Politics from long ago or Conspiracy Theory ?

Are you insane or just play one on the internetz?


Wtf are you babbling about ?

How about this - does bottle of water have worth?

Of course it does because it has a tangible value.


So I've got a deal of lifetime for you:

I'm willing to trade you my valued bottle of water for a bag of your "worthless paper" US dollars....you can keep the bag itself.

Act now and I'll throw in an extra bottle opener too.

If we were in a desert with no oasis in sight? I would give you all my fiat currency for all your water......and then watch you drink to "drink" the ink covered paper. These federal reserve debt notes only have worth because people will accept them even though they have nothing backing it. What counterfeiters do and what the Fed bank does is no different at all........zilch.

We are not in the desert and we are not on the fucking moon where you nutters make your home.

I am are here on planet earth where paper money is far from worthless - it is a transactional medium that buys you just about anything.
Are you insane or just play one on the internetz?


Wtf are you babbling about ?

How about this - does bottle of water have worth?

Of course it does because it has a tangible value.


So I've got a deal of lifetime for you:

I'm willing to trade you my valued bottle of water for a bag of your "worthless paper" US dollars....you can keep the bag itself.

Act now and I'll throw in an extra bottle opener too.

If we were in a desert with no oasis in sight? I would give you all my fiat currency for all your water......and then watch you drink to "drink" the ink covered paper. These federal reserve debt notes only have worth because people will accept them even though they have nothing backing it. What counterfeiters do and what the Fed bank does is no different at all........zilch.

Our money is backed by the full faith and credit of the US, and is legal tender for all debts. If you hate our money so much, why don't you pay your electric bill with chickens?

Wtf are you babbling about ?

How about this - does bottle of water have worth?

Of course it does because it has a tangible value.


So I've got a deal of lifetime for you:

I'm willing to trade you my valued bottle of water for a bag of your "worthless paper" US dollars....you can keep the bag itself.

Act now and I'll throw in an extra bottle opener too.

If we were in a desert with no oasis in sight? I would give you all my fiat currency for all your water......and then watch you drink to "drink" the ink covered paper. These federal reserve debt notes only have worth because people will accept them even though they have nothing backing it. What counterfeiters do and what the Fed bank does is no different at all........zilch.

We are not in the desert and we are not on the fucking moon where you nutters make your home.

I am are here on planet earth where paper money is far from worthless - it is a transactional medium that buys you just about anything.

Until it doesn’t!
How about this - does bottle of water have worth?

Of course it does because it has a tangible value.


So I've got a deal of lifetime for you:

I'm willing to trade you my valued bottle of water for a bag of your "worthless paper" US dollars....you can keep the bag itself.

Act now and I'll throw in an extra bottle opener too.

If we were in a desert with no oasis in sight? I would give you all my fiat currency for all your water......and then watch you drink to "drink" the ink covered paper. These federal reserve debt notes only have worth because people will accept them even though they have nothing backing it. What counterfeiters do and what the Fed bank does is no different at all........zilch.

We are not in the desert and we are not on the fucking moon where you nutters make your home.

I am are here on planet earth where paper money is far from worthless - it is a transactional medium that buys you just about anything.

Until it doesn’t!

It DOES - present continuum
Of course it does because it has a tangible value.


So I've got a deal of lifetime for you:

I'm willing to trade you my valued bottle of water for a bag of your "worthless paper" US dollars....you can keep the bag itself.

Act now and I'll throw in an extra bottle opener too.

If we were in a desert with no oasis in sight? I would give you all my fiat currency for all your water......and then watch you drink to "drink" the ink covered paper. These federal reserve debt notes only have worth because people will accept them even though they have nothing backing it. What counterfeiters do and what the Fed bank does is no different at all........zilch.

We are not in the desert and we are not on the fucking moon where you nutters make your home.

I am are here on planet earth where paper money is far from worthless - it is a transactional medium that buys you just about anything.

Until it doesn’t!

It DOES - present continuum

Hey, it’s,your money and your future. Do what withmit whatmyou want. Wise men always have a hedge.

So I've got a deal of lifetime for you:

I'm willing to trade you my valued bottle of water for a bag of your "worthless paper" US dollars....you can keep the bag itself.

Act now and I'll throw in an extra bottle opener too.

If we were in a desert with no oasis in sight? I would give you all my fiat currency for all your water......and then watch you drink to "drink" the ink covered paper. These federal reserve debt notes only have worth because people will accept them even though they have nothing backing it. What counterfeiters do and what the Fed bank does is no different at all........zilch.

We are not in the desert and we are not on the fucking moon where you nutters make your home.

I am are here on planet earth where paper money is far from worthless - it is a transactional medium that buys you just about anything.

Until it doesn’t!

It DOES - present continuum

Hey, it’s,your money and your future. Do what withmit whatmyou want. Wise men always have a hedge.

Wise men also heed plain facts right in front of their nose.
If we were in a desert with no oasis in sight? I would give you all my fiat currency for all your water......and then watch you drink to "drink" the ink covered paper. These federal reserve debt notes only have worth because people will accept them even though they have nothing backing it. What counterfeiters do and what the Fed bank does is no different at all........zilch.

We are not in the desert and we are not on the fucking moon where you nutters make your home.

I am are here on planet earth where paper money is far from worthless - it is a transactional medium that buys you just about anything.

Until it doesn’t!

It DOES - present continuum

Hey, it’s,your money and your future. Do what withmit whatmyou want. Wise men always have a hedge.

Wise men also heed plain facts right in front of their nose.

Which are what? The stock market is at an all time high that has been created by trillions of dollars printed by our central bank. Those dollars have been used to buy stocks by investors and by companies buying back their own stock instead of using the borrowed money to invest in growth like new manufacturing or expanding their work force. Those facts.

Wtf are you babbling about ?

How about this - does bottle of water have worth?

Of course it does because it has a tangible value.


So I've got a deal of lifetime for you:

I'm willing to trade you my valued bottle of water for a bag of your "worthless paper" US dollars....you can keep the bag itself.

Act now and I'll throw in an extra bottle opener too.

If we were in a desert with no oasis in sight? I would give you all my fiat currency for all your water......and then watch you drink to "drink" the ink covered paper. These federal reserve debt notes only have worth because people will accept them even though they have nothing backing it. What counterfeiters do and what the Fed bank does is no different at all........zilch.

Our money is backed by the full faith and credit of the US, and is legal tender for all debts. If you hate our money so much, why don't you pay your electric bill with chickens?

Credit? 20 TRILLION dollars worth? How much "room" do you believe is available on that credit card, "bulldawg"?

BTW, that bill is owed by USA.INC and they have pledged your labor as surety against that debt while hiding their hard assets in offshore accounts like the Cayman Islands and Swiss bank accounts.
How about this - does bottle of water have worth?

Of course it does because it has a tangible value.


So I've got a deal of lifetime for you:

I'm willing to trade you my valued bottle of water for a bag of your "worthless paper" US dollars....you can keep the bag itself.

Act now and I'll throw in an extra bottle opener too.

If we were in a desert with no oasis in sight? I would give you all my fiat currency for all your water......and then watch you drink to "drink" the ink covered paper. These federal reserve debt notes only have worth because people will accept them even though they have nothing backing it. What counterfeiters do and what the Fed bank does is no different at all........zilch.

Our money is backed by the full faith and credit of the US, and is legal tender for all debts. If you hate our money so much, why don't you pay your electric bill with chickens?

Credit? 20 TRILLION dollars worth? How much "room" do you believe is available on that credit card, "bulldawg"?

BTW, that bill is owed by USA.INC and they have pledged your labor as surety against that debt while hiding their hard assets in offshore accounts like the Cayman Islands and Swiss bank accounts.

I'm a citizen, and I expect to pay my fair share of taxes to support my government. If you want to call that pledging my labor, it's no more than the part I should pay.
Of course it does because it has a tangible value.


So I've got a deal of lifetime for you:

I'm willing to trade you my valued bottle of water for a bag of your "worthless paper" US dollars....you can keep the bag itself.

Act now and I'll throw in an extra bottle opener too.

If we were in a desert with no oasis in sight? I would give you all my fiat currency for all your water......and then watch you drink to "drink" the ink covered paper. These federal reserve debt notes only have worth because people will accept them even though they have nothing backing it. What counterfeiters do and what the Fed bank does is no different at all........zilch.

Our money is backed by the full faith and credit of the US, and is legal tender for all debts. If you hate our money so much, why don't you pay your electric bill with chickens?

Credit? 20 TRILLION dollars worth? How much "room" do you believe is available on that credit card, "bulldawg"?

BTW, that bill is owed by USA.INC and they have pledged your labor as surety against that debt while hiding their hard assets in offshore accounts like the Cayman Islands and Swiss bank accounts.

I'm a citizen, and I expect to pay my fair share of taxes to support my government. If you want to call that pledging my labor, it's no more than the part I should pay.

Government created by the people should never be in a position to be held above those that created it to begin with. This corporate entity that you call "government" is a for profit venture that has been milking the labor of the people "dry" since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. We all pay some sort of tax on nearly everything we purchase...those are called consumption taxes and taxes that can be avoided IF you choose not to buy a particular item. Allodial rights to property was lost with the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 and House Joint Resolution 192 was out in it's place amounting to "mere user" as so long as it is in subservient to the needs of the state. People that barter their labor in one hour increments for paper scrip and are expected to give 10 to 36 percent of their labor to "da gubermint" are slaves and there is no other way you can spin it. It is no different than the lords coming around and confiscating a percentage of the crops that the workers farmed during the feudal age.
Let’s see if the Scumbag Moderators and Paid Trolls can prove this is a conspiracy before they move the Topic again !

I challenge you to provide your evidence otherwise....


The first misconception that most people have is that the Federal Reserve Bank is a branch of the US governmment. IT IS NOT. THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK IS A PRIVATE COMPANY. Most people believe it is as American as the Constitution. The Constitution actually forbids it's existence. Article 1, Section 8, states that Congress shall have the power to create money and regulate the value thereofff, not a bunch of international bankers! Today the FED controls and profits by printingg worthless paper, called money, through the Treasury, regulating its value, and the biggest outrage of all, collecting interest on it! (the so-called national debt, via the federal income tax)

The FED creates money from nothing, and loans it back to us through banks, and charges interest on our currency. The FED also buys Government debt with money printed on a printing press and charges US taxpayers interest. Many Congressmen and Presidents say this is fraud. Who actually owns the Federal Reserve Central Banks? The ownership of the 12 Central banks, a very well-kept secret, has been revealed: 1. Rothschild Bank of London 2. Warburg Bank of Hamburg 3..Rothschild Bank of Berlin 4. Lehman Brothers of NY 5. Lazard Brothers of Paris 6. Kuhn Loeb Bank of NY 7. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy 8.. Goldman Sachs of NY 9. Warburg Bank of Amsterdam 10.Chase Manhattan Bank of NY

These bankers are connected to London Banking Houses which ultimately control the FED. When England lost the Revolutionary War with America where our forefathers were fighting thheir own government, they planned to control us by controlling our banking system, the printing of our money, and our debt. How did it happen? After previous attempts to push the Federal Reserve Act through Congress, a group of bankers funded and staffed Woodrow Wilson's campaign for President. He had comitted to sign this act. In 1913, a Senator, Nelson Aldrich, maternal grandfather to the Rockefellers, pushed the Act through Congress just before Xmas, when much of Congress was on vacation..........

Therefore, contrails.


Just "contrails", eh???????

View attachment 159399

yes, genius.... just contrails.

Yeaaaaaaaah, you betcha....."moron"........

View attachment 159589 View attachment 159589 View attachment 159590 View attachment 159589 View attachment 159591

Yes idiot, those are all just contrails.

Wtf are you babbling about ?

How about this - does bottle of water have worth?

Of course it does because it has a tangible value.


So I've got a deal of lifetime for you:

I'm willing to trade you my valued bottle of water for a bag of your "worthless paper" US dollars....you can keep the bag itself.

Act now and I'll throw in an extra bottle opener too.

If we were in a desert with no oasis in sight? I would give you all my fiat currency for all your water......and then watch you drink to "drink" the ink covered paper. These federal reserve debt notes only have worth because people will accept them even though they have nothing backing it. What counterfeiters do and what the Fed bank does is no different at all........zilch.

We are not in the desert and we are not on the fucking moon where you nutters make your home.

I am are here on planet earth where paper money is far from worthless - it is a transactional medium that buys you just about anything.

But if the Federal Reserve can just keep the printing presses rolling night and day with nothing backing it? When will the point come that it will no longer be accepted as a medium of exchange because there is so much of it out there? AND if they can just print fiat currency to infinity, why do they need to confiscate 25 percent of that fiat currency I am given in exchange for bartering my labor in one hour increments????? I'd like to see your answer......
Let’s see if the Scumbag Moderators and Paid Trolls can prove this is a conspiracy before they move the Topic again !

I challenge you to provide your evidence otherwise....


The first misconception that most people have is that the Federal Reserve Bank is a branch of the US governmment. IT IS NOT. THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK IS A PRIVATE COMPANY. Most people believe it is as American as the Constitution. The Constitution actually forbids it's existence. Article 1, Section 8, states that Congress shall have the power to create money and regulate the value thereofff, not a bunch of international bankers! Today the FED controls and profits by printingg worthless paper, called money, through the Treasury, regulating its value, and the biggest outrage of all, collecting interest on it! (the so-called national debt, via the federal income tax)

The FED creates money from nothing, and loans it back to us through banks, and charges interest on our currency. The FED also buys Government debt with money printed on a printing press and charges US taxpayers interest. Many Congressmen and Presidents say this is fraud. Who actually owns the Federal Reserve Central Banks? The ownership of the 12 Central banks, a very well-kept secret, has been revealed: 1. Rothschild Bank of London 2. Warburg Bank of Hamburg 3..Rothschild Bank of Berlin 4. Lehman Brothers of NY 5. Lazard Brothers of Paris 6. Kuhn Loeb Bank of NY 7. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy 8.. Goldman Sachs of NY 9. Warburg Bank of Amsterdam 10.Chase Manhattan Bank of NY

These bankers are connected to London Banking Houses which ultimately control the FED. When England lost the Revolutionary War with America where our forefathers were fighting thheir own government, they planned to control us by controlling our banking system, the printing of our money, and our debt. How did it happen? After previous attempts to push the Federal Reserve Act through Congress, a group of bankers funded and staffed Woodrow Wilson's campaign for President. He had comitted to sign this act. In 1913, a Senator, Nelson Aldrich, maternal grandfather to the Rockefellers, pushed the Act through Congress just before Xmas, when much of Congress was on vacation..........

Therefore, contrails.


Just "contrails", eh???????

View attachment 159399

yes, genius.... just contrails.

Yeaaaaaaaah, you betcha....."moron"........

View attachment 159589 View attachment 159589 View attachment 159590 View attachment 159589 View attachment 159591

Yes idiot, those are all just contrails.

These pics were taken by a good friend of mine in Arizona.........he wants to know if these are "contrails" as well because after all, you are such a (snicker) "expert"!!!!!!
Of course it does because it has a tangible value.


So I've got a deal of lifetime for you:

I'm willing to trade you my valued bottle of water for a bag of your "worthless paper" US dollars....you can keep the bag itself.

Act now and I'll throw in an extra bottle opener too.

If we were in a desert with no oasis in sight? I would give you all my fiat currency for all your water......and then watch you drink to "drink" the ink covered paper. These federal reserve debt notes only have worth because people will accept them even though they have nothing backing it. What counterfeiters do and what the Fed bank does is no different at all........zilch.

Our money is backed by the full faith and credit of the US, and is legal tender for all debts. If you hate our money so much, why don't you pay your electric bill with chickens?

Credit? 20 TRILLION dollars worth? How much "room" do you believe is available on that credit card, "bulldawg"?

BTW, that bill is owed by USA.INC and they have pledged your labor as surety against that debt while hiding their hard assets in offshore accounts like the Cayman Islands and Swiss bank accounts.

I'm a citizen, and I expect to pay my fair share of taxes to support my government. If you want to call that pledging my labor, it's no more than the part I should pay.

What you don’t realize apparently, this nati9nal debt is pledged against the future labor of your kids. Yea, some 10 year old kid in America is already on the hook for what your government has already spent.

These pics were taken by a good friend of mine in Arizona.........he wants to know if these are "contrails" as well because after all, you are such a (snicker) "expert"!!!!!!
View attachment 160114 View attachment 160114 View attachment 160114 View attachment 160115 View attachment 160116 View attachment 160114 View attachment 160115 View attachment 160116 View attachment 160117

Yes, they are all just contrails. Pass it on.

So I've got a deal of lifetime for you:

I'm willing to trade you my valued bottle of water for a bag of your "worthless paper" US dollars....you can keep the bag itself.

Act now and I'll throw in an extra bottle opener too.

If we were in a desert with no oasis in sight? I would give you all my fiat currency for all your water......and then watch you drink to "drink" the ink covered paper. These federal reserve debt notes only have worth because people will accept them even though they have nothing backing it. What counterfeiters do and what the Fed bank does is no different at all........zilch.

Our money is backed by the full faith and credit of the US, and is legal tender for all debts. If you hate our money so much, why don't you pay your electric bill with chickens?

Credit? 20 TRILLION dollars worth? How much "room" do you believe is available on that credit card, "bulldawg"?

BTW, that bill is owed by USA.INC and they have pledged your labor as surety against that debt while hiding their hard assets in offshore accounts like the Cayman Islands and Swiss bank accounts.

I'm a citizen, and I expect to pay my fair share of taxes to support my government. If you want to call that pledging my labor, it's no more than the part I should pay.

What you don’t realize apparently, this nati9nal debt is pledged against the future labor of your kids. Yea, some 10 year old kid in America is already on the hook for what your government has already spent.

The country is on the hook for what the government has already spent. You seem to think the government is a totally different entity, separate and apart from the citizens. You are wrong. The government represents us. We made some poor choices for our representatives, but they are still chosen and elected by us.

These pics were taken by a good friend of mine in Arizona.........he wants to know if these are "contrails" as well because after all, you are such a (snicker) "expert"!!!!!!
View attachment 160114 View attachment 160114 View attachment 160114 View attachment 160115 View attachment 160116 View attachment 160114 View attachment 160115 View attachment 160116 View attachment 160117

Yes, they are all just contrails. Pass it on.

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY shit......you are definitely "brain dead".
If we were in a desert with no oasis in sight? I would give you all my fiat currency for all your water......and then watch you drink to "drink" the ink covered paper. These federal reserve debt notes only have worth because people will accept them even though they have nothing backing it. What counterfeiters do and what the Fed bank does is no different at all........zilch.

Our money is backed by the full faith and credit of the US, and is legal tender for all debts. If you hate our money so much, why don't you pay your electric bill with chickens?

Credit? 20 TRILLION dollars worth? How much "room" do you believe is available on that credit card, "bulldawg"?

BTW, that bill is owed by USA.INC and they have pledged your labor as surety against that debt while hiding their hard assets in offshore accounts like the Cayman Islands and Swiss bank accounts.

I'm a citizen, and I expect to pay my fair share of taxes to support my government. If you want to call that pledging my labor, it's no more than the part I should pay.

What you don’t realize apparently, this nati9nal debt is pledged against the future labor of your kids. Yea, some 10 year old kid in America is already on the hook for what your government has already spent.

The country is on the hook for what the government has already spent. You seem to think the government is a totally different entity, separate and apart from the citizens. You are wrong. The government represents us. We made some poor choices for our representatives, but they are still chosen and elected by us.

What the hell is your point? The government spends the money and the labor/income of the citizens is stuck with the tab.
Our money is backed by the full faith and credit of the US, and is legal tender for all debts. If you hate our money so much, why don't you pay your electric bill with chickens?

Credit? 20 TRILLION dollars worth? How much "room" do you believe is available on that credit card, "bulldawg"?

BTW, that bill is owed by USA.INC and they have pledged your labor as surety against that debt while hiding their hard assets in offshore accounts like the Cayman Islands and Swiss bank accounts.

I'm a citizen, and I expect to pay my fair share of taxes to support my government. If you want to call that pledging my labor, it's no more than the part I should pay.

What you don’t realize apparently, this nati9nal debt is pledged against the future labor of your kids. Yea, some 10 year old kid in America is already on the hook for what your government has already spent.

The country is on the hook for what the government has already spent. You seem to think the government is a totally different entity, separate and apart from the citizens. You are wrong. The government represents us. We made some poor choices for our representatives, but they are still chosen and elected by us.

What the hell is your point? The government spends the money and the labor/income of the citizens is stuck with the tab.

Is that surprising in any way? It's how our government works, and has always worked.

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