Politics 101: GOP Rules Battles and Power Grabs

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Politics 101: GOP Rules Battles and Power Grabs

The GOP loses election after election (2010 fluke), after GOP rule of Bush/Cheney and a GOP Congress. The GOP has no attractive message that resonates with the majority of American voters. The GOP now starts pandering to minority voters mistakenly thinking pandering and not messaging and ideas will win over voters. This seems to be the latest strategy they have for solving the problems of losing.

Rules Battles and Power Grabs: Ben Ginsberg and co. Remember that name as the media keeps mentioning him as a team Romney lawyer. Follow the money and the names of people like Ben. People like Ben did not come to power with Romney. They have been behind the scenes and out in front for a very long time.

their latest antics: GOP Rules Committee Rapidly Moving to Shut Out Grassroots at 2:00 p.m. Today | RedState |Undoing the ?Ginsberg? rules at the Spring RNC meeting | RedState | Virginia Committeeman Morton Blackwell brings rules fight to RNC meeting in LA ? Bearing Drift: Virginia's Conservative Voice

Even President Obama taps Ben Ginsberg Obama Appoints a Controversial GOP Lawyer to His Voting Commission | The Nation
the commissions findings will be called shosulism by the republicans here.

the facts surrounding how horrible the republican party has been for elections are overwhelming.

If the Americans people all knew about the real court documetned history of the republican partys treatment of democracy they would be dead on the spot
When will the left ever stop whining about only controlling 2/3 of the federal government? What was the first issue the democrat party tackled when they gained the majority in both houses half way into Bush's 2nd term? The economy? Energy? Nope. They went after steroid use in Baseball. Barney Fwank was chairperson of the House Banking Committee when Fannie Mae went under. He told America that Fannie was solvent when it was in desperate trouble.
Politics 101: GOP Rules Battles and Power Grabs

The GOP loses election after election (2010 fluke), after GOP rule of Bush/Cheney and a GOP Congress. The GOP has no attractive message that resonates with the majority of American voters. The GOP now starts pandering to minority voters mistakenly thinking pandering and not messaging and ideas will win over voters. This seems to be the latest strategy they have for solving the problems of losing.

Rules Battles and Power Grabs: Ben Ginsberg and co. Remember that name as the media keeps mentioning him as a team Romney lawyer. Follow the money and the names of people like Ben. People like Ben did not come to power with Romney. They have been behind the scenes and out in front for a very long time.

their latest antics: GOP Rules Committee Rapidly Moving to Shut Out Grassroots at 2:00 p.m. Today | RedState |Undoing the ?Ginsberg? rules at the Spring RNC meeting | RedState | Virginia Committeeman Morton Blackwell brings rules fight to RNC meeting in LA ? Bearing Drift: Virginia's Conservative Voice

Even President Obama taps Ben Ginsberg Obama Appoints a Controversial GOP Lawyer to His Voting Commission | The Nation

Politics 101: GOP Rules Battles and Power Grabs

The GOP loses election after election (2010 fluke), after GOP rule of Bush/Cheney and a GOP Congress. The GOP has no attractive message that resonates with the majority of American voters. The GOP now starts pandering to minority voters mistakenly thinking pandering and not messaging and ideas will win over voters. This seems to be the latest strategy they have for solving the problems of losing.

Rules Battles and Power Grabs: Ben Ginsberg and co. Remember that name as the media keeps mentioning him as a team Romney lawyer. Follow the money and the names of people like Ben. People like Ben did not come to power with Romney. They have been behind the scenes and out in front for a very long time.

their latest antics: GOP Rules Committee Rapidly Moving to Shut Out Grassroots at 2:00 p.m. Today | RedState |Undoing the ?Ginsberg? rules at the Spring RNC meeting | RedState | Virginia Committeeman Morton Blackwell brings rules fight to RNC meeting in LA ? Bearing Drift: Virginia's Conservative Voice

Even President Obama taps Ben Ginsberg Obama Appoints a Controversial GOP Lawyer to His Voting Commission | The Nation

what do you care,not like your a republican or anything?
The GOP loses election after election. Which is why the GOP controls 30 states. The GOP failure is why Scott Walker won his recall with more votes than he originally got.

No wonder democrat losses come as a continual shock.

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