Politics Today

Ok, lets look at this from the "reality" side of the equation, shall we? First, all professional politicians are bought and paid for, FACT. Secondly, all professional politicians are mere puppets of the rich, the powerful, and the influential, FACT. Now, it takes a tremendous amount of money and the support of the powerful to get to the oval office, or to get a seat in Congress. No one gets elected to office that is not willing to play the game, no one. Those are just common sense and simple logical FACTS. By the time a person takes a seat in the oval office, or in Congress, they owe many favors, and they make good on those debts.

What we have in government today, is taxation without fair and equal representation, FACT. Honesty and politics mix like water and oil, FACT. Once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will ( the will of the puppet masters ), and not the will of the people, FACT. Anyone that believes differently, is obviously living in a state of denial. These truisms have been proven over time, and continues today. So, it follows, that elections are rigged, voters are choosing between those that the rich, the powerful, and the influential have enabled to get on the ballots, and voters are merely playing the game by pre-set rules, established by those with the power and means to determine the government that we live under.

If any of the above were not true, America would not be in the sad shameful state that it's presently in, FACT. Basically, politics in America today, is nothing more than a cruel game played against this once great nation and her citizens. We, the people and citizens of this once great nation, have given up our power and voice, and have become nothing more than a source for votes and tax revenue, period. Yet, election after election, voters continue to aid and abet the very ones hell-bent on our further destruction, and assist those that force social and economic hardships on the populous.

When we blame politicians, or a political party for our woes, we're actually ignoring our role in the grand scheme of things. The cold hard truth of the matter is, politicians do not just waltz into Washington and take a seat in government, we allow them a seat in government via our votes. By doing so, it's akin to handing a thief the keys to the bank fault, then when discovering the money has been stolen, we blame the thief instead of blaming ourselves for given him the keys. We'll never get from point " A " to point " B " on the socioeconomic scale, as long as we turn a blind eye to our role in the corrupt political game in this country. At some point in time, we, the American public, MUST take responsibility for the direction of this once great nation. We can start the process of correction by never ever voting for a professional politician to serve in government.

So, you're not going to vote anymore. Certainly your right.
Very silly and ridiculous. I vote. I have voted. I will continue to vote.

Yeah...but will you cast a ballot?
Yes, I do vote, and will continue to vote.
Lol @ social deterioration.

If your head is up your ass, I guess that's correct.

Our social norms now are wayy fcking better than ever in the entire Nation's history.

So, that's why we have a growing gap between the rich and the poor, a deteriorating and shrinking Middle Class, riots, protests, drug and alcohol abuse, citizens going postal, the influx of illegal immigrants, less home ownership, racial issues, attacks on religion, a growing prison population, a growing number of single parent families, growing homelessness, empty food pantries, tent cities, mass labor migration, and out-of-control members of law enforcement?
Most of what you just listed is in a BETTER state than historically..

Look up the data if you dont believe me.

Start with crime statistics year over year. Its at fbi.gov

You just admitted that you let sensationalism in the news, what we smart people call "propoganda," shape your entire perception of the country.
Very silly and just pathetic. Your childish rant is damn ridiculous. Well, if things are so much better, why do we have to obvious problems that we are experiencing today? Care to guess?
There never wasnt problems, in any country, ever.

Difference is, I can still see that things in the bigger picture are getting better and instead of letting headlines lead me by the nose, I have life experience.

You have "nut but but headlines"

And the true TELL that youre happy with your ignorance is that you chose to ignore the crime statistics and did an ad hom attack instead. And will, again. Wont ya? Yupp, you will.

Youre a self.fulfilling prophesy. Youre looking for all the ills and admitted youve "been for years!"

Your cynicism is your own disease, dont get mad at others because they dont have said disease.
what sad shameful state are we in?
Good Question, thanks.
(1) Astronomical and rising debt
(2) Senseless deadly costly wars
(3) Government corruption
(4) An unfair and unjust judicial system
(5) Unfair and unjust taxation
(6) Growing poverty
(7) Rundown infrastructure
(8) Loss of privacy
(9) Low wage, part-time, and temporary employment
(10) Millions depending on government assistance programs
(11) Overwhelming illegal immigration
(12) Cities going bankrupt
(13) Troubled pension funds
(14) Shrinking home ownership
(15) Cost of living increases, especially food, rent, health care and utilities
(16) Unaffordable higher education
(17) Unaffordable health care
(18) Deteriorating relationships with our allies
(19) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports and our unjust, unfair, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(20) A non-transparent government
(21) etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.
Same as it ever was.

Here's an idea. Why don't you pick one thing off of your list and try to get people together to change it. I'd pick the unfair judicial system. Way too many people in prison for no good reason.
I disagree. It hasn't always been the way it is today. Far from it. FYI - I have been trying, for years.
Well, you lost the con flag thing so pick something else.

And yes, cranks have been making the same claims since the beginning of time. It is a shame that you run around telling everyone how awful the USA is.
Well, please tell me how wonderful America is. Can you? Go ahead, tell me just how wonderful everything is. Thanks.
Lol @ social deterioration.

If your head is up your ass, I guess that's correct.

Our social norms now are wayy fcking better than ever in the entire Nation's history.

So, that's why we have a growing gap between the rich and the poor, a deteriorating and shrinking Middle Class, riots, protests, drug and alcohol abuse, citizens going postal, the influx of illegal immigrants, less home ownership, racial issues, attacks on religion, a growing prison population, a growing number of single parent families, growing homelessness, empty food pantries, tent cities, mass labor migration, and out-of-control members of law enforcement?
Most of what you just listed is in a BETTER state than historically..

Look up the data if you dont believe me.

Start with crime statistics year over year. Its at fbi.gov

You just admitted that you let sensationalism in the news, what we smart people call "propoganda," shape your entire perception of the country.
Very silly and just pathetic. Your childish rant is damn ridiculous. Well, if things are so much better, why do we have to obvious problems that we are experiencing today? Care to guess?
There never wasnt problems, in any country, ever.

Difference is, I can still see that things in the bigger picture are getting better and instead of letting headlines lead me by the nose, I have life experience.

You have "nut but but headlines"

And the true TELL that youre happy with your ignorance is that you chose to ignore the crime statistics and did an ad hom attack instead. And will, again. Wont ya? Yupp, you will.

Youre a self.fulfilling prophesy. Youre looking for all the ills and admitted youve "been for years!"

Your cynicism is your own disease, dont get mad at others because they dont have said disease.
Lol @ social deterioration.

If your head is up your ass, I guess that's correct.

Our social norms now are wayy fcking better than ever in the entire Nation's history.

So, that's why we have a growing gap between the rich and the poor, a deteriorating and shrinking Middle Class, riots, protests, drug and alcohol abuse, citizens going postal, the influx of illegal immigrants, less home ownership, racial issues, attacks on religion, a growing prison population, a growing number of single parent families, growing homelessness, empty food pantries, tent cities, mass labor migration, and out-of-control members of law enforcement?

Is anything better?
Yes. More folks are waking up and realizing what has been taking place in government.
Lol @ social deterioration.

If your head is up your ass, I guess that's correct.

Our social norms now are wayy fcking better than ever in the entire Nation's history.

So, that's why we have a growing gap between the rich and the poor, a deteriorating and shrinking Middle Class, riots, protests, drug and alcohol abuse, citizens going postal, the influx of illegal immigrants, less home ownership, racial issues, attacks on religion, a growing prison population, a growing number of single parent families, growing homelessness, empty food pantries, tent cities, mass labor migration, and out-of-control members of law enforcement?
Most of what you just listed is in a BETTER state than historically..

Look up the data if you dont believe me.

Start with crime statistics year over year. Its at fbi.gov

You just admitted that you let sensationalism in the news, what we smart people call "propoganda," shape your entire perception of the country.
Very silly and just pathetic. Your childish rant is damn ridiculous. Well, if things are so much better, why do we have to obvious problems that we are experiencing today? Care to guess?
There never wasnt problems, in any country, ever.

Difference is, I can still see that things in the bigger picture are getting better and instead of letting headlines lead me by the nose, I have life experience.

You have "nut but but headlines"

And the true TELL that youre happy with your ignorance is that you chose to ignore the crime statistics and did an ad hom attack instead. And will, again. Wont ya? Yupp, you will.

Youre a self.fulfilling prophesy. Youre looking for all the ills and admitted youve "been for years!"

Your cynicism is your own disease, dont get mad at others because they dont have said disease.
View attachment 45173
^ ad hom vs. Crime statistics.

As I had presumed, youre afraid of the data that contradicts your dokm and gloom world view.

Maybe its time to replace your old moth ball smelling hunter green furniture and orange carpeting and join us in 2015. There's coffee on every corner, sporting events and parks to exercise everywhere and the movies/games these days are fan fucking tastic.

But but but but gays, and the flag.....deeeeerp
So, that's why we have a growing gap between the rich and the poor, a deteriorating and shrinking Middle Class, riots, protests, drug and alcohol abuse, citizens going postal, the influx of illegal immigrants, less home ownership, racial issues, attacks on religion, a growing prison population, a growing number of single parent families, growing homelessness, empty food pantries, tent cities, mass labor migration, and out-of-control members of law enforcement?
Most of what you just listed is in a BETTER state than historically..

Look up the data if you dont believe me.

Start with crime statistics year over year. Its at fbi.gov

You just admitted that you let sensationalism in the news, what we smart people call "propoganda," shape your entire perception of the country.
Very silly and just pathetic. Your childish rant is damn ridiculous. Well, if things are so much better, why do we have to obvious problems that we are experiencing today? Care to guess?
There never wasnt problems, in any country, ever.

Difference is, I can still see that things in the bigger picture are getting better and instead of letting headlines lead me by the nose, I have life experience.

You have "nut but but headlines"

And the true TELL that youre happy with your ignorance is that you chose to ignore the crime statistics and did an ad hom attack instead. And will, again. Wont ya? Yupp, you will.

Youre a self.fulfilling prophesy. Youre looking for all the ills and admitted youve "been for years!"

Your cynicism is your own disease, dont get mad at others because they dont have said disease.
View attachment 45173
^ ad hom vs. Crime statistics.

As I had presumed, youre afraid of the data that contradicts your dokm and gloom world view.

Maybe its time to replace your old moth ball smelling hunter green furniture and orange carpeting and join us in 2015. There's coffee on every corner, sporting events and parks to exercise everywhere and the movies/games these days are fan fucking tastic.

But but but but gays, and the flag.....deeeeerp
Ok, lets look at this from the "reality" side of the equation, shall we? First, all professional politicians are bought and paid for, FACT. Secondly, all professional politicians are mere puppets of the rich, the powerful, and the influential, FACT. Now, it takes a tremendous amount of money and the support of the powerful to get to the oval office, or to get a seat in Congress. No one gets elected to office that is not willing to play the game, no one. Those are just common sense and simple logical FACTS. By the time a person takes a seat in the oval office, or in Congress, they owe many favors, and they make good on those debts.

What we have in government today, is taxation without fair and equal representation, FACT. Honesty and politics mix like water and oil, FACT. Once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will ( the will of the puppet masters ), and not the will of the people, FACT. Anyone that believes differently, is obviously living in a state of denial. These truisms have been proven over time, and continues today. So, it follows, that elections are rigged, voters are choosing between those that the rich, the powerful, and the influential have enabled to get on the ballots, and voters are merely playing the game by pre-set rules, established by those with the power and means to determine the government that we live under.

If any of the above were not true, America would not be in the sad shameful state that it's presently in, FACT. Basically, politics in America today, is nothing more than a cruel game played against this once great nation and her citizens. We, the people and citizens of this once great nation, have given up our power and voice, and have become nothing more than a source for votes and tax revenue, period. Yet, election after election, voters continue to aid and abet the very ones hell-bent on our further destruction, and assist those that force social and economic hardships on the populous.

When we blame politicians, or a political party for our woes, we're actually ignoring our role in the grand scheme of things. The cold hard truth of the matter is, politicians do not just waltz into Washington and take a seat in government, we allow them a seat in government via our votes. By doing so, it's akin to handing a thief the keys to the bank fault, then when discovering the money has been stolen, we blame the thief instead of blaming ourselves for given him the keys. We'll never get from point " A " to point " B " on the socioeconomic scale, as long as we turn a blind eye to our role in the corrupt political game in this country. At some point in time, we, the American public, MUST take responsibility for the direction of this once great nation. We can start the process of correction by never ever voting for a professional politician to serve in government.

So, you're not going to vote anymore. Certainly your right.
Very silly and ridiculous. I vote. I have voted. I will continue to vote.

Then you have, do and will continue to vote for professional politicians.
Ok, lets look at this from the "reality" side of the equation, shall we? First, all professional politicians are bought and paid for, FACT. Secondly, all professional politicians are mere puppets of the rich, the powerful, and the influential, FACT. Now, it takes a tremendous amount of money and the support of the powerful to get to the oval office, or to get a seat in Congress. No one gets elected to office that is not willing to play the game, no one. Those are just common sense and simple logical FACTS. By the time a person takes a seat in the oval office, or in Congress, they owe many favors, and they make good on those debts.

What we have in government today, is taxation without fair and equal representation, FACT. Honesty and politics mix like water and oil, FACT. Once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will ( the will of the puppet masters ), and not the will of the people, FACT. Anyone that believes differently, is obviously living in a state of denial. These truisms have been proven over time, and continues today. So, it follows, that elections are rigged, voters are choosing between those that the rich, the powerful, and the influential have enabled to get on the ballots, and voters are merely playing the game by pre-set rules, established by those with the power and means to determine the government that we live under.

If any of the above were not true, America would not be in the sad shameful state that it's presently in, FACT. Basically, politics in America today, is nothing more than a cruel game played against this once great nation and her citizens. We, the people and citizens of this once great nation, have given up our power and voice, and have become nothing more than a source for votes and tax revenue, period. Yet, election after election, voters continue to aid and abet the very ones hell-bent on our further destruction, and assist those that force social and economic hardships on the populous.

When we blame politicians, or a political party for our woes, we're actually ignoring our role in the grand scheme of things. The cold hard truth of the matter is, politicians do not just waltz into Washington and take a seat in government, we allow them a seat in government via our votes. By doing so, it's akin to handing a thief the keys to the bank fault, then when discovering the money has been stolen, we blame the thief instead of blaming ourselves for given him the keys. We'll never get from point " A " to point " B " on the socioeconomic scale, as long as we turn a blind eye to our role in the corrupt political game in this country. At some point in time, we, the American public, MUST take responsibility for the direction of this once great nation. We can start the process of correction by never ever voting for a professional politician to serve in government.

So, you're not going to vote anymore. Certainly your right.
Very silly and ridiculous. I vote. I have voted. I will continue to vote.

Then you have, do and will continue to vote for professional politicians.
WRONG !!!!!!! --- I have NEVER voted for a professional politician in my life, never will, and wouldn't.
what sad shameful state are we in?
Good Question, thanks.
(1) Astronomical and rising debt
(2) Senseless deadly costly wars
(3) Government corruption
(4) An unfair and unjust judicial system
(5) Unfair and unjust taxation
(6) Growing poverty
(7) Rundown infrastructure
(8) Loss of privacy
(9) Low wage, part-time, and temporary employment
(10) Millions depending on government assistance programs
(11) Overwhelming illegal immigration
(12) Cities going bankrupt
(13) Troubled pension funds
(14) Shrinking home ownership
(15) Cost of living increases, especially food, rent, health care and utilities
(16) Unaffordable higher education
(17) Unaffordable health care
(18) Deteriorating relationships with our allies
(19) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports and our unjust, unfair, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(20) A non-transparent government
(21) etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.
Same as it ever was.

Here's an idea. Why don't you pick one thing off of your list and try to get people together to change it. I'd pick the unfair judicial system. Way too many people in prison for no good reason.
I disagree. It hasn't always been the way it is today. Far from it. FYI - I have been trying, for years.
Well, you lost the con flag thing so pick something else.

And yes, cranks have been making the same claims since the beginning of time. It is a shame that you run around telling everyone how awful the USA is.
Well, please tell me how wonderful America is. Can you? Go ahead, tell me just how wonderful everything is. Thanks.
There is no point. You will still be a crank married to your own bitterness.
Ok, lets look at this from the "reality" side of the equation, shall we? First, all professional politicians are bought and paid for, FACT. Secondly, all professional politicians are mere puppets of the rich, the powerful, and the influential, FACT. Now, it takes a tremendous amount of money and the support of the powerful to get to the oval office, or to get a seat in Congress. No one gets elected to office that is not willing to play the game, no one. Those are just common sense and simple logical FACTS. By the time a person takes a seat in the oval office, or in Congress, they owe many favors, and they make good on those debts.

What we have in government today, is taxation without fair and equal representation, FACT. Honesty and politics mix like water and oil, FACT. Once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will ( the will of the puppet masters ), and not the will of the people, FACT. Anyone that believes differently, is obviously living in a state of denial. These truisms have been proven over time, and continues today. So, it follows, that elections are rigged, voters are choosing between those that the rich, the powerful, and the influential have enabled to get on the ballots, and voters are merely playing the game by pre-set rules, established by those with the power and means to determine the government that we live under.

If any of the above were not true, America would not be in the sad shameful state that it's presently in, FACT. Basically, politics in America today, is nothing more than a cruel game played against this once great nation and her citizens. We, the people and citizens of this once great nation, have given up our power and voice, and have become nothing more than a source for votes and tax revenue, period. Yet, election after election, voters continue to aid and abet the very ones hell-bent on our further destruction, and assist those that force social and economic hardships on the populous.

When we blame politicians, or a political party for our woes, we're actually ignoring our role in the grand scheme of things. The cold hard truth of the matter is, politicians do not just waltz into Washington and take a seat in government, we allow them a seat in government via our votes. By doing so, it's akin to handing a thief the keys to the bank fault, then when discovering the money has been stolen, we blame the thief instead of blaming ourselves for given him the keys. We'll never get from point " A " to point " B " on the socioeconomic scale, as long as we turn a blind eye to our role in the corrupt political game in this country. At some point in time, we, the American public, MUST take responsibility for the direction of this once great nation. We can start the process of correction by never ever voting for a professional politician to serve in government.

So, you're not going to vote anymore. Certainly your right.
Very silly and ridiculous. I vote. I have voted. I will continue to vote.

Then you have, do and will continue to vote for professional politicians.
WRONG !!!!!!! --- I have NEVER voted for a professional politician in my life, never will, and wouldn't.

And they aren't professional because they told you that?
Good Question, thanks.
(1) Astronomical and rising debt
(2) Senseless deadly costly wars
(3) Government corruption
(4) An unfair and unjust judicial system
(5) Unfair and unjust taxation
(6) Growing poverty
(7) Rundown infrastructure
(8) Loss of privacy
(9) Low wage, part-time, and temporary employment
(10) Millions depending on government assistance programs
(11) Overwhelming illegal immigration
(12) Cities going bankrupt
(13) Troubled pension funds
(14) Shrinking home ownership
(15) Cost of living increases, especially food, rent, health care and utilities
(16) Unaffordable higher education
(17) Unaffordable health care
(18) Deteriorating relationships with our allies
(19) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports and our unjust, unfair, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(20) A non-transparent government
(21) etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.
Same as it ever was.

Here's an idea. Why don't you pick one thing off of your list and try to get people together to change it. I'd pick the unfair judicial system. Way too many people in prison for no good reason.
I disagree. It hasn't always been the way it is today. Far from it. FYI - I have been trying, for years.
Well, you lost the con flag thing so pick something else.

And yes, cranks have been making the same claims since the beginning of time. It is a shame that you run around telling everyone how awful the USA is.
Well, please tell me how wonderful America is. Can you? Go ahead, tell me just how wonderful everything is. Thanks.
There is no point. You will still be a crank married to your own bitterness.
Good Question, thanks.
(1) Astronomical and rising debt
(2) Senseless deadly costly wars
(3) Government corruption
(4) An unfair and unjust judicial system
(5) Unfair and unjust taxation
(6) Growing poverty
(7) Rundown infrastructure
(8) Loss of privacy
(9) Low wage, part-time, and temporary employment
(10) Millions depending on government assistance programs
(11) Overwhelming illegal immigration
(12) Cities going bankrupt
(13) Troubled pension funds
(14) Shrinking home ownership
(15) Cost of living increases, especially food, rent, health care and utilities
(16) Unaffordable higher education
(17) Unaffordable health care
(18) Deteriorating relationships with our allies
(19) Our dependency on cheap foreign imports and our unjust, unfair, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies
(20) A non-transparent government
(21) etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.
Same as it ever was.

Here's an idea. Why don't you pick one thing off of your list and try to get people together to change it. I'd pick the unfair judicial system. Way too many people in prison for no good reason.
I disagree. It hasn't always been the way it is today. Far from it. FYI - I have been trying, for years.
Well, you lost the con flag thing so pick something else.

And yes, cranks have been making the same claims since the beginning of time. It is a shame that you run around telling everyone how awful the USA is.
Well, please tell me how wonderful America is. Can you? Go ahead, tell me just how wonderful everything is. Thanks.
There is no point. You will still be a crank married to your own bitterness.
And passive aggressively funnying everything to mask his insecurities.

Ok, lets look at this from the "reality" side of the equation, shall we? First, all professional politicians are bought and paid for, FACT. Secondly, all professional politicians are mere puppets of the rich, the powerful, and the influential, FACT. Now, it takes a tremendous amount of money and the support of the powerful to get to the oval office, or to get a seat in Congress. No one gets elected to office that is not willing to play the game, no one. Those are just common sense and simple logical FACTS. By the time a person takes a seat in the oval office, or in Congress, they owe many favors, and they make good on those debts.

What we have in government today, is taxation without fair and equal representation, FACT. Honesty and politics mix like water and oil, FACT. Once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will ( the will of the puppet masters ), and not the will of the people, FACT. Anyone that believes differently, is obviously living in a state of denial. These truisms have been proven over time, and continues today. So, it follows, that elections are rigged, voters are choosing between those that the rich, the powerful, and the influential have enabled to get on the ballots, and voters are merely playing the game by pre-set rules, established by those with the power and means to determine the government that we live under.

If any of the above were not true, America would not be in the sad shameful state that it's presently in, FACT. Basically, politics in America today, is nothing more than a cruel game played against this once great nation and her citizens. We, the people and citizens of this once great nation, have given up our power and voice, and have become nothing more than a source for votes and tax revenue, period. Yet, election after election, voters continue to aid and abet the very ones hell-bent on our further destruction, and assist those that force social and economic hardships on the populous.

When we blame politicians, or a political party for our woes, we're actually ignoring our role in the grand scheme of things. The cold hard truth of the matter is, politicians do not just waltz into Washington and take a seat in government, we allow them a seat in government via our votes. By doing so, it's akin to handing a thief the keys to the bank fault, then when discovering the money has been stolen, we blame the thief instead of blaming ourselves for given him the keys. We'll never get from point " A " to point " B " on the socioeconomic scale, as long as we turn a blind eye to our role in the corrupt political game in this country. At some point in time, we, the American public, MUST take responsibility for the direction of this once great nation. We can start the process of correction by never ever voting for a professional politician to serve in government.

So, you're not going to vote anymore. Certainly your right.
Very silly and ridiculous. I vote. I have voted. I will continue to vote.

Then you have, do and will continue to vote for professional politicians.
WRONG !!!!!!! --- I have NEVER voted for a professional politician in my life, never will, and wouldn't.

And they aren't professional because they told you that?
What a stupid thing to say. Pleeeeez .......... show at least a little intelligence .............. thanks......
Same as it ever was.

Here's an idea. Why don't you pick one thing off of your list and try to get people together to change it. I'd pick the unfair judicial system. Way too many people in prison for no good reason.
I disagree. It hasn't always been the way it is today. Far from it. FYI - I have been trying, for years.
Well, you lost the con flag thing so pick something else.

And yes, cranks have been making the same claims since the beginning of time. It is a shame that you run around telling everyone how awful the USA is.
Well, please tell me how wonderful America is. Can you? Go ahead, tell me just how wonderful everything is. Thanks.
There is no point. You will still be a crank married to your own bitterness.
And passive aggressively funnying everything to mask his insecurities.

FYI - I have NO insecurities, none. Try again.
I disagree. It hasn't always been the way it is today. Far from it. FYI - I have been trying, for years.
Well, you lost the con flag thing so pick something else.

And yes, cranks have been making the same claims since the beginning of time. It is a shame that you run around telling everyone how awful the USA is.
Well, please tell me how wonderful America is. Can you? Go ahead, tell me just how wonderful everything is. Thanks.
There is no point. You will still be a crank married to your own bitterness.
And passive aggressively funnying everything to mask his insecurities.

FYI - I have NO insecurities, none. Try again.
Looks at op.

:lol: kayyyyy!!!
So, you're not going to vote anymore. Certainly your right.
Very silly and ridiculous. I vote. I have voted. I will continue to vote.

Then you have, do and will continue to vote for professional politicians.
WRONG !!!!!!! --- I have NEVER voted for a professional politician in my life, never will, and wouldn't.

And they aren't professional because they told you that?
What a stupid thing to say. Pleeeeez .......... show at least a little intelligence .............. thanks......

Wow. They certainly can fool some of the people all of the time.

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