Poll; 6 In 10 Americans Say Trump Should Be Held To Account For His Crimes On January 6th

The panel is not tasked nor do they have the power to hold a "trial" even if they wanted to, CLOWN.

Try to keep up.
My comment was to the pollster ABC...
ABC and you want a trial but the dems do not...
A new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds that 58% of Americans believe Donald Trump bears a good or great amount of responsibility for inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection and support charging him with a crime. Six in 10 also say the House select committee's probe into Jan. 6 is fair and impartial.

It’s coming.
So, we should go down the road of imprisoning our political opponents, because we don’t like them…is that right?
So 58% of 545 people or 316 people feel that way interesting they don't provide the breakdown of those polled by party ID. It would interesting to see what percent of those polled indentified as Republican, Democrat or Indpendent,
Why? Results are adjusted for that.

The link to the information you seek is literally the second word of the article.

Well, I respectfully demur. Plenty of Republicans were called to testify.
Plenty of Republicans who Don Trump (I think) would expect to defend him.
Yet, they have refused to come before the Committee and defend their former boss. Despite invitations and even subpoenas.
Jordan, Meadows, Navarro, Biggs, Stone, Eastman, Bannon, etc.
They were in a position to know stuff that may be exculpatory for Don T. To set him free from suspicion.
Yet, they refuse to come forward and defend him.

Cheney said today that about 30 witnesses have taken the 5th Amendment so as not to incriminate themselves.

I dunno what that all means, but one does have to wonder why there is NOT this rush to defend Don Trump.
What's up with that?
They're afraid the Democrats will put them in jail or worse yet, do to them what they did to General Flynn, the merciless lies they told on Rudy Guiliani, the guy who lowered the murder rate in New York City following a mayor who had the highest murder rate in NYC in History. They're vicious, they lie, cheat, and steal just like Biden did for 47 years. As some would say, he got away with bloody murder.
The law and order crowd got sold a bunch of bullshit and attack law and order. Now they are lost looking like a bunch of fools. It's funny and sad.
Fuck off. The headline floats with the poll cited. If you don't like the polling that's fine and the subject of the thread and discuss it. Don't report stupid shit.
Well, at least you concede that this thread is "stupid shit". Thank you!
Only polls taken by Trump's goon squad over at Fox are legit, right mouth breather?
So which one of these is accurate?
A new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds that 58% of Americans believe Donald Trump bears a good or great amount of responsibility for inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection and support charging him with a crime. Six in 10 also say the House select committee's probe into Jan. 6 is fair and impartial.

It’s coming.
11 out of 10 people say you are a dumbass.

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