Politically correct 'Christmas'in Norway.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Followers of a pedophile 'prophet' ( and owner more as twenty wifes ) have not a better time for preaching of Jihad and Hate to Christians as Christmas. Guess what would be happen to Christians if they dared to preach somewhere on the main street in capital of any Muslim country while Ramadan. You betcha you will live not longer as two minutes.

bullshit. muslims are open minded and appreciate different culture
Followers of a pedophile 'prophet' ( and owner more as twenty wifes ) have not a better time for preaching of Jihad and Hate to Christians as Christmas. Guess what would be happen to Christians if they dared to preach somewhere on the main street in capital of any Muslim country while Ramadan. You betcha you will live not longer as two minutes.

Thats horrible.
Followers of a pedophile 'prophet' ( and owner more as twenty wifes ) have not a better time for preaching of Jihad and Hate to Christians as Christmas. Guess what would be happen to Christians if they dared to preach somewhere on the main street in capital of any Muslim country while Ramadan. You betcha you will live not longer as two minutes.

people will begin to react----a few dozen enthusiastic carolers could drown
him out------LEGALLY and PLEASANTLY
Followers of a pedophile 'prophet' ( and owner more as twenty wifes ) have not a better time for preaching of Jihad and Hate to Christians as Christmas. Guess what would be happen to Christians if they dared to preach somewhere on the main street in capital of any Muslim country while Ramadan. You betcha you will live not longer as two minutes.

Mr. Lucy is from Norway, Norway is still actually quite normal ditto Denmark, it's Sweden that's the total lunatic asylum.

That Muslim preaching....well we're in Norway for New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, so they better not start that banshee screeching whilst we're there....Mr. Lucy is 6'4" and a Good Nordic male ie. a real man, not a Metrosexual.
The thing I like about Christmas is that it really is peaceful. Christmas morning on the road is great. So quiet.

what boors would desecrate that?
Reminds me of the baptist street corner preachers, yelling scripture,,in OKC.....

But baptists are our guys and wish us only good things. The guys who came now from the Muslim countries desire only our defeat and annihilation.
Look who is coming, a reenacting scene in a typical German 'refuge' shelter.

The guy who filmed is proud on it.


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