Politico: Hillary Clinton mocks GOP concerns about her email habits

“Benghazi was a tragedy where four Americans died… but let’s be clear: Seven exhaustive investigations… have already debunked all of the conspiracy theories,” she said. “It’s not about email servers either. It’s about politics.”


It's about republicans having no viable candidate thus far.

It's about the unwarranted attacks by republicans backfiring, encouraging democrats to close ranks and remain united.

And it's about EC math, the Blue Wall, and republicans aware of the fact that in order for them to win the WH, a significant number of democrats must abandon the democratic nominee – perceived by the right to be HRC – and vote for the republican nominee, something at this point highly unlikely to happen.

Nope. It's about incredibly poor judgment by Hillary Clinton. This situation is 100% her fault and responsibility. She created the problem when she decided to circumvent the Government and use her own rogue server in defiance of Federal rules.

But the Clinton's never take responsibility.....it's always someone else's fault. :(

You moon-bats can spin this crap all you want. The vast majority of Americans in polls feel Hillary should be criminally investigated and also feel she is a stone cold liar.

Her continuing to lie only makes her look worse.
your post is Chock Full of fabrications perpetrated by the right wing media...

guess you forgot the previous Secretary of State Colin Powell used his own private server for gvt emails.... what she did was not, in any way, out of the norm... emails were not for classified use....but unclassified use and neither Powell or Hillary, broke the law or rules and regs, at the time they both used their own private servers for their gvt emails....

you are buying in to the Spin and not the FACTS in my opinion....that's Politics, I suppose....so, carry on my wayward son! ;)
So, what did she use for Top Secret memos? Two tin cans and a string?
And this is yet another unsubstantiated, unwarranted, idiotic partisan lie, devoid of fact or merit.

There were no 'top secret' memos; no 'classified' information was sent using private email.

Obviously you and others on the right are clueless as to how ridiculous you are, repeating these same lies as if they were 'true,' all in a reprehensible effort to undermine the candidacy of an opponent you know you can't defeat during the General Election.
Answer my post. If you can.
Still haven't forgotten about the White Water scandal. She's a heartless bitch with no feelings, she's a fraud of the media in my opinion,

Of course you haven't. That's one of the main reasons right wingers are known to be mentally deficient. There has been a long list of outrageous accusations, White Water was just one of the first, that was repeatedly proven to be false. The right never accepts facts, so they keep piling up all those false claims in hopes that they might mean more together than they did individually. At this point, the right is nothing more than the little boy that cried wolf. No sane person will bother to even consider the validity of any right wing claims. You should be embarrassed.

People were defrauded in White Water, did the right make that all up? Hillary couldn't remember then like she can't now. I don't believe her.

you want the link to the exerp below?

According to the billing records, most of Hillary Clinton's hours on the Madison account involved not the securities issue but a development in the swampland south of Little Rock that James McDougal pursued during a period from the fall of 1985 to the summer of 1986. His associate in that effort was Seth Ward, a cantankerous, semiretired businessman, who worked as a consultant to McDougal and helped him purchase the property. Ward also was the father-in-law of Webster L. Hubbell, Hillary Clinton's partner and friend at the Rose Law Firm. The land enterprise was on a 1,050-acre tract where McDougal envisioned developing a microbrewery and a trailer park, among other things. It was commonly known as Castle Grande.

Before the billing records were discovered, the first lady, when questioned by two separate federal agencies, said she was not involved in anything called Castle Grande.

"I don't believe I knew anything about any of these real estate parcels and projects. . . . " she said in an RTC interrogatory in May 1995 when asked about several of McDougal's projects, including Castle Grande.

When the billing records revealed that she charged Madison for about 30 hours of time on work involving Ward and issues related to the development in a four-month period between late 1985 and early 1986, she and her lawyers attributed it to a semantic confusion. She knew the development as IDC, they said, because that is how it was referred to in internal Rose records and by other Rose lawyers.
Still haven't forgotten about the White Water scandal. She's a heartless bitch with no feelings, she's a fraud of the media in my opinion,

Of course you haven't. That's one of the main reasons right wingers are known to be mentally deficient. There has been a long list of outrageous accusations, White Water was just one of the first, that was repeatedly proven to be false. The right never accepts facts, so they keep piling up all those false claims in hopes that they might mean more together than they did individually. At this point, the right is nothing more than the little boy that cried wolf. No sane person will bother to even consider the validity of any right wing claims. You should be embarrassed.

People were defrauded in White Water, did the right make that all up? Hillary couldn't remember then like she can't now. I don't believe her.

you want the link to the exerp below?

According to the billing records, most of Hillary Clinton's hours on the Madison account involved not the securities issue but a development in the swampland south of Little Rock that James McDougal pursued during a period from the fall of 1985 to the summer of 1986. His associate in that effort was Seth Ward, a cantankerous, semiretired businessman, who worked as a consultant to McDougal and helped him purchase the property. Ward also was the father-in-law of Webster L. Hubbell, Hillary Clinton's partner and friend at the Rose Law Firm. The land enterprise was on a 1,050-acre tract where McDougal envisioned developing a microbrewery and a trailer park, among other things. It was commonly known as Castle Grande.

Before the billing records were discovered, the first lady, when questioned by two separate federal agencies, said she was not involved in anything called Castle Grande.

"I don't believe I knew anything about any of these real estate parcels and projects. . . . " she said in an RTC interrogatory in May 1995 when asked about several of McDougal's projects, including Castle Grande.

When the billing records revealed that she charged Madison for about 30 hours of time on work involving Ward and issues related to the development in a four-month period between late 1985 and early 1986, she and her lawyers attributed it to a semantic confusion. She knew the development as IDC, they said, because that is how it was referred to in internal Rose records and by other Rose lawyers.

BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT that was all investigated decades ago, and she did nothing wrong. Bringing all those silly accusations up again marks you as a colossal fool for still believing that crap, or a colossal liar for presenting such stupid discredited claims again. In your case I would go with both. Another example of the right's lack of intelligence and integrity.
she wiped everything clean
had someone wipe it again
then hired someone to wipe some more
and then handed over her servers, months after being asked for them

yea, nothing out of the ordinary there.

this is why the left will destroy the country, they clearly support someone that clearly did something wrong, got caught and clearly did everything she could to cover it up.

The left cares so little that the murder of 4 Americans is now a punch line to them.

fucking callous.
:cuckoo: Hillary could not "wipe her email server hard drive." It was a "cloud based virtual server" rented space on a hard drive at a server farm she never knew the location of & did not have access to.

:cuckoo: Hillary also could not permanently erase emails on it. Those server farms routinely back everything up.

:cuckoo: You still believe had this server hidden in her basement! :lol:
did hillary deleted emails - Google Search

No - Email can't be deleted by one party. It exist on 5 to 7 computers mostly in the possession of others. If people at 5 different entities conspire to erase an email they might get it done, but this would have to happen with different conspirators at different companies for every different email sender or receiver & different computer, device, network, server & provider used. It is impossible for Hillary to get that done.

"Platte River Networks, a Denver-based company that has managed Clinton's private e-mail since 2013, said in a phone interview Thursday that the server turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation “is blank and does not contain any useful data.” But Wells added that the data on Clinton's server was migrated to another server that still exists. She ended the interview when questioned further, declining to say whether the data still exists on that other server and who has possession of it"
and that's not suspicious to you
she wiped everything clean
had someone wipe it again
then hired someone to wipe some more
and then handed over her servers, months after being asked for them

yea, nothing out of the ordinary there.

this is why the left will destroy the country, they clearly support someone that clearly did something wrong, got caught and clearly did everything she could to cover it up.

The left cares so little that the murder of 4 Americans is now a punch line to them.

fucking callous.
:cuckoo: Hillary could not "wipe her email server hard drive." It was a "cloud based virtual server" rented space on a hard drive at a server farm she never knew the location of & did not have access to.

:cuckoo: Hillary also could not permanently erase emails on it. Those server farms routinely back everything up.

:cuckoo: You still believe had this server hidden in her basement! :lol:
did hillary deleted emails - Google Search

No - Email can't be deleted by one party. It exist on 5 to 7 computers mostly in the possession of others. If people at 5 different entities conspire to erase an email they might get it done, but this would have to happen with different conspirators at different companies for every different email sender or receiver & different computer, device, network, server & provider used. It is impossible for Hillary to get that done.

"Platte River Networks, a Denver-based company that has managed Clinton's private e-mail since 2013, said in a phone interview Thursday that the server turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation “is blank and does not contain any useful data.” But Wells added that the data on Clinton's server was migrated to another server that still exists. She ended the interview when questioned further, declining to say whether the data still exists on that other server and who has possession of it"
and that's not suspicious to you

No, not suspicious.

When Hillary transferred servers it erased that one. That dose not mean it was "professionally wiped" as idiots claim. The drive hard drive directory was instructed those sectors are now blank & can be reused. The data is still there unless it was overwritten by new data from their next customer, but any computer wiz can revive that data & experts can even revive old data that has been overwritten with new.

Plus it was all copied to the new server & every time the server farm backed up all their servers. The same happens for everyone she sent or received email to or from. Hillary is not illegally hiding emails from congress or investigators & can't destroy her emails.
Last edited:
She might as well shove off for the buffet

Her ship has sailed


“Benghazi was a tragedy where four Americans died… but let’s be clear: Seven exhaustive investigations… have already debunked all of the conspiracy theories,” she said. “It’s not about email servers either. It’s about politics.”


It's about republicans having no viable candidate thus far.

It's about the unwarranted attacks by republicans backfiring, encouraging democrats to close ranks and remain united.

And it's about EC math, the Blue Wall, and republicans aware of the fact that in order for them to win the WH, a significant number of democrats must abandon the democratic nominee – perceived by the right to be HRC – and vote for the republican nominee, something at this point highly unlikely to happen.

Nope. It's about incredibly poor judgment by Hillary Clinton. This situation is 100% her fault and responsibility. She created the problem when she decided to circumvent the Government and use her own rogue server in defiance of Federal rules.

But the Clinton's never take responsibility.....it's always someone else's fault. :(

You moon-bats can spin this crap all you want. The vast majority of Americans in polls feel Hillary should be criminally investigated and also feel she is a stone cold liar.

Her continuing to lie only makes her look worse.
your post is Chock Full of fabrications perpetrated by the right wing media...

guess you forgot the previous Secretary of State Colin Powell used his own private server for gvt emails.... what she did was not, in any way, out of the norm... emails were not for classified use....but unclassified use and neither Powell or Hillary, broke the law or rules and regs, at the time they both used their own private servers for their gvt emails....

you are buying in to the Spin and not the FACTS in my opinion....that's Politics, I suppose....so, carry on my wayward son! ;)
So, what did she use for Top Secret memos? Two tin cans and a string?
From my understanding Jackson, there are specific protocols that are used to handle classified information, with encryption, bold markings so all are aware of the classification, and key measures required...and I also read that regular email is not used for any top secret info...I don't know if this means there is an inhouse only mail system that is used by only key clearance people or what?
Still haven't forgotten about the White Water scandal. She's a heartless bitch with no feelings, she's a fraud of the media in my opinion,

Of course you haven't. That's one of the main reasons right wingers are known to be mentally deficient. There has been a long list of outrageous accusations, White Water was just one of the first, that was repeatedly proven to be false. The right never accepts facts, so they keep piling up all those false claims in hopes that they might mean more together than they did individually. At this point, the right is nothing more than the little boy that cried wolf. No sane person will bother to even consider the validity of any right wing claims. You should be embarrassed.

People were defrauded in White Water, did the right make that all up? Hillary couldn't remember then like she can't now. I don't believe her.

you want the link to the exerp below?

According to the billing records, most of Hillary Clinton's hours on the Madison account involved not the securities issue but a development in the swampland south of Little Rock that James McDougal pursued during a period from the fall of 1985 to the summer of 1986. His associate in that effort was Seth Ward, a cantankerous, semiretired businessman, who worked as a consultant to McDougal and helped him purchase the property. Ward also was the father-in-law of Webster L. Hubbell, Hillary Clinton's partner and friend at the Rose Law Firm. The land enterprise was on a 1,050-acre tract where McDougal envisioned developing a microbrewery and a trailer park, among other things. It was commonly known as Castle Grande.

Before the billing records were discovered, the first lady, when questioned by two separate federal agencies, said she was not involved in anything called Castle Grande.

"I don't believe I knew anything about any of these real estate parcels and projects. . . . " she said in an RTC interrogatory in May 1995 when asked about several of McDougal's projects, including Castle Grande.

When the billing records revealed that she charged Madison for about 30 hours of time on work involving Ward and issues related to the development in a four-month period between late 1985 and early 1986, she and her lawyers attributed it to a semantic confusion. She knew the development as IDC, they said, because that is how it was referred to in internal Rose records and by other Rose lawyers.

BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT that was all investigated decades ago, and she did nothing wrong. Bringing all those silly accusations up again marks you as a colossal fool for still believing that crap, or a colossal liar for presenting such stupid discredited claims again. In your case I would go with both. Another example of the right's lack of intelligence and integrity.

With her, everything is a Partisan attack. thats the Bullshit. She can do no wrong from Bengahzii to the email scandal. She operated from an insecure computer and tried to cover it up. She's compromised and a security risk. No business being president.
You want DNC pollution, Like how the Shrill MOCKS people or she SLAMS people or they are on their knees for her and ALL Democrats 24/7................... just go to Pollutico.
“Benghazi was a tragedy where four Americans died… but let’s be clear: Seven exhaustive investigations… have already debunked all of the conspiracy theories,” she said. “It’s not about email servers either. It’s about politics.”


It's about republicans having no viable candidate thus far.

It's about the unwarranted attacks by republicans backfiring, encouraging democrats to close ranks and remain united.

And it's about EC math, the Blue Wall, and republicans aware of the fact that in order for them to win the WH, a significant number of democrats must abandon the democratic nominee – perceived by the right to be HRC – and vote for the republican nominee, something at this point highly unlikely to happen.

Nope. It's about incredibly poor judgment by Hillary Clinton. This situation is 100% her fault and responsibility. She created the problem when she decided to circumvent the Government and use her own rogue server in defiance of Federal rules.

But the Clinton's never take responsibility.....it's always someone else's fault. :(

You moon-bats can spin this crap all you want. The vast majority of Americans in polls feel Hillary should be criminally investigated and also feel she is a stone cold liar.

Her continuing to lie only makes her look worse.
your post is Chock Full of fabrications perpetrated by the right wing media...

guess you forgot the previous Secretary of State Colin Powell used his own private server for gvt emails.... what she did was not, in any way, out of the norm... emails were not for classified use....but unclassified use and neither Powell or Hillary, broke the law or rules and regs, at the time they both used their own private servers for their gvt emails....

you are buying in to the Spin and not the FACTS in my opinion....that's Politics, I suppose....so, carry on my wayward son! ;)
So, what did she use for Top Secret memos? Two tin cans and a string?
From my understanding Jackson, there are specific protocols that are used to handle classified information, with encryption, bold markings so all are aware of the classification, and key measures required...and I also read that regular email is not used for any top secret info...I don't know if this means there is an inhouse only mail system that is used by only key clearance people or what?
I think you hit the nail on the head with the problem. Regular email is not used for Top Secret material. That is why a government server was set up for her. But she chose instead to use a regular email server, hence the problem. I still say if we want all of her emails, we would have to negotiate with China or Russia to get them.
Still haven't forgotten about the White Water scandal. She's a heartless bitch with no feelings, she's a fraud of the media in my opinion,

Of course you haven't. That's one of the main reasons right wingers are known to be mentally deficient. There has been a long list of outrageous accusations, White Water was just one of the first, that was repeatedly proven to be false. The right never accepts facts, so they keep piling up all those false claims in hopes that they might mean more together than they did individually. At this point, the right is nothing more than the little boy that cried wolf. No sane person will bother to even consider the validity of any right wing claims. You should be embarrassed.

People were defrauded in White Water, did the right make that all up? Hillary couldn't remember then like she can't now. I don't believe her.

you want the link to the exerp below?

According to the billing records, most of Hillary Clinton's hours on the Madison account involved not the securities issue but a development in the swampland south of Little Rock that James McDougal pursued during a period from the fall of 1985 to the summer of 1986. His associate in that effort was Seth Ward, a cantankerous, semiretired businessman, who worked as a consultant to McDougal and helped him purchase the property. Ward also was the father-in-law of Webster L. Hubbell, Hillary Clinton's partner and friend at the Rose Law Firm. The land enterprise was on a 1,050-acre tract where McDougal envisioned developing a microbrewery and a trailer park, among other things. It was commonly known as Castle Grande.

Before the billing records were discovered, the first lady, when questioned by two separate federal agencies, said she was not involved in anything called Castle Grande.

"I don't believe I knew anything about any of these real estate parcels and projects. . . . " she said in an RTC interrogatory in May 1995 when asked about several of McDougal's projects, including Castle Grande.

When the billing records revealed that she charged Madison for about 30 hours of time on work involving Ward and issues related to the development in a four-month period between late 1985 and early 1986, she and her lawyers attributed it to a semantic confusion. She knew the development as IDC, they said, because that is how it was referred to in internal Rose records and by other Rose lawyers.

BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT that was all investigated decades ago, and she did nothing wrong. Bringing all those silly accusations up again marks you as a colossal fool for still believing that crap, or a colossal liar for presenting such stupid discredited claims again. In your case I would go with both. Another example of the right's lack of intelligence and integrity.

With her, everything is a Partisan attack. thats the Bullshit. She can do no wrong from Bengahzii to the email scandal. She operated from an insecure computer and tried to cover it up. She's compromised and a security risk. No business being president.

It is a partisan attack. The silly email deal is only what is left of the silly Benghazi thing. Remember all the claims you made about that? Each and every one of them was proven to be just so much crap, and the email thing is just the right hanging on by a fingernail to their original false claims.
Obama promised the MOST Transparent administration EVA. He just didn't tell you it WAS LIE. for his and the Democrat party's Corruption, Lies to you the people and special treatment of his CRONIES. so hey, turn around and vote in another progressive/Socialist. just what this country needs.

Joe Scarborough: Hillary Clinton Isn’t the Only One Who Should Be Facing Charges
by Debra Heine
August 14, 2015 - 10:28 am

On MSNBC’s Morning Joethis morning, the panel discussed the latest revelations to come out of the Clinton email saga.

Joe Scarborough blasted not only Hillary Clinton, but the entire federal law enforcement community under Obama, charging that they gave the former sec. of State special treatment by allowing the “unprecedented” mishandling of classified documents.

“The State Department, the intel agencies, are setting themselves up for scathing reviews in the future,” Scarborough warned. “Because I talked to a top intel person three days ago by phone who told me this is very simple.”

If there’s classified information outside of the agency, the first immediate concern is for the FBI to go secure it and then conduct the investigation and this top intel leader said to me it’s unprecedented that the State Department and intel agencies and the White House knew and the FBI knew for as long as they knew that there was classified top secret material outside of their domain, unsecured, and they allowed it to stay that way because it was Hillary Clinton.

And they suggested when this blows up, that it isn’t just Hillary Clinton who is going to be facing charges if there are any charges to be faced, or it’s not just Hillary Clinton who is going to be possibly losing, well not losing her job but there are people in the State Department that are covering up for Hillary Clinton every day. There are people in the intel agencies that are allowing her to get away with things that nobody else would. This leader told me you know classified information is out there. It’s a very simple two-step process. You immediately secure it. And then you bring it into the facility and then you conduct the investigation. State Department has been absolutely shameful in how lax they’ve been pursuing this. They’ve been stonewalling, they’ve been lying to the American people. They’ve not been, they have not been straightforward because it’s Hillary Clinton. And it wasn’t until the IG of the intel agency started talking about this. And the IG of the State Department started talking about this that there was movement on this at all. Is this not the entire intel system and the State Department system breaking down and failing for political purposes?

ALL of it here:
Joe Scarborough Hillary Clinton Isn t the Only One Who Should Be Facing Charges PJ Tatler
Still haven't forgotten about the White Water scandal. She's a heartless bitch with no feelings, she's a fraud of the media in my opinion,

Of course you haven't. That's one of the main reasons right wingers are known to be mentally deficient. There has been a long list of outrageous accusations, White Water was just one of the first, that was repeatedly proven to be false. The right never accepts facts, so they keep piling up all those false claims in hopes that they might mean more together than they did individually. At this point, the right is nothing more than the little boy that cried wolf. No sane person will bother to even consider the validity of any right wing claims. You should be embarrassed.

People were defrauded in White Water, did the right make that all up? Hillary couldn't remember then like she can't now. I don't believe her.

you want the link to the exerp below?

According to the billing records, most of Hillary Clinton's hours on the Madison account involved not the securities issue but a development in the swampland south of Little Rock that James McDougal pursued during a period from the fall of 1985 to the summer of 1986. His associate in that effort was Seth Ward, a cantankerous, semiretired businessman, who worked as a consultant to McDougal and helped him purchase the property. Ward also was the father-in-law of Webster L. Hubbell, Hillary Clinton's partner and friend at the Rose Law Firm. The land enterprise was on a 1,050-acre tract where McDougal envisioned developing a microbrewery and a trailer park, among other things. It was commonly known as Castle Grande.

Before the billing records were discovered, the first lady, when questioned by two separate federal agencies, said she was not involved in anything called Castle Grande.

"I don't believe I knew anything about any of these real estate parcels and projects. . . . " she said in an RTC interrogatory in May 1995 when asked about several of McDougal's projects, including Castle Grande.

When the billing records revealed that she charged Madison for about 30 hours of time on work involving Ward and issues related to the development in a four-month period between late 1985 and early 1986, she and her lawyers attributed it to a semantic confusion. She knew the development as IDC, they said, because that is how it was referred to in internal Rose records and by other Rose lawyers.

BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT that was all investigated decades ago, and she did nothing wrong. Bringing all those silly accusations up again marks you as a colossal fool for still believing that crap, or a colossal liar for presenting such stupid discredited claims again. In your case I would go with both. Another example of the right's lack of intelligence and integrity.

With her, everything is a Partisan attack. thats the Bullshit. She can do no wrong from Bengahzii to the email scandal. She operated from an insecure computer and tried to cover it up. She's compromised and a security risk. No business being president.

It is a partisan attack. The silly email deal is only what is left of the silly Benghazi thing. Remember all the claims you made about that? Each and every one of them was proven to be just so much crap, and the email thing is just the right hanging on by a fingernail to their original false claims.

The State Department stonewalled Congress during the investigation, refusing to turn over documents , dragging out then process and hand selecting what they turned over. No transparency, so who was it that was responsible for sending in a rescue team or air support during the 7 hour attack? were they ordered to stand down?

Its impossible for a Clinton to be responsible for anything, the state department doesn't need to answer questions, then they simply say accusations are false. very convenient. missing emails and wiped hard drives are convenient also when you don't feel like handing over information

Benghazi Stand Down Denials Don t Stand Up To Reason
Hillary Clinton mocks GOP concerns about her email habits - Rachael Bade - POLITICO

Following another week of damaging stories about her email practices, Hillary Clinton came to Iowa with one message for the Republicans investigating her: Get lost.

During Iowa’s famous Wing Ding dinner in Clear Lake, the 2016 Democratic front-runner dismissed Republican concerns about the transparency of her email arrangement as secretary of state, and said she’s already been exonerated by earlier investigations into the 2012 Benghazi attacks.

“Benghazi was a tragedy where four Americans died… but let’s be clear: Seven exhaustive investigations… have already debunked all of the conspiracy theories,” she said. “It’s not about email servers either. It’s about politics.”

Clinton even opened her speech with a taunt aimed at GOP theories that she intentionally deleted emails to hide something: “You may have seen I recently launched a Snapchat account. I love it: Those messages disappear all by themselves.”

The crowd exploded in applause, and many Iowan Democrats told POLITICO they agree with her.

“I think it’s the other side trying to throw whatever at the wall and seeing what will stick, and then the news organizations having to have something to talk about all the time,” said Iowan Paul Stough, holding a plate of chicken wings and pulled pork at the famous concert hall Friday night. “I think mostly it’s: she’s the front-runner and the press in general likes to knock the front-runner down.”


And now, cue RWNJ rage over Emails, security, BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hillary lies consistently about her emails. Why arent you outraged? Oh yeah, because you're a partisan douchebag.
Hillary mocks everything. Here is Carly Fiorina--slam dunking Chris Mathews over e-mails and Bengazi

Of course you haven't. That's one of the main reasons right wingers are known to be mentally deficient. There has been a long list of outrageous accusations, White Water was just one of the first, that was repeatedly proven to be false. The right never accepts facts, so they keep piling up all those false claims in hopes that they might mean more together than they did individually. At this point, the right is nothing more than the little boy that cried wolf. No sane person will bother to even consider the validity of any right wing claims. You should be embarrassed.

People were defrauded in White Water, did the right make that all up? Hillary couldn't remember then like she can't now. I don't believe her.

you want the link to the exerp below?

According to the billing records, most of Hillary Clinton's hours on the Madison account involved not the securities issue but a development in the swampland south of Little Rock that James McDougal pursued during a period from the fall of 1985 to the summer of 1986. His associate in that effort was Seth Ward, a cantankerous, semiretired businessman, who worked as a consultant to McDougal and helped him purchase the property. Ward also was the father-in-law of Webster L. Hubbell, Hillary Clinton's partner and friend at the Rose Law Firm. The land enterprise was on a 1,050-acre tract where McDougal envisioned developing a microbrewery and a trailer park, among other things. It was commonly known as Castle Grande.

Before the billing records were discovered, the first lady, when questioned by two separate federal agencies, said she was not involved in anything called Castle Grande.

"I don't believe I knew anything about any of these real estate parcels and projects. . . . " she said in an RTC interrogatory in May 1995 when asked about several of McDougal's projects, including Castle Grande.

When the billing records revealed that she charged Madison for about 30 hours of time on work involving Ward and issues related to the development in a four-month period between late 1985 and early 1986, she and her lawyers attributed it to a semantic confusion. She knew the development as IDC, they said, because that is how it was referred to in internal Rose records and by other Rose lawyers.

BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT that was all investigated decades ago, and she did nothing wrong. Bringing all those silly accusations up again marks you as a colossal fool for still believing that crap, or a colossal liar for presenting such stupid discredited claims again. In your case I would go with both. Another example of the right's lack of intelligence and integrity.

With her, everything is a Partisan attack. thats the Bullshit. She can do no wrong from Bengahzii to the email scandal. She operated from an insecure computer and tried to cover it up. She's compromised and a security risk. No business being president.

It is a partisan attack. The silly email deal is only what is left of the silly Benghazi thing. Remember all the claims you made about that? Each and every one of them was proven to be just so much crap, and the email thing is just the right hanging on by a fingernail to their original false claims.

The State Department stonewalled Congress during the investigation, refusing to turn over documents , dragging out then process and hand selecting what they turned over. No transparency, so who was it that was responsible for sending in a rescue team or air support during the 7 hour attack? were they ordered to stand down?

Its impossible for a Clinton to be responsible for anything, the state department doesn't need to answer questions, then they simply say accusations are false. very convenient. missing emails and wiped hard drives are convenient also when you don't feel like handing over information

Benghazi Stand Down Denials Don t Stand Up To Reason

More rehashing discredited claims. Crazy conspiracy theorists will never give up their beliefs even after they are proven false. They consider any proof to be just another part of the conspiracy.

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