Politifact ADMITS: 44%........


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
of the bogus 46 million uninsured DON"T NEED or WANT health insurance...
yet they are fraudulently counted in the "46 million uninsured"...

Politifact quote:
"Using a broader age range -- from 19 to 39 -- the share rises to 44 percent. That’s a significant percentage, but it’s short of a majority."

PolitiFact | Rand Paul says young people are a major part of the uninsured population

So if we use Obama' bogus number: "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"

and assume of the 46 million that are UNINSURED 44% are from 19 to 39. That is 20,240,000!

Now a substantiation of a lesser number:

1) 18 million of the "46 million" don't want health insurance as they are under 34, make over $50k and spend less then their employer share!

So use 18 million from 46 million you come up with 28 million NOT 46 million that are "uninsured"...

But the "phony number" gets worse.

2) 10 million counted in his "46 million" WERE NOT citizens!!!
source:Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

3) 14 million that say they are uninsured DON"T KNOW they are covered by Medicaid! Obama/and CMS of ALL people should know THAT!!!

Subtract 24 from 28 million leaves truly 4 million THAT WANT AND NEED insurance...
not the bogus 46 million that was used to force pass ACA.

Why are you so instant on continuing to use "46 million" when now even YOU are admitting 18 to 20 million DON"T WANT,DON"T NEED health insurance So why are you forcing them to buy something they don't NEED???

Why not concentrate on REASONS health insurance premiums have been high and will continue to climb!

PHONY duplicate testing all out of fear of lawsuits ADD $850 billion to what Medicare and insurance companies pay out! What that does is increase premiums!
90% of physicians say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

Why do almost ALL hospitals "pad and pass" sometimes at 6,000% markups to Medicare? Because they are forced to see uninsured!
GREAT! Tax the hospitals and lawyers! Use the 10% tax from lawyers $270 billion and buy a $5,000 premium for each and every truly uninsured registered by the hospitals that see them!

Then audit hospitals so they don't pad and pass on that and taxes will reduce easily $100 to $200 billion from the $850 billion defensive medicine and hospitals markups that simply go to increased premiums now!

I KNOW MOST people don't this...
BUT state insurance regulators approve premiums which companies show are based on claims they pay out!
SO if the above is done... claims go down.. Premiums by state laws have to go down!

When Obama trots out those poor helpless examples of big mean health insurance companies rules to seek sympathy...
HE IS FORGETTING as evidently most people do..
THESE examples ARE THE EXCEPTIONS! They have to be or the SYSTEM would be broke!
And that's what should be addressed!

EMTALA caused the problem... Look it up!
Good intentions create bad legislation!
Now for most of you insurance Illiterati....

insurance companies register with states to sell in their state.
When they do they agree to financial disclosures including premiums they will charge customers.
To prove the premiums are reasonable the companies share their costs including what they have paid and what they
ANTICIPATE they will have to pay in claims out of the premiums they collect.
NOW for you totally illiterati... the average health insurance company HISTORICAlLY average 80% of every dollar out in claims!

Again for you illiterati... THE companies pay the claims that are legitimate and accepted.
Included in these claims are $850 billion a year that is paid out in duplicate tests by physicians as physicians attest.
Why do these physicians all agree they do duplicate testing,etc.?? FEAR OF LAWSUITS!

And yet you illiterati.. protect these millionaire lawyers! WHY???

You want the 18 million age under 34 making over $50k to buy insurance but do you realize THAT will just make costs climb further?
NOW all those lawyers will see these as potential clients and the $850 billion will climb to $1 trillion in duplicate tests, etc. again
all passed on into insurance rates and companies will no longer offer! Too expensive to offer health insurance!

ALL because of less the 4 million that truly need insurance AND would provide NATIONAL HEALTH CARE FOR ALL THAT WANT IT!!!
So why not tax lawyers 10% like ACA taxes tanning salons?
$270 billion is what lawyers grossed and 10% is $27 billion a year.
That $27 billion divided by the truly 4 million uninsured equals $6,750 a year per person.
These true 4 million go to hospital and are registered as uninsured and all the claims sent to the
insurance company managing the "uninsured" coverage.
Then the hospitals the 2nd major largest contributor to waste would not be able to pad and pass sometimes 6,000% markups to Medicare/insurance companies. This would also reduce health care costs!
All by simply recognizing THERE ARE less the 4 million that truly want and need health insurance!
Healthmyths again proves herself to be a very dishonest person.

The article says nothing about "need"....

That's the point.

Do you want to pay for the young couple who wraps their BMW around a tree?
Healthmyths again proves herself to be a very dishonest person.

The article says nothing about "need"....

That's the point.

Do you want to pay for the young couple who wraps their BMW around a tree?

BUT why are you USING ONE anecdote?
Are you telling me the young couple didn't have auto insurance?
State requires BECAUSE you can hurt people with your car!
But just because YOU ignorantly don't have any concept of "insurance" and reality of numbers!

Again 18 million people under 34 making over $50 k don't pay for employers' insurance cause they don't need to!

So that young couple you subjectively one case mention... HAS nothing to do with health insurance!

Why are you so defensive regarding millionaire lawyers??
You stupidly think that by passing on duplicate tests you might win won of the 6% lawsuits that go to court?
See again dumb people like you don't have all the facts and it ISN'T the lawsuits that go to court but the
insurance companies SETTLING OUT of court that lawyers are after. And again insurance companies just
increase premiums!
So one METHOD of reducing $850 billion in duplicate tests, etc. is state by state tort reform that prevents these
94% cases from be filed in the first place!

But again rationale thought logic just diminishes when you use subjective rare examples like you do!
THINK for once.
Understand that 4 million can be covered that want to be covered and please don't mouth those old cliched, ignorant remarks
about single rare incidents that are covered by auto insurance in the first place!
If Obamacare was so great why this editorial from Obama's home town??

"Bottom line: Let's delay and rewrite this ill-conceived law. Congress need not start from scratch. Lawmakers can build on what all of us have learned from three years of painful trial and error. Three years of attempting, but failing, to make this clumsy monstrosity work for the American people."
Flouting Obamacare - chicagotribune.com
And, the promise to insure all Americans?

According to the CBO, in 2015 there will be 36 million uninsured nonelderly Americans. http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/attachments/43472-07-24-2012-CoverageEstimates.pdf (table 3)

In 1947, Richard Milhouse Nixon proposed a National Health Care inititiative. He made it the keynote of his 1974 State of the Union address.

Richard Nixon: Address on the State of the Union Delivered Before a Joint Session of the Congress

Jacob Javits introduced a Health Care bill that was (correctly) defeated, George Bush got prescriptions added to Medicare -- Finally. He also introduced Health Care proposals.

What I'm trying to say here is this....

The Country has long needed, and still needs Mandatory Health Insurance Participation.

As a Conservative, I understand that wil be hard for many of you to understand but it's the way it is whether you like or not.

But dimocraps don't want Health Care for people. They didn't want prescriptions for Medicare. They fought (Ted Kennedy especially) Nixon's plan tooth and nail, they fought Bush's plan, they...

dimocraps don't want Health Care for all, THEY WANT SOCIALISM.

And like I told anybody that would listen when all this was being debated back in 2009, the ACA is a direct path to single-payer socialism.

When you have socialized medicine, you have socialism.

What's the alternative? Look to Switzerland. They've got it right.

France, Holland, the UK, Germany (to a lesser extent) are all trying to get away from the socialized 'Single Payer' programs because.... They don't work.

We could have had something nice, something good for the people; but dimocraps fucked it up. Like they do EVERYTHING they touch.


Yes, I'm aware of our inordinately high Medical costs, but that's because of all the Cost-Shifting and all the lawsuits.

Which dimocrap scum didn't even address. A Health Care Plan without Tort Reform is a fucking joke.

Which the entire dimocrap party is.
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And, the promise to insure all Americans?

According to the CBO, in 2015 there will be 36 million uninsured nonelderly Americans. http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/attachments/43472-07-24-2012-CoverageEstimates.pdf (table 3)

In 1947, Richard Milhouse Nixon proposed a National Health Care inititiative. He made it the keynote of his 1974 State of the Union address.

Richard Nixon: Address on the State of the Union Delivered Before a Joint Session of the Congress

Jacob Javits introduced a Health Care bill that was (correctly) defeated, George Bush got prescriptions added to Medicare -- Finally. He also introduced Health Care proposals.

What I'm trying to say here is this....

The Country has long needed, and still needs Mandatory Health Insurance Participation.

As a Conservative, I understand that wil be hard for many of you to understand but it's the way it is whether you like or not.

But dimocraps don't want Health Care for people. They didn't want prescriptions for Medicare. They fought (Ted Kennedy especially) Nixon's plan tooth and nail, they fought Bush's plan, they...

dimocraps don't want Health Care for all, THEY WANT SOCIALISM.

And like I told anybody that would listen when all this was being debated back in 2009, the ACA is a direct path to single-payer socialism.

When you have socialized medicine, you have socialism.

What's the alternative? Look to Switzerland. They've got it right.

France, Holland, the UK, Germany (to a lesser extent) are all trying to get away from the socialized 'Single Payer' programs because.... They don't work.

We could have had something nice, something good for the people; but dimocraps fucked it up. Like they do EVERYTHING they touch.


Yes, I'm aware of our inordinately high Medical costs, but that's because of all the Cost-Shifting and all the lawsuits.

Which dimocrap scum didn't even address. A Health Care Plan without Tort Reform is a fucking joke.

Which the entire dimocrap party is.

We have it already! 99.8% of Americans that want health insurance have it!
All we need to do is tax lawyers 10% or $27 billion and pay for the uninsured when they go to the hospital!
IT IS THAT simple!
You are making it so much more complicated!
18 million don't want or need!
14 million already covered by Medicaid!
10 million are illegal!
That leaves 4 million that truly need and want so give it to them by means testing at hospital when they register!
The $27 billion provides a $6,000 premium for each of the truly needy!

Why are you against THAT???

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