Politics Today

If more people would just write-in a candidate, the message would get louder with each election cycle.....

Yeah, good luck with that.
FYI - There's power in numbers. ....

That's why your 'waste the vote' campaign will never go anywhere, genius.
Ok, genius, how is what we're doing now "going anywhere"? What's your solution? Or, are you just criticizing what I say, and have no ideas as to what we should be doing?
What were the numbers for the 50's and early 60's? Have any idea? Have the number of steel mills closed? Have the number of workers affected by those mills closing? Do you know how many ghost towns were created as a result? Please research the entire picture, and not just a narrow picture of just a few years. Thanks. Oh, and try the other industries that I listed for you as well. Thanks.
Why dont you know already
Please show what the peak production was compared to the production today. Please give a complete picture and not just the most recent numbers. Show the total production number when the electronics industry was at its peak in this country, and then show what it is today. Thanks.
Please show what the peak production was compared to the production today. Please give a complete picture and not just the most recent numbers. Show the total production number when the electronics industry was at its peak in this country, and then show what it is today. Thanks.
Why dont you know already
What were the numbers for the 50's and early 60's? Have any idea? Have the number of steel mills closed? Have the number of workers affected by those mills closing? Do you know how many ghost towns were created as a result? Please research the entire picture, and not just a narrow picture of just a few years. Thanks. Oh, and try the other industries that I listed for you as well. Thanks.
Why dont you know already
Yes, I know, and so do all of those that once depended on those industries to support heir families. Do you know? Do you remember when skills were past down from generation to generation? Do you remember when moms stayed home and raised the kids while dads went to work? Do you remember when workers could be self-supporting with the living wage jobs those industries offered. Do you remember when jobs covered all education and skill levels?
What were the numbers for the 50's and early 60's? Have any idea? Have the number of steel mills closed? Have the number of workers affected by those mills closing? Do you know how many ghost towns were created as a result? Please research the entire picture, and not just a narrow picture of just a few years. Thanks. Oh, and try the other industries that I listed for you as well. Thanks.
Why dont you know already
Yes, I know, and so do all of those that once depended on those industries to support heir families. Do you know? Do you remember when skills were past down from generation to generation? Do you remember when moms stayed home and raised the kids while dads went to work? Do you remember when workers could be self-supporting with the living wage jobs those industries offered. Do you remember when jobs covered all education and skill levels?

But uh, I dont need to remember whatever the hell you're on about, because it's 2015 and we have a completely different playing field in terms of WHATS even manufactured to begin with.

Comparing American life today to the 1960's and 50's is old people speak, and its been around for centuries coming out of the elderly. "Kids these days!"

Old people are voted MOST LIKELY to be opposed to change. Thats what youre experiencing with your "once great nation" bullcrap.

America is a great nation with some economic issues, and by great i mean that 2015 takes a hot disgusting shit on 1950, ESPECIALLY with the way us younger folks are having to teach you older folks how to TREAT people who are different than you.

The whining that the Country is losing its morals in the face of DECREASING crime rates and INCREASING understanding is just fun, and funny.
what sad shameful state are we in?
Good Question, thanks.
(1) Astronomical and rising debt
(2) Senseless deadly costly wars
(3) Government corruption
(4) An unfair and unjust judicial system
(5) Unfair and unjust taxation
(6) Growing poverty
(7) Rundown infrastructure
(8) Loss of privacy
(9) Low wage, part-time, and temporary employment
(10) Millions depending on government assistance programs
(11) Overwhelming illegal immigration
(12) Cities going bankrupt
(13) Troubled pension funds
(14) Shrinking home ownership
(15) Cost of living increases, especially food, rent, health care and utilities
(16) Unaffordable higher education
(17) Unaffordable health care
(18) Deteriorating relationships with our allies
(19) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports and our unjust, unfair, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(20) A non-transparent government
(21) etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.
What were the numbers for the 50's and early 60's? Have any idea? Have the number of steel mills closed? Have the number of workers affected by those mills closing? Do you know how many ghost towns were created as a result? Please research the entire picture, and not just a narrow picture of just a few years. Thanks. Oh, and try the other industries that I listed for you as well. Thanks.
Why dont you know already
Yes, I know, and so do all of those that once depended on those industries to support heir families. Do you know? Do you remember when skills were past down from generation to generation? Do you remember when moms stayed home and raised the kids while dads went to work? Do you remember when workers could be self-supporting with the living wage jobs those industries offered. Do you remember when jobs covered all education and skill levels?

But uh, I dont need to remember whatever the hell you're on about, because it's 2015 and we have a completely different playing field in terms of WHATS even manufactured to begin with.

Comparing American life today to the 1960's and 50's is old people speak, and its been around for centuries coming out of the elderly. "Kids these days!"

Old people are voted MOST LIKELY to be opposed to change. Thats what youre experiencing with your "once great nation" bullcrap.

America is a great nation with some economic issues, and by great i mean that 2015 takes a hot disgusting shit on 1950, ESPECIALLY with the way us younger folks are having to teach you older folks how to TREAT people who are different than you.

The whining that the Country is losing its morals in the face of DECREASING crime rates and INCREASING understanding is just fun, and funny.
what sad shameful state are we in?
Good Question, thanks.
(1) Astronomical and rising debt
(2) Senseless deadly costly wars
(3) Government corruption
(4) An unfair and unjust judicial system
(5) Unfair and unjust taxation
(6) Growing poverty
(7) Rundown infrastructure
(8) Loss of privacy
(9) Low wage, part-time, and temporary employment
(10) Millions depending on government assistance programs
(11) Overwhelming illegal immigration
(12) Cities going bankrupt
(13) Troubled pension funds
(14) Shrinking home ownership
(15) Cost of living increases, especially food, rent, health care and utilities
(16) Unaffordable higher education
(17) Unaffordable health care
(18) Deteriorating relationships with our allies
(19) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports and our unjust, unfair, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(20) A non-transparent government
(21) etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.
Same as it ever was.

Here's an idea. Why don't you pick one thing off of your list and try to get people together to change it. I'd pick the unfair judicial system. Way too many people in prison for no good reason.
what sad shameful state are we in?
Good Question, thanks.
(1) Astronomical and rising debt
(2) Senseless deadly costly wars
(3) Government corruption
(4) An unfair and unjust judicial system
(5) Unfair and unjust taxation
(6) Growing poverty
(7) Rundown infrastructure
(8) Loss of privacy
(9) Low wage, part-time, and temporary employment
(10) Millions depending on government assistance programs
(11) Overwhelming illegal immigration
(12) Cities going bankrupt
(13) Troubled pension funds
(14) Shrinking home ownership
(15) Cost of living increases, especially food, rent, health care and utilities
(16) Unaffordable higher education
(17) Unaffordable health care
(18) Deteriorating relationships with our allies
(19) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports and our unjust, unfair, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(20) A non-transparent government
(21) etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.
Same as it ever was.

Here's an idea. Why don't you pick one thing off of your list and try to get people together to change it. I'd pick the unfair judicial system. Way too many people in prison for no good reason.
I disagree. It hasn't always been the way it is today. Far from it. FYI - I have been trying, for years.
Yes, some industries are showing signs of life, I agree. But, are they where they were at their peak? Yes, some jobs are coming back, but how many? Enough to replace the ones lost? Your examples do NOT give the complete picture, and certainly not a fair indication of what we've lost over the years.
Please show what the peak production was compared to the production today. Please give a complete picture and not just the most recent numbers. Show the total production number when the electronics industry was at its peak in this country, and then show what it is today. Thanks.
Why dont you know already
Yes, I know. Yes, I've lived it and experienced it. I've seen it with my own eyes over the years.
Ok, show what it was at its peak years of production, and then show the production now. Thanks. Please give a complete picture which shows everything from the peak years up to where we are today. Thanks.
Why dont you know already
what sad shameful state are we in?
Good Question, thanks.
(1) Astronomical and rising debt
(2) Senseless deadly costly wars
(3) Government corruption
(4) An unfair and unjust judicial system
(5) Unfair and unjust taxation
(6) Growing poverty
(7) Rundown infrastructure
(8) Loss of privacy
(9) Low wage, part-time, and temporary employment
(10) Millions depending on government assistance programs
(11) Overwhelming illegal immigration
(12) Cities going bankrupt
(13) Troubled pension funds
(14) Shrinking home ownership
(15) Cost of living increases, especially food, rent, health care and utilities
(16) Unaffordable higher education
(17) Unaffordable health care
(18) Deteriorating relationships with our allies
(19) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports and our unjust, unfair, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(20) A non-transparent government
(21) etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.
Same as it ever was.

Here's an idea. Why don't you pick one thing off of your list and try to get people together to change it. I'd pick the unfair judicial system. Way too many people in prison for no good reason.
I disagree. It hasn't always been the way it is today. Far from it. FYI - I have been trying, for years.
Youre right, its been far worse.

The great depression.
Slave labor.
Women starting at slave wages.
The cotton industry conspiring to create the war on marijuana, thus creating the conglomerate "war on drugs" bullshit.....which created this spider web we have today where prisons are FOR PROFIT. Who did dattttt, sonny boy? Our yester folks did, thats who.

Today is way better.

America, fuck yea
what sad shameful state are we in?
Good Question, thanks.
(1) Astronomical and rising debt
(2) Senseless deadly costly wars
(3) Government corruption
(4) An unfair and unjust judicial system
(5) Unfair and unjust taxation
(6) Growing poverty
(7) Rundown infrastructure
(8) Loss of privacy
(9) Low wage, part-time, and temporary employment
(10) Millions depending on government assistance programs
(11) Overwhelming illegal immigration
(12) Cities going bankrupt
(13) Troubled pension funds
(14) Shrinking home ownership
(15) Cost of living increases, especially food, rent, health care and utilities
(16) Unaffordable higher education
(17) Unaffordable health care
(18) Deteriorating relationships with our allies
(19) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports and our unjust, unfair, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(20) A non-transparent government
(21) etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

Why......that list sure makes Obama look awful! He's the worst. POTUS we've ever had!! Just LOOK at that list!!! We are in HORRIBLE shape!!!

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