Poll; 6 In 10 Americans Say Trump Should Be Held To Account For His Crimes On January 6th

Uh excuse me, but Pelosi is not the one who attempted a coup.

That would be your orange baboon.
Believe me tard the dems do not want a trial... if the media keeps pushing for one they can expect a call from the DNC.....
Strange... it seems to be your cult High priests who are to sissy to show up...

It's almost as if you are publicly masturbating again.
You fool... if they hold a trial it would be a disaster for the dems on the committee... they would have to show their cards... all of their cards not just the hand pick ones they have so easily fooled you with....
hey butt man how's Joe working out for ya?.....
You fool... if they hold a trial it would be a disaster for the dems on the committee... they would have to show their cards... all of their cards not just the hand pick ones they have so easily fooled you with....
hey butt man how's Joe working out for ya?.....
Well obviously you are soothing yourself with idiotic, embarrassing lies, given how many of them have publicly said they want criminal referrals to the DOJ. You are so fucking dumb sometimes.
A new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds that 58% of Americans believe Donald Trump bears a good or great amount of responsibility for inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection and support charging him with a crime. Six in 10 also say the House select committee's probe into Jan. 6 is fair and impartial.

It’s coming.
Believe me tard the dems do not want a trial... if the media keeps pushing for one they can expect a call from the DNC.....
Cheney proved she was stupid when pushing back against the committee Chairman when he declared there would be no recommendation for prosecution.

He knows they don't have that kind of evidence. He knows they don't want a 'prolonged engagement' with Trump. They want 'guerilla warfare' - hit, smear, tarnish / destroy his reputation, hit but don't get hit.

Smart Dems know, for example, they are on record for having massively opposed cleaning up voter rosters, and post-election analysis showed there were tens of thousands of extra votes cast in cases where voters moved to New states / districts, voted. yet there were still absentee ballots cast in their previous districts, etc...

They don't want to get into the facts like PA violating it's own state election laws in the middle of the election.

This committee is not about going head-to-head with Trump, to allow him to pick the topics / issues hexwants to bring up.
Believe me tard the dems do not want a trial... if the media keeps pushing for one they can expect a call from the DNC.....
The panel is not tasked nor do they have the power to hold a "trial" even if they wanted to, CLOWN.

Try to keep up.
So 58% of 545 people or 316 people feel that way interesting they don't provide the breakdown of those polled by party ID. It would interesting to see what percent of those polled indentified as Republican, Democrat or Indpendent,
A new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds that 58% of Americans believe Donald Trump bears a good or great amount of responsibility for inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection and support charging him with a crime. Six in 10 also say the House select committee's probe into Jan. 6 is fair and impartial.

It’s coming.

42% of Americans think that crimes shouldn't be punished. Fuck me.
that gave not one single word to Republican members who support President Trump. Not one was called. The only Republicans who were called on were already in Democrat Pockets because they were and are totally against the President

Well, I respectfully demur. Plenty of Republicans were called to testify.
Plenty of Republicans who Don Trump (I think) would expect to defend him.
Yet, they have refused to come before the Committee and defend their former boss. Despite invitations and even subpoenas.
Jordan, Meadows, Navarro, Biggs, Stone, Eastman, Bannon, etc.
They were in a position to know stuff that may be exculpatory for Don T. To set him free from suspicion.
Yet, they refuse to come forward and defend him.

Cheney said today that about 30 witnesses have taken the 5th Amendment so as not to incriminate themselves.

I dunno what that all means, but one does have to wonder why there is NOT this rush to defend Don Trump.
What's up with that?
No demographics on this poll. How many respondents, where was it taken. Sounds like more prog/lefty bullshit. Typical dailykos crap. They even admit it in their disclaimer.

Over the past two decades, Daily Kos has grown from a one-man blog to the country's largest progressive news and activism hub.
I dunno what that all means, but one does have to wonder why there is NOT this rush to defend Don Trump.
What's up with that?
Hahaha…. NOBODY not completely fucked in the head wants to dignify this dog and pony super shit-show.
You loons honestly believe everyone is as disturbed as you are…funny shit.
By the way, remember four years of “Russian collusion”?
A new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds that 58% of Americans believe Donald Trump bears a good or great amount of responsibility for inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection and support charging him with a crime. Six in 10 also say the House select committee's probe into Jan. 6 is fair and impartial.

It’s coming.
how come your title says “crimes” then your link says “bears a good or great responsibility”

which is it? what crimes?

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