Politics, "Wokeness" and Absurdity

It all depends on what is being included and what is being tolerated. The predation of children should NEVER be included and tolerated.
Obviously not.

But what about transgender peop,e and homosexual people being accepted as simply people?
Obviously not.

But what about transgender peop,e and homosexual people being accepted as simply people?
I accept both as just people.

I do not believe the lives of young children should be intruded upon with such matters, though. Indoctrinating children by introducing subject matter to them is a FAR different matter than waiting until they ask questions about the world on their own.
It was mostly Egyptian citizens who protested Cleopatra, historically believed to be of Macedonian/Greek heritage, being portrayed as a black woman. The objection was not due to racism but because of historical integrity.

In a country where there is equal treatment under the law, there should also be equal treatment culturally. Slavery is illegal for all and has been for 158 years or 8 generations ago. That is plenty of time for slavery to be a non issue.

There should be no protected classes that can't be criticized or insulted. The fact a a group is considered 'protected' sets them apart as different, privileged, not mainstream. It enhances what prejudices exist. To declare them a protected group actually increases the probability of resentment toward them, of criticism of them.

We all should abide by the exact same rules and regulations to respect and protect everybody's rights with equal consideration and protection under the law. Once we do that a whole lot of these kinds of problems will simply disappear.
Fyi for me, counting my own generation, and I am in my 60s now, the Civil war was 5 generations ago, me, dad, grandpa, great grand dad, and great great granddad who was old enough to sign up for the Confederate Army draft, of able men between 15 and 45...

Boy oh boy, how time flies... :eek:

The thing is, Jim Crow laws did not end until 1965, which was a little bit after my husband and I were born! That's just 3 generations from me ago! (hard to believe) And things didn't change overnight after Jim Crow ended either.
There is no group that is protected, by law, from insults or criticism.
Then what the hell are "hate crimes"???
AGAIN, the irony is LOST on YOU!
"Hate crime" legislation is BASED on feeeeeelz, not Constitutional statute!
And, when it comes to speech, everyone is ENTITALED to pronounce themselves a jackass whether you like it or not, just like how you may FEEEEL about this post!

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I accept both as just people.

I do not believe the lives of young children should be intruded upon with such matters, though. Indoctrinating children by introducing subject matter to them is a FAR different matter than waiting until they ask questions about the world on their own.
Do you consider normalizing different family arrangements to be indoctrination? As an example reading books like Heather has two Mommies or Tango Makes Three?
Do you consider normalizing different family arrangements to be indoctrination? As an example reading books like Heather has two Mommies or Tango Makes Three?
I believe it is better to respond to the various questions children ask at certain ages than introduce subject matter to them with a pre-determined objective in mind.

I also believe that it is not the role of the state to usurp the role of the family.
Then what the hell are "hate crimes"???
AGAIN, the irony is LOST on YOU!
"Hate crime" legislation is BASED on feeeeeelz, not Constitutional statute!
And, when it comes to speech, everyone is ENTITALED to pronounce themselves a jackass whether you like it or not, just like how you may FEEEEL about this post!

Hate crime laws are ENTIRELY predicated upon the identity of the perp and the victim.

As such, they do not actually address racial hatred so much as they indulge in an exercise in social engineering.
I believe it is better to respond to the various questions children ask at certain ages than introduce subject matter to them with a pre-determined objective in mind.
Isn’t that done with a variety of subjects anyway? We introduce a book with a mommy, a daddy, and kids but not one with two mommies unless they ask? Doesn’t that label one as normal and the as abnormal?

I also believe that it is not the role of the state to usurp the role of the family.
I agree to some extent.
Fyi for me, counting my own generation, and I am in my 60s now, the Civil war was 5 generations ago, me, dad, grandpa, great grand dad, and great great granddad who was old enough to sign up for the Confederate Army draft, of able men between 15 and 45...

Boy oh boy, how time flies... :eek:

The thing is, Jim Crow laws did not end until 1965, which was a little bit after my husband and I were born! That's just 3 generations from me ago! (hard to believe) And things didn't change overnight after Jim Crow ended either.
The thing is that slavery did end. Jim Crow laws did end (though most places had already ended them by 1965.) Very very few people in the work force now ever experienced them. Affirmative Action broke down the last of the systemic barriers. Laws are in place to eliminate most unethical discrimination.

It is now time to end protected classes and allow people to just live, work, play, compete naturally and without the stigma of being a special class. It is time to go after race hustlers and others who profit by dividing Americans into groups and pitting them against each other.

As Morgan Freeman put it, the best way to end racism is to stop talking about it.
Normal people don't want anything to do with what the demented LEFT a pushing, but the LEFT have a hold of just about 100% of the media and edu.
About a century in making, society is being eroded by power merchants, and the useful IDIOTS they take advantage of.
The Pavlovian HATRED of Trump is amazing to behold!
No discredit or valid disagreements about ANY POLOCIES he successfully improved our nation with, just HATE.
One way or another, this darkness got to give.....
Hate crime laws are ENTIRELY predicated upon the identity of the perp and the victim.

As such, they do not actually address racial hatred so much as they indulge in an exercise in social engineering.
Lady Justice used to be blind.
Now she's cancelled; scales eroded.
Isn’t that done with a variety of subjects anyway? We introduce a book with a mommy, a daddy, and kids but not one with two mommies unless they ask? Doesn’t that label one as normal and the as abnormal?

I agree to some extent.
When I was a young lad, my schooling did not involve social matters at all. It was all about learning to read and write and learning about the world around of us instead of the particulars of family structures.

As far as your particular example, it is all about creating the impression that the uncommon is actually common and conditioning children accordingly.
When I was a young lad, my schooling did not involve social matters at all. It was all about learning to read and write and learning about the world around of us instead of the particulars of family structures.
When I was in school (probably same era) we did include some social topics as part of current events. The only one that comes to mind was the Vietnam War.

As far as your particular example, it is all about creating the impression that the uncommon is actually common and conditioning children accordingly.

It is common enough that children may have peers with that sort of family structure. It is no different than any other so how is it conditioning?
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Well I hadn't thought of it from that perspective. I do agree they are trying to destroy all traditional values, completely control the message and what thought and speech will be allowed as well as erase and rewrite our history to fit their narrative only, and I have to believe this is some sort of sick intent to establish a totalitarian government that will establish whatever their weird idea of "utopia' might be.

But for sure I don't know a dedicated leftist promoting all that stuff that I would describe as a normal, happy human being.
What traditional values? White racism, white male misogyny, white male preference and privilege by force?
That belongs in your church Sunday School, you do not have any right to impose your religious views on others.
No he doesn't. Nor does the gay community have the right to impose their lifestyle on him.

But a gay person has every right to be gay in peace, to be treated fairly and justly as any other person, to be left alone, to not be attacked, to not be threatened or harassed because he is gay. He doesn't have a right to be in anybody's face about it or demand that others accept his gayness as a good thing or grant him special privileges.

Likewise every person has the right to believe homosexuality is wrong, a sin, an abomination or whatever. Or not believe that. But nobody has the right to be in a gay person's face about it or unethically/illegally discriminate or otherwise violate a gay man's person or property or livelihood.

The problem comes when the gay man is allowed to say publicly that God loves gays and/or homosexuality is perfectly natural but the other guy is not allowed to publicly express his opinion that homosexuality is a sin.

It doesn't matter which is right or wrong in their opinion. But equal protection under the law does matter.
"Equality" under the law means no hindrance to each person using his/her God given intellect, abilities, talents, aptitude, ambition to reach for his/her full potential.

It doesn't mean--it has never meant--each person starts out at the exact same point on the playing field or that each person has the same intellect, ability, talent, aptitude, ambition or that everybody has the same potential.

My husband and I started out extremely poor--well below the poverty line--and we aren't rich now. But we are quite comfortable, pay our taxes and our bills, and have enough left over to enjoy life.

We have friends who started out rich and aren't anywhere near as secure or happy as we are. Among one of my kin's five kids--their parents were teachers--the one who got a college degree would die young of alcohol and drug abuse. The other three got some college, would be classified middle class and are doing okay, but the one who went to work immediately out of high school had the drive and instincts to excel in his own businesses and is now a multi-millionaire.

Roughly 68% of the millionaires and billionaires in this country are self made, some started out fairly comfortable and expanded on that. Only 10% or so inherited their wealth.

So it really depends on your definition of 'equal.' But for sure until we do away with protected classes, allow people to be who and what they are so long as they mind their own business and aren't in our faces or violating our rights, and allow skin color to be of no more importance that eye color or hair color, we will continue to separate out and marginalize people and hinder their ability to strive for and reach their full potential.

Sure, equal can mean different things.
However, if we look statistically, a person born in a ghetto has how much chance of making it to middle class?

Education and opportunities are not equal for the poorest people. Some might make it out, but most will be born into, and die in a circle of poverty and crime.
There are things that could be done to change this, but the politicians can't be bothered.

But as long as people feel like their lot in life is down the to their caste/ethnicity, then there's going to be problems.
Oh and could I suggest that you look beyond Facebook for your information?

The thing is you might need to look at Facebook for some information.
You're telling me something isn't happening, I've seen it on Facebook. The people on Facebook are, sometimes, real....
Look up other definitions that explain it better
The problem is the constant redefining....
The reasons are, ostensibly, foul language, descriptions or discussion of sex, violent scenes but more often it is just because someone objects to a “lifestyle” or a view that reveals some of the ugly truths about us as a nation.
Our history is full of ugly truths which cancel culture wants to forget ever happened......


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