Politics - The Art of Deception.


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2010
over the past few weeks we have seen a rash of leftwing threads started about the tea party and how they were wrong to push for a shut down of the government over obamacare. the response from the left was rabid. they had to get the word out that the tea party was evil and plant the seed fast. you know why? because they knew the tea party was right. they knew that once launched obamacare was going to be another nail in their coffin and their dreams of gaining back the house in 2014 and maintaining the white house in 2016 were going to be shot. They have already blown it with their failed attempt to tighten the reigns on our 2nd amendment rights. Exploiting children wasn't enough to convince americans that our rights weren't important.

Obama deliberately delayed the initial release of his plan until after the 2012 elections. No way he would have been reelected with this now known disaster on his heels. once again the left tried to take advantage of and exploit a situation to their political advantage. The art of deception. Use the shutdown to blacken the eyes of the tea party. the one party who is telling us politics as usual has to stop in Washington. Obama told us that in 2008. got himself elected and has since proven himself to be the biggest corporate stooge the office has known. his healthcare reform was crafted by healthcare insurance firms, pharmaceutical companies and corporations who were looking to dump the last big expense burden they still carried. Medical insurance. and once again, the common man pays. The raping of americans our politicians allowed banks and lending institutions execute in 2008 is now about to be repeated by the healthcare industry.

The tea party was right. We need to change Washington and we need to change it fast. Wake up to what obamacare really is. it isn't universal healthcare that is a benefit to the population. it is a massive entitlement program that will consume 1/6th the GDP and allow the healthcare industry the same liberties to rape us that deregulations did the banks. and the left wing puppets are out in full force beating the drum to allow politics as usual to continue in Washington. As long as it is their man in place leading the charge.

The Truth About Obamacare's Ugly Sticker-Shock: It Happened To Me

The Truth About Obamacare's Ugly Sticker-Shock: It Happened To Me

In the past month, the Obama administration has been subject to blistering criticism over its technological inability to set up working online insurance exchanges for Obamacare. The real scandal, however, is just starting to come to light—the cost of the program to young, healthy middle class people.

In California, premiums on middle class health plans are expected to jump by 30% in 2014.

I should be so lucky. I’m staring in the face of a 43 percent cost increase, for less comprehensive coverage than I have now.

Last month, I received a letter from my health insurance carrier informing me that my old catastrophic health plan was being eliminated and I was being funneled into the closest equivalent program under California’s Obamacare health exchange. Not only were my monthly premiums going up, but it appeared as if my insurance wouldn’t start covering my doctor visits until after I had spent all of my annual $4,500 deductible.
Again today, the left is spinning out of control. yes, you really have sunken that far. to the point you are grasping at straws. but the bottom line is, less and less people are listening. your the economy is fixed spin is imploding. it's not fixed, far from it. jobs have not improved, in fact layoffs are returning. after the holiday temp labor force is out of work again the numbers are going to get ugly. you have nothing positive to report on. even your obamacare arguments now that it has launched have been on the total defensive. your pre launch smoke and mirrors is now shot full of holes.

just read any of the posts started by the left wing crowd today and you'll see what i mean
It's funny, because they claim that the Tea Party is "dead and irrelevant" in one article, then the same people print another article saying how they are a great Leviathan that shutdown the Government; meanwhile, they are in control of 3/4 of the Government (Senate, POTUS, SCOTUS)
The left and rino just don't understand what the Tea Party is. They want a party with a formal platform and conventions and everything "political party's are supposed to be. The Tea Party is the vast number of Americans that pay attention to what is going on in Washington but don't take part in all the yelling and screaming that the "real" political party's do. We are mostly quiet but will come out at election time when we feel it is necessary. In 2014 and 2016 it will be necessary and we will be out in force.
The Tea Party fucked up by making the shutdown and the debt ceiling about ObamaCare. They got their messages crossed.
The Democrats have been adept at playing the game of 'hiding the salami', especially when it comes to Obiecare. I'll give them that.
The Tea Party fucked up by making the shutdown and the debt ceiling about ObamaCare. They got their messages crossed.

I disagree.

The initial damage to the Tea Party and Republicans was immediate and intense. the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM laid it on hot and heavy.

But now that obamacare has been rolled out and is an unmitigated disaster, now that it is a proven FACT that obama lied about keeping your own Health Insurance, now that people know how much more their insurance is going to cost, now that reality smacks the fantasy of dimocrap lies in the face....?

Things are turning around. Fast. So fast that pollsters can't even keep up.

obama care is a disaster and you haven't seen the worst part of it yet. Think the rollout is bad? Think the website was designed by imbeciles (it was -- dimocraps)....??

Wait until the website is up and running and people see how bad their rates are being hit.

And oh.... You think you're immune because you have a group plan?

Wait until next year when the Employer Mandate hits.

Hope you enjoy working 29 hours a week.

I hear there's a good market for body parts these days. Especially kidneys.

Oh, and one more thing.... They haven't paid the first claim yet. Wait until THAT shit sandwich hits... :lmao:
The Tea Party fucked up by making the shutdown and the debt ceiling about ObamaCare. They got their messages crossed.

No. They got their message right. Or were you not reading the OP? They tried warning us, but nobody would care to listen. Now millions of people will reap the consequences of being misled into thinking there is such a thing as 'free' healthcare. Now instead of having insurance, they will most likely not, or be forced into the federal exchanges against their wills. They will be paying more on their premiums. They are now soon discovering they will be the ones paying for this 'free' healthcare. But you say the Tea Party fucked up?

I'm sorry, who's warning came true? We warned you four years ago.

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive."

-Marmion, By Walter Scott, 1808
The Tea Party fucked up by making the shutdown and the debt ceiling about ObamaCare. They got their messages crossed.

No. They got their message right. Or were you not reading the OP? They tried warning us, but nobody would care to listen. Now millions of people will reap the consequences of being misled into thinking there is such a thing as 'free' healthcare. Now instead of having insurance, they will most likely not, or be forced into the federal exchanges against their wills. They will be paying more on their premiums. They are now soon discovering they will be the ones paying for this 'free' healthcare. But you say the Tea Party fucked up?

I'm sorry, who's warning came true? We warned you four years ago.

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive."

-Marmion, By Walter Scott, 1808

The biggest reason the Stuttering Clusterfuck and other assorted scumbag liberals lied about people being able to keep their own insurance was so that those people wouldn't fight the ACA as much.

And they didn't

People who had $10,000 Deductible plans with no maternity, not birth control pills, no abortions and no outpatient mental treatments thought, 'Well, what the hell? If the ACA is better and and cheaper I can always switch. If it isn't, I'll just stay where I am. Plus, that obama fella is Black, and Black people never lie"

It's called , "Freedom of Choice". Something dimocrap scum know nothing about.

So obama and dimocraps in general lied. They lied through their fucking teeth. Looked us right in the eye and fucking LIED.

The Tea Party tried to warn them. As did a lot of other Conservatives and Conservative groups.....

But the Stuttering Clusterfuck kept on lying. On and on the piece of shit lied.

So the people who were paying $300 a Month for Catastrophic Health Coverage and little else?

Now they gotta pay $1,000 a Month for something they don't even want... Maternity, Birth Control, Abortions, Mammograms, etc.

Suck on it people. You deserve it for not listening.

Let me say again.....

dimocraps lie.

Only a complete fool trusts one.
It's funny, because they claim that the Tea Party is "dead and irrelevant" in one article, then the same people print another article saying how they are a great Leviathan that shutdown the Government; meanwhile, they are in control of 3/4 of the Government (Senate, POTUS, SCOTUS)

yes, the typical liberal hypocrisy. and it is because none of what they say is based on fact. it's all done to tell a slanted story. so the description fits the agenda they are trying to represent. you take a look at any point of view presented by them and you will find an opposing one in attempt to support a different agenda.
The Tea Party is just a foretaste of the sort of political organization that will run the country when the swing of the pendulum is complete. And I promise, you WON'T like it after you've lived under it for a year or so. But, until then, you'll love it and it will come to power with your votes.
It's official- TPers are now right off the wall...enjoy irrelevance and disappearance...lol
The Tea Party fucked up by making the shutdown and the debt ceiling about ObamaCare. They got their messages crossed.

Actually libs spun the tea party message to be about obamacare. because that is what suited their cause. obamacare was one of many issues regarding spending we can not afford.
The Tea Party fucked up by making the shutdown and the debt ceiling about ObamaCare. They got their messages crossed.

No. They got their message right. Or were you not reading the OP? They tried warning us, but nobody would care to listen. Now millions of people will reap the consequences of being misled into thinking there is such a thing as 'free' healthcare. Now instead of having insurance, they will most likely not, or be forced into the federal exchanges against their wills. They will be paying more on their premiums. They are now soon discovering they will be the ones paying for this 'free' healthcare. But you say the Tea Party fucked up?

I'm sorry, who's warning came true? We warned you four years ago.

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive."

-Marmion, By Walter Scott, 1808

The biggest reason the Stuttering Clusterfuck and other assorted scumbag liberals lied about people being able to keep their own insurance was so that those people wouldn't fight the ACA as much.

And they didn't

People who had $10,000 Deductible plans with no maternity, not birth control pills, no abortions and no outpatient mental treatments thought, 'Well, what the hell? If the ACA is better and and cheaper I can always switch. If it isn't, I'll just stay where I am. Plus, that obama fella is Black, and Black people never lie"

It's called , "Freedom of Choice". Something dimocrap scum know nothing about.

So obama and dimocraps in general lied. They lied through their fucking teeth. Looked us right in the eye and fucking LIED.

The Tea Party tried to warn them. As did a lot of other Conservatives and Conservative groups.....

But the Stuttering Clusterfuck kept on lying. On and on the piece of shit lied.

So the people who were paying $300 a Month for Catastrophic Health Coverage and little else?

Now they gotta pay $1,000 a Month for something they don't even want... Maternity, Birth Control, Abortions, Mammograms, etc.

Suck on it people. You deserve it for not listening.

Let me say again.....

dimocraps lie.

Only a complete fool trusts one.

catastrophic care was almost becoming the only plan that made sense. deductibles have been growing so high conventional insurance was doing almost nothing for most individuals. what the average person paid in premiums would have easily covered the medical expenses most had.

but medicine is a scam. everyone is on some kind of drug. and that's the hook. that's how they get you. you can't afford the drug without the insurance. the doc tells you you need the drug. so you buy the insurance. we need to get everyone on insurance so we can sell more drugs. how do we do it. I know, make it mandatory.

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