Politics, "Wokeness" and Absurdity

Of course it is about political correctness. Those who want to dictate that this person is in a protected class and therefore you must not express any critical observation or opinion about anything he/she is protected about is what political correctness is. And it usually is entirely arbitrary and directed only at those considered political opposition.
Objecting to Nazi’s marching in a neighborhood with a large population of Holocaust survivors is about “political correctness??!
What is “appropriate” about banning these? (and btw, I did not agree with any of those other book bannings you mentioned either).

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Out of Darkness

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

I haven't read any of them so can't express a personal evaluation. I do know books like that have been criticized for pushing a thinly veiled political agenda. If they in fact do that, then I think parents have a valid interest in restricting them.

The schools should not be in the business of pushing ANY kind of political or social engineering content.
Objecting to Nazi’s marching in a neighborhood with a large population of Holocaust survivors is about “political correctness??!
Yep. It is offensive to Holocaust survivors and that is what makes it politically incorrect. I would intensely criticize/condemn people participating in that and call them out for the hateful, mean spirited activity they engage in,

Likewise with the Westboro Baptist shenanigans that I consider almost always inappropriate and mean spirited.

But it is purely that they are offensive that makes them politically incorrect.
DeSantis et al. is limiting and attempting to limit free speech in Florida.

I haven't read any of them so can't express a personal evaluation. I do know books like that have been criticized for pushing a thinly veiled political agenda. If they in fact do that, then I think parents have a valid interest in restricting them.

The schools should not be in the business of pushing ANY kind of political or social engineering content.
If schools were filled to the brim with pamphlets by Jehovah's Witness or books promoting Westboro Baptist, these same idiots would be screaming bloody murder.

It's o.k. when THEY do it, though.
If schools were filled to the brim with pamphlets by Jehovah's Witness or books promoting Westboro Baptist, these same idiots would be screaming bloody murder.

It's o.k. when THEY do it, though.
I would not like for any political or religious or activist groups to be advertising or promoting any kind of agenda in the schools. The public school is not the place for that and, if I was still on a school board, I would be a strong advocate for not having that kind of content in the school library or on reading lists.

But you take a book like Huckleberry Finn or Gone with the Wind, yes both contain language and imagery that is deemed politically incorrect in our 21st Century culture. But neither book is preachy or promotes any sort of agenda, left or right. Neither promotes or denounces the culture of the era it represents. Both fairly accurately describe the culture and at least some of the history, the good and the bad, that existed at that time.

The wise teacher will encourage children to discuss the book, ask questions, think about it critically. It becomes an invaluable lesson in history and understanding our roots and how far we have come and evaluate what can be learned from it.
I don't follow everything you say Dipshit. Why are you touting your science degree at me then? 😄 Why would I give a shit?
I just saw an article on Germany before Hitler during the Weimer Republic. berlin, Germany was a hotbed for homosexual, transvestitism and transexuals. When Hitler took over as the German economy was in shambles, you know what he did. We need to keep our economy strong. Joe is not doing that.
I just saw an article on Germany before Hitler during the Weimer Republic. berlin, Germany was a hotbed for homosexual, transvestitism and transexuals. When Hitler took over as the German economy was in shambles, you know what he did. We need to keep our economy strong. Joe is not doing that.
I don't read Bingo can someone translate?
22lcidw wants a fascist state economy and a political state that kills homosexuals, transvestites, transexuals, and to end the music of Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, and Miley Cyrus.
You have every right to express your opinion, but if you want to teach it to school children then you are forcing it on others.

You're contradicting because schools have no right to teach that chopping off body parts is just fine or homosexuality should be condoned but yet there they are, pushing such abhorrent behaviors. It's beyond despicable and sickening.
More of your emotional rants and obscenities. Can you think logically or is it just all emotion? The two have everything and nothing to do with each other.
No they do not. Your geology degree doesn't make you an authority on biology or human sexuality. You probably can't even explain, rationally, what you imagine one has to do with the other.
That is very dangerous. Where is personal decision?

When everything is so politicized, it is becoming harder and harder to engage

But spontaneous boycotts of people of honorable people making choices based on their preferences, beliefs, opinions is fair game.

Civility is one of those things that's subjective

and you folks wonder why things are unraveling .........~S~
Civility is not subjective. I can disagree with Lord Browntrout and CurriedGoats and be civil.

Those who can only communicate in hissing and pissing fits are normally on Ignore.
I agree. Civility is not at all subjective to me. But at least some of those who have nothing constructive to contribute other than snarky or sarcastic comments, insults, ad hominem, etc. no doubt consider themselves civil.

The convoluted double standard pervades all aspects of our society these days.

In order for me to be acceptable, most of those on the left expect me to be tolerant of inappropriate drag show entertainment of children, of lewd gay pride exhibits, of sexual content constituting grooming in school curriculum and library books, parents multilating their children and providing them with potentially dangerous drugs, of liberal women accusing conservative men of inappropriate conduct years, even decades, after the proposed offense, etc. etc. etc.

But they do not expect to be tolerant of my opinion that there are two genders, period, that biological males should not be in women's sports, locker rooms, public restrooms, that certain reading material and/or entertainment is inappropriate for young children, that the national holiday of Christmas should be celebrated in schools and other public venues, that Christians should not be required to participate in activities of protected groups just because they run a business, etc. etc. etc.

For the most part they do not attack the opinion or provide a rationale for why it is wrong. They attack me personally with all manner of accusations, ad hominem, name calling etc.

The cultural war that the left has declared on us is intended to make the abnormal and rarity normal and mainstream and to do away with all concept or recognition of what is normal and common. People are expected to accommodate the abnormal and rarity and any detriment, danger or discomfort to the vast majority should be ignored.

And any who do not agree with that should be silenced.
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No they do not. Your geology degree doesn't make you an authority on biology or human sexuality. You probably can't even explain, rationally, what you imagine one has to do with the other.

Ah yes, ye olde ye must be a biologist to determine if you're a man or a woman. Such profound musings from curry man. Its pretty simple, you're either xx or xy, man or woman, at birth.
Ah yes, ye olde ye must be a biologist to determine if you're a man or a woman. Such profound musings from curry man.
You don't have to be a biologist but being a geologist certainly doesn't give you any special insight. You're the one actually relying the logical fallacy by appealing to the authority of your geology degree, for whatever you think that's worth. If you want to debate how we define man or woman let's have at it. Make your case with logic and reason.
You don't have to be a biologist but being a geologist certainly doesn't give you any special insight. You're the one actually relying the logical fallacy by appealing to the authority of your geology degree, for whatever you think that's worth. If you want to debate how we define man or woman let's have at it. Make your case with logic and reason.

I don't need a degree to determine what a male or female is. The logic is in the dna code, xx and xy. There's no discussion.

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