POLITICS Kim Davis Could Pay As Much As $225,000 In Legal Costs For Her Publicity Stunt

She certainly deserves at least that for her past marital conduct. She's one of those women that actually justify Islam's treatment of women.

So, it CAN be the woman's fault, huh? Just getting what they deserve, right?
Was it Kim Davis' fault that she had the sexual and personal morals of satan?


Yeah ... let's just a bunch of guys and go kick her ass.

Or, better yet ... let's just stone her.
I would have thought a massive fine and life in prison would be more civilized but what ever floats your boat.
She certainly deserves at least that for her past marital conduct. She's one of those women that actually justify Islam's treatment of women.

So, it CAN be the woman's fault, huh? Just getting what they deserve, right?
Was it Kim Davis' fault that she had the sexual and personal morals of satan?


Yeah ... let's just a bunch of guys and go kick her ass.

Or, better yet ... let's just stone her.
I would have thought a massive fine and life in prison would be more civilized but what ever floats your boat.

Your superiority complex is only overwhelmed by your misogyny.
Davis, who claimed she was speaking for God

That alone should be enough to tell everyone the woman is nuts. Since when does an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent being need the likes of that woman to speak on their behalf? By what rationale does a mere mortal presume to be God's voice? Dare deign to be able to speak for God? Clearly the woman doesn't even understand the God she professes to worship. Does God need humans to defend him? I should think not. Isn't exactly the opposite -- God having sent his Son to defend humanity? Did that so-called Christian woman forget that is the message of her faith?
When Davis "speaks for God," she references the Scriptures.

When you presume to speak for Him, what is your source?
Davis, who claimed she was speaking for God

That alone should be enough to tell everyone the woman is nuts. Since when does an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent being need the likes of that woman to speak on their behalf? By what rationale does a mere mortal presume to be God's voice? Dare deign to be able to speak for God? Clearly the woman doesn't even understand the God she professes to worship. Does God need humans to defend him? I should think not. Isn't exactly the opposite -- God having sent his Son to defend humanity? Did that so-called Christian woman forget that is the message of her faith?
When Davis "speaks for God," she references the Scriptures.

When you presume to speak for Him, what is your source?

I don't ever claim to speak for God. I speak for myself.
She certainly deserves at least that for her past marital conduct. She's one of those women that actually justify Islam's treatment of women.

So, it CAN be the woman's fault, huh? Just getting what they deserve, right?
Was it Kim Davis' fault that she had the sexual and personal morals of satan?


Yeah ... let's just a bunch of guys and go kick her ass.

Or, better yet ... let's just stone her.
I would have thought a massive fine and life in prison would be more civilized but what ever floats your boat.

Your superiority complex is only overwhelmed by your misogyny.
So you've moved from strawman arguments to ad hominem.


Vote Trump!
Davis, who claimed she was speaking for God

That alone should be enough to tell everyone the woman is nuts. Since when does an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent being need the likes of that woman to speak on their behalf? By what rationale does a mere mortal presume to be God's voice? Dare deign to be able to speak for God? Clearly the woman doesn't even understand the God she professes to worship. Does God need humans to defend him? I should think not. Isn't exactly the opposite -- God having sent his Son to defend humanity? Did that so-called Christian woman forget that is the message of her faith?
When Davis "speaks for God," she references the Scriptures.

When you presume to speak for Him, what is your source?

I don't ever claim to speak for God. I speak for myself.
Groovy. Then I will suppose your comments about what an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent being needs or the extent to which you understand Him above and beyond those who worship Him, were just the works of . . . Satan.

Davis, who claimed she was speaking for God

That alone should be enough to tell everyone the woman is nuts. Since when does an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent being need the likes of that woman to speak on their behalf? By what rationale does a mere mortal presume to be God's voice? Dare deign to be able to speak for God? Clearly the woman doesn't even understand the God she professes to worship. Does God need humans to defend him? I should think not. Isn't exactly the opposite -- God having sent his Son to defend humanity? Did that so-called Christian woman forget that is the message of her faith?
When Davis "speaks for God," she references the Scriptures.

When you presume to speak for Him, what is your source?

I don't ever claim to speak for God. I speak for myself.
Groovy. Then I will suppose your comments about what an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent being needs or the extent to which you understand Him above and beyond those who worship Him, were just the works of . . . Satan.


Nope. That was a description of the being in which Ms. Davis claims to believe as given by the document that is accepted as the defining word on that being's nature.
  • Omnipresent:
    • Yet, God is not just nearby, He is in fact everywhere! He fills heaven and earth and no-one can hide from Him. There are no secret places where He is excluded (Jeremiah 23:23-24).
  • Omniscient:
    • He knows Himself and all other things perfectly (Job 37:16), whether they be actual or merely possible, throughout all of time (Isaiah 46:10; 1 John 3:20b)
    • God’s understanding is infinite (Psalm 147:5), and all persons of the Trinity know each other perfectly (Matthew 11:27; 1 Corinthians 2:10-11). Nothing is hidden from God’s sight -- everything is uncovered and laid bare before Him (Hebrews 4:13). The Lord watches all of Mankind and considers everything they do (Psalm 33:13-15). His eyes are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good (Proverbs 15:3). Each person’s attitudes, behaviour and choices are in full view of God (Proverbs 5:21).
  • Omnipotent:
    • What is impossible for man is possible for God (Matthew 19:26). Nothing is too hard for Him (Jeremiah 32:17).
So you see, how I understand God has nothing to do with it. My remarks issued from how the Bible, the document Ms. Davis accepts (she is an Apostolic Christian) as the Word of her God, depicts the God she worships. By what logical contrivance, then, can one arrive at the conclusion that such a God need any human to speak on their behalf using the words Ms. Davis did in connection with and explanation of her refusal to wed people?
So, it CAN be the woman's fault, huh? Just getting what they deserve, right?
Was it Kim Davis' fault that she had the sexual and personal morals of satan?


Yeah ... let's just a bunch of guys and go kick her ass.

Or, better yet ... let's just stone her.
I would have thought a massive fine and life in prison would be more civilized but what ever floats your boat.

Your superiority complex is only overwhelmed by your misogyny.
So you've moved from strawman arguments to ad hominem.


Vote Trump!

Hey! You're the one who proposes to bring down the wrath upon her because she's female.
Was it Kim Davis' fault that she had the sexual and personal morals of satan?


Yeah ... let's just a bunch of guys and go kick her ass.

Or, better yet ... let's just stone her.
I would have thought a massive fine and life in prison would be more civilized but what ever floats your boat.

Your superiority complex is only overwhelmed by your misogyny.
So you've moved from strawman arguments to ad hominem.


Vote Trump!

Hey! You're the one who proposes to bring down the wrath upon her because she's female.
Why not? It's the Islamic religion she follows when she points the finger at others. So she can pay the Islamic penalty.

She's not following the Christianity I was brought up with.
Yeah ... let's just a bunch of guys and go kick her ass.

Or, better yet ... let's just stone her.
I would have thought a massive fine and life in prison would be more civilized but what ever floats your boat.

Your superiority complex is only overwhelmed by your misogyny.
So you've moved from strawman arguments to ad hominem.


Vote Trump!

Hey! You're the one who proposes to bring down the wrath upon her because she's female.
Why not? It's the Islamic religion she follows when she points the finger at others. So she can pay the Islamic penalty.

She's not following the Christianity I was brought up with.

Oops --- I think ignorance just took over first place.
She'll never have to pay it. Just like the Cake Maker Martyrs didn't have to pay theirs from their own pocket after they were persecuted.
Rowan County, which Davis serves as county clerk, has already stated that it will not pay the costs, arguing that Davis was acting on her own behalf rather than the county’s.

Interesting defense. Their representative in the clerks office was acting on her own behalf yet they did nothing to rectify it

That won't fly. Davis was elected to her position. Not hired.
Last edited:
Davis, who claimed she was speaking for God

That alone should be enough to tell everyone the woman is nuts. Since when does an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent being need the likes of that woman to speak on their behalf? By what rationale does a mere mortal presume to be God's voice? Dare deign to be able to speak for God? Clearly the woman doesn't even understand the God she professes to worship.

I'll be happy to give you the Word of God ... straight from His mouth.

He had a lot to say about lies and heresy .... you'd probably be interested in that part.

(BTW - those weren't her words ... that was the words of the OP)

boohoo. a sc ruling and an eo by her guvnor, but no, she knows better. lol. she should have quit her job.
Bullshit, she knew state law as it was at the time she refused to violate it by handing fags out some make believe marriage certs that are fucking meaningless and a mockery of real marriage.

She did exactly what she should have done and got crucified for it.

But you lefties like that dont you? You remind me of the French Jacobins putting 10,000 Catholic priests chained together on barges in a river in France then sinking them and drowning all of them together. The Jacobins had orgies over that for years, till the guillotines were turned on them.
boohoo. a sc ruling and an eo by her guvnor, but no, she knows better. lol. she should have quit her job.
Bullshit, she knew state law as it was at the time she refused to violate it by handing fags out some make believe marriage certs that are fucking meaningless and a mockery of real marriage.

She did exactly what she should have done and got crucified for it.

But you lefties like that dont you? You remind me of the French Jacobins putting 10,000 Catholic priests chained together on barges in a river in France then sinking them and drowning all of them together. The Jacobins had orgies over that for years, till the guillotines were turned on them.
please, codger. go fuck yourself with your alternative reality.

she should have performed the duties of her job or quit. very simple. she decided to take a stand, and lost. good.
She'll never have to pay it. Just like the Cake Maker Martyrs didn't have to pay theirs from their own pocket after they were persecuted.

Your certainty in the matter is baseless. Just as much as your mistaken belief that a cake maker was persecuted, when in fact they were not.
She'll never have to pay it. Just like the Cake Maker Martyrs didn't have to pay theirs from their own pocket after they were persecuted.

Your certainty in the matter is baseless. Just as much as your mistaken belief that a cake maker was persecuted, when in fact they were not.
Cool story bro. You hatred for christian's is well known. Like I stated The persecuted bakers didn't pay out of their own pocket and neither will this persecuted woman. I am not a christian but I despise faggots more than I despise christians.

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