high.

Learn to code, bitches --

Oberlin College hit with maximum PUNITIVE DAMAGES (capped at $22 million by law) in Gibson's Bakery case

The jury just rendered its verdict on punitive damages in the Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College case.

Daniel McGraw, our reporter in the courtroom, reports that in addition to the $11.2 million compensatory damages awarded last Friday, the jury awarded a total of $33 million in punitive damages, which will probably be reduced by the court to $22 million because of the state law cap at twice compensatory (it’s not an absolute cap, but probably will apply here). That brings the total damages to $33 million. We will have the breakdown soon. The jury also awarded attorney’s fees, to be determined by the judge.

The breakdown was:

David Gibson – $17.5 million punitive damages

Allyn W. Gibson — $8.75 million punitive damages

Gibson Bros. Inc. (the Bakery) – $6,973,500 punitive damages.

Here's the dangerous duo that brave Oberlin was going after....


dimocraps are ____

People hate this garbage. Hate the elite Leftie mobs going after good, honest hardworking Americans because snowflakery.

GOOD--Oberlin deserves it. HALT YOUR HOUND MOBS you vicious Leftists. Or maybe you're next. :)
Too bad they couldn't be thrown in prison for the Nazi-esque garbage they're pulling.

No matter which side you vote for, if you don't condemn what Oberlin College (Lena Dunham's Alma Mater) did to those folks, you are not an American and you don't deserve the privilege of living in this Country.

I am not kidding.

And this isn't the only case. Hardly. It's going on all over the Country, which is why the Damages were so high.

Learn to code, bitches --

Oberlin College hit with maximum PUNITIVE DAMAGES (capped at $22 million by law) in Gibson's Bakery case

The jury just rendered its verdict on punitive damages in the Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College case.

Daniel McGraw, our reporter in the courtroom, reports that in addition to the $11.2 million compensatory damages awarded last Friday, the jury awarded a total of $33 million in punitive damages, which will probably be reduced by the court to $22 million because of the state law cap at twice compensatory (it’s not an absolute cap, but probably will apply here). That brings the total damages to $33 million. We will have the breakdown soon. The jury also awarded attorney’s fees, to be determined by the judge.

The breakdown was:

David Gibson – $17.5 million punitive damages

Allyn W. Gibson — $8.75 million punitive damages

Gibson Bros. Inc. (the Bakery) – $6,973,500 punitive damages.

Here's the dangerous duo that brave Oberlin was going after....


dimocraps are ____
thats the father and son who had to wrestle with the thieving ****** ?

uh boy

good for them , ENJOY all that fuck you lefttards money
This is typical Fascist Progressive (Democrat) behavior. They just got caught this time and made to pay which is rare. The Left hates anything in which they disagree then LIE and call it racist, sexist or homophobic in order to punish, and get their jollies.
This is typical Fascist Progressive (Democrat) behavior. They just got caught this time and made to pay which is rare. The Left hates anything in which they disagree then LIE and call it racist, sexist or homophobic in order to punish, and get their jollies.

I understand that. It's what liberals are all about. But the scariest thing is how many of these kids they brainwashed into believing it. They are either all brainwashed morons or like typical of the left, never read exactly what happened and just joined the clown circus in calling the actions of the business owner racist.

Too bad they couldn't be thrown in prison for the Nazi-esque garbage they're pulling.

No matter which side you vote for, if you don't condemn what Oberlin College (Lena Dunham's Alma Mater) did to those folks, you are not an American and you don't deserve the privilege of living in this Country.

I am not kidding.

And this isn't the only case. Hardly. It's going on all over the Country, which is why the Damages were so high.

Learn to code, bitches --

Oberlin College hit with maximum PUNITIVE DAMAGES (capped at $22 million by law) in Gibson's Bakery case

The jury just rendered its verdict on punitive damages in the Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College case.

Daniel McGraw, our reporter in the courtroom, reports that in addition to the $11.2 million compensatory damages awarded last Friday, the jury awarded a total of $33 million in punitive damages, which will probably be reduced by the court to $22 million because of the state law cap at twice compensatory (it’s not an absolute cap, but probably will apply here). That brings the total damages to $33 million. We will have the breakdown soon. The jury also awarded attorney’s fees, to be determined by the judge.

The breakdown was:

David Gibson – $17.5 million punitive damages

Allyn W. Gibson — $8.75 million punitive damages

Gibson Bros. Inc. (the Bakery) – $6,973,500 punitive damages.

Here's the dangerous duo that brave Oberlin was going after....


dimocraps are ____

Little Mao Zedong (the Oberlin College Intelligentsia) learned themselves a costly life lesson. I wonder if they'll pay out and double down or retreat into their postmodernist enclave and think more carefully the next time before deploying their mob.
Short answer: No, they won’t.


Dean Raimondo at the trial

Check out the dean of students (and also assistant to the president for equity, diversity, and inclusion!) Meredith Raimondo, who was near the center of the Gibson’s Bakery case for collaborating with students to harass Gibson’s Bakery.

Raimondo came to the deanship from Oberlin’s department of “Comparative American Studies,” which, Oberlin’s website informs us, was “newly formed” around 2003. I’ll bet it was “newly formed.” That ought to be the first red flag. What is comparative American studies? I suspect at Oberlin it means comparing the United States to Nazi Germany and finding the U.S. coming out the worse. Here’s part of the description from the department’s website:

The department invites students to consider the relationship of different communities to both the nation-state and to each other, ranging from issues of settler colonialism and empire building to social justice movements. Courses investigate power and agency through analysis of intersecting structures of race, gender, class, sexuality, ability and citizenship.​

Here’s a list of four “sample courses” from the department’s website:


I tried to see if I could find any syllabi from Raimondo’s courses online, but had no luck. Her Oberlin bio merely states, “She has taught courses spanning the themes of gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity studies, social justice, and HIV/AIDS.”

According to a 2016 report in The Tower, Raimondo appears to traffic in the anti-Semitism fashionable at places like Oberlin these days:

According to several online syllabi, Raimondo’s classes feature readings from academics including Joseph Massad, Lisa Duggan, Judith Butler, and Jasbir Puar. As Andrew Pessin indicated in The Algemeiner, all of these academics have previously been accused of espousing views that are intolerant of Israel and Jews. . .

The syllabus [note: this link is dead] for Raimondo’s 2013 seminar on “Transnational Sexualities” included a paper by Puar titled “Citation and Censorship: The Politics of Talking About the Sexual Politics of Israel.” Puar’s piece, which she presented at a German university in 2010, calls Israel a “not only racist, but also, apartheid state,” and features critiques of what she calls Israel’s practice of “pinkwashing,” its ostensible efforts to distract from “its repressive actions toward Palestine” by emphasizing its progressive policies towards LGBTQ individuals. The paper concludes with a reflection on “the ways in which accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ function in academic and activist contexts to suppress critiques of the implicit nationalism within Israeli sexual politics.”

But wait! There’s more!

As co-chairwoman of a task force charged with revamping Oberlin’s Sexual Offense Resource Guide, Raimondo helped draft an extensive, non-mandatory policy in 2014 that called on faculty use trigger warnings in their lessons.

“Anything could be a trigger—a smell, song, scene, phrase, place, person, and so on,” the guide read. “Triggers are not only relevant to sexual misconduct, but also to anything that might cause trauma. Be aware of racism, classism, sexism, heterosexism, cissexism, ableism and other issues of privilege and oppression.” It also instructed professors to “Remove triggering material when it does not contribute directly to the course learning goals.”​

As long as this kind of ideological pedagogy permeates the Oberlin curriculum, they won’t learn a thing. Make them pay every penny of the punitive damages. Then set up a table selling donuts just off campus.


Will Oberlin Learn Its Lesson?
Too bad they couldn't be thrown in prison for the Nazi-esque garbage they're pulling.

No matter which side you vote for, if you don't condemn what Oberlin College (Lena Dunham's Alma Mater) did to those folks, you are not an American and you don't deserve the privilege of living in this Country.

I am not kidding.

And this isn't the only case. Hardly. It's going on all over the Country, which is why the Damages were so high.

Learn to code, bitches --

Oberlin College hit with maximum PUNITIVE DAMAGES (capped at $22 million by law) in Gibson's Bakery case

The jury just rendered its verdict on punitive damages in the Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College case.

Daniel McGraw, our reporter in the courtroom, reports that in addition to the $11.2 million compensatory damages awarded last Friday, the jury awarded a total of $33 million in punitive damages, which will probably be reduced by the court to $22 million because of the state law cap at twice compensatory (it’s not an absolute cap, but probably will apply here). That brings the total damages to $33 million. We will have the breakdown soon. The jury also awarded attorney’s fees, to be determined by the judge.

The breakdown was:

David Gibson – $17.5 million punitive damages

Allyn W. Gibson — $8.75 million punitive damages

Gibson Bros. Inc. (the Bakery) – $6,973,500 punitive damages.

Here's the dangerous duo that brave Oberlin was going after....


dimocraps are ____

Little Mao Zedong (the Oberlin College Intelligentsia) learned themselves a costly life lesson. I wonder if they'll pay out and double down or retreat into their postmodernist enclave and think more carefully the next time before deploying their mob.
Short answer: No, they won’t.


Dean Raimondo at the trial

Check out the dean of students (and also assistant to the president for equity, diversity, and inclusion!) Meredith Raimondo, who was near the center of the Gibson’s Bakery case for collaborating with students to harass Gibson’s Bakery.

Raimondo came to the deanship from Oberlin’s department of “Comparative American Studies,” which, Oberlin’s website informs us, was “newly formed” around 2003. I’ll bet it was “newly formed.” That ought to be the first red flag. What is comparative American studies? I suspect at Oberlin it means comparing the United States to Nazi Germany and finding the U.S. coming out the worse. Here’s part of the description from the department’s website:

The department invites students to consider the relationship of different communities to both the nation-state and to each other, ranging from issues of settler colonialism and empire building to social justice movements. Courses investigate power and agency through analysis of intersecting structures of race, gender, class, sexuality, ability and citizenship.​

Here’s a list of four “sample courses” from the department’s website:


I tried to see if I could find any syllabi from Raimondo’s courses online, but had no luck. Her Oberlin bio merely states, “She has taught courses spanning the themes of gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity studies, social justice, and HIV/AIDS.”

According to a 2016 report in The Tower, Raimondo appears to traffic in the anti-Semitism fashionable at places like Oberlin these days:

According to several online syllabi, Raimondo’s classes feature readings from academics including Joseph Massad, Lisa Duggan, Judith Butler, and Jasbir Puar. As Andrew Pessin indicated in The Algemeiner, all of these academics have previously been accused of espousing views that are intolerant of Israel and Jews. . .

The syllabus [note: this link is dead] for Raimondo’s 2013 seminar on “Transnational Sexualities” included a paper by Puar titled “Citation and Censorship: The Politics of Talking About the Sexual Politics of Israel.” Puar’s piece, which she presented at a German university in 2010, calls Israel a “not only racist, but also, apartheid state,” and features critiques of what she calls Israel’s practice of “pinkwashing,” its ostensible efforts to distract from “its repressive actions toward Palestine” by emphasizing its progressive policies towards LGBTQ individuals. The paper concludes with a reflection on “the ways in which accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ function in academic and activist contexts to suppress critiques of the implicit nationalism within Israeli sexual politics.”

But wait! There’s more!

As co-chairwoman of a task force charged with revamping Oberlin’s Sexual Offense Resource Guide, Raimondo helped draft an extensive, non-mandatory policy in 2014 that called on faculty use trigger warnings in their lessons.

“Anything could be a trigger—a smell, song, scene, phrase, place, person, and so on,” the guide read. “Triggers are not only relevant to sexual misconduct, but also to anything that might cause trauma. Be aware of racism, classism, sexism, heterosexism, cissexism, ableism and other issues of privilege and oppression.” It also instructed professors to “Remove triggering material when it does not contribute directly to the course learning goals.”​

As long as this kind of ideological pedagogy permeates the Oberlin curriculum, they won’t learn a thing. Make them pay every penny of the punitive damages. Then set up a table selling donuts just off campus.


Will Oberlin Learn Its Lesson?

Excellent. I found this as well. It seems these folks go so far down the rabbit hole of Social Justice they lose sight of...everything. Real justice, for example. Common sense. Everything.

Politics major Thobeka Mnisi ’18 favors the selection of Raimondo as vice president and dean of students. “I strongly support the appointment of Dean Raimondo. For me, this past semester made apparent the need for brave leadership at Oberlin College. In my working with her, Dean Raimondo has demonstrated this bravery by constantly recognizing ways in which Oberlin can improve, rather than conveniently presenting a facade of greatness that isn't always true. She doesn't defend policies when they fail students, and her commitment to transparency is very refreshing.

"I think the Dean of Students has to be deeply committed to the pursuance of social justice even when it is inconvenient, speak truth even when it is risky, and always consider the concerns of students with patience and true openness. Dean Raimondo will be able to guide the student body well, because she embodies these characteristics,” says Mnisi.

Meredith Raimondo Appointed VP and Dean of Students | Oberlin College and Conservatory
The state of these colleges is an absolute disgrace. Public funds, loan guarantees and all licenses should be withdrawn from every college that is no 100% dedicated to the mission of useful education and actual research that benefits America. The ones providing gender studies degrees should be closed as public fraud.


^^ For this college, it should be a long time before they could open their doors again.
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