Poll: 80% Call Illegal Immigration a Problem, 58% say Serious’

You are dealing again with a moral question. You think it's serious because of the scare tactics you have been subjected to and I think it's serious on humanitarian grounds.

I was at this position on this issue well before any such "Scare tactics" were employed.

All you are doing is attacking my motivation for my position, so that you can avoid having to address the actual merits of mine.

That is intellectually dishonest.
Treating vulnerable people like garbage never made any situation better. Motivation is the main issue here. You cannot understand Americans caring about these horrible foreigners and I cannot simply put up with my government abandoning it's humanity.

Have you considered the possibility that building a very large wall would dissuade many migrants from attempting to come all that way in the 1st place? Suppose we include E-Verify and more surveillance and Border Patrol people and whatever else makes sense, I would think such a policy might be a more humane way to deal with the problem.

So, what would you do to address the problem?
Mr. Obama had a pretty decent balance of carrot and stick that kind of half-assed worked without overly demonizing decent people while keeping a high level of deportation of undesirables. It would be nice if we could get the whole system overhauled but republicans want no part of that. Yhey cannot even discuss t without being dicks about it.

When we have a population of illegals numbering in the millions, it is not a good balance, it is a fucking disaster.
That's a matter of opinion but we have already seen clear examples of what it does to our country when the fearmongers try to get all heartlessly militaristic on the problem. Trump is now spending the last of his political capital trying to appease the xenophobes.
I was at this position on this issue well before any such "Scare tactics" were employed.

All you are doing is attacking my motivation for my position, so that you can avoid having to address the actual merits of mine.

That is intellectually dishonest.
Treating vulnerable people like garbage never made any situation better. Motivation is the main issue here. You cannot understand Americans caring about these horrible foreigners and I cannot simply put up with my government abandoning it's humanity.

Have you considered the possibility that building a very large wall would dissuade many migrants from attempting to come all that way in the 1st place? Suppose we include E-Verify and more surveillance and Border Patrol people and whatever else makes sense, I would think such a policy might be a more humane way to deal with the problem.

So, what would you do to address the problem?
Mr. Obama had a pretty decent balance of carrot and stick that kind of half-assed worked without overly demonizing decent people while keeping a high level of deportation of undesirables. It would be nice if we could get the whole system overhauled but republicans want no part of that. Yhey cannot even discuss t without being dicks about it.

When we have a population of illegals numbering in the millions, it is not a good balance, it is a fucking disaster.
That's a matter of opinion but we have already seen clear examples of what it does to our country when the fearmongers try to get all heartlessly militaristic on the problem. Trump is now spending the last of his political capital trying to appease the xenophobes.

What exactly do you think we have "seen" as a "clear example" of "what it dos to our country"?

Oh and calling what you don't like a phobia, is not a supporting argument. It is bullshit.
Illegal immigration is a serious problem, that is not in dispute, Dealing with it like monsters or decent human beings is the problem.

Several liberals on this site have denied that it is a serious problem. Including Rightwinger, for one example.

Indeed, he has viciously attacked people for saying it is a problem.

RightWinger is worse than a Broken Clock, at least a Broken clock is right twice a day.
Treating vulnerable people like garbage never made any situation better. Motivation is the main issue here. You cannot understand Americans caring about these horrible foreigners and I cannot simply put up with my government abandoning it's humanity.

Have you considered the possibility that building a very large wall would dissuade many migrants from attempting to come all that way in the 1st place? Suppose we include E-Verify and more surveillance and Border Patrol people and whatever else makes sense, I would think such a policy might be a more humane way to deal with the problem.

So, what would you do to address the problem?
Mr. Obama had a pretty decent balance of carrot and stick that kind of half-assed worked without overly demonizing decent people while keeping a high level of deportation of undesirables. It would be nice if we could get the whole system overhauled but republicans want no part of that. Yhey cannot even discuss t without being dicks about it.

When we have a population of illegals numbering in the millions, it is not a good balance, it is a fucking disaster.
That's a matter of opinion but we have already seen clear examples of what it does to our country when the fearmongers try to get all heartlessly militaristic on the problem. Trump is now spending the last of his political capital trying to appease the xenophobes.

What exactly do you think we have "seen" as a "clear example" of "what it dos to our country"?

Oh and calling what you don't like a phobia, is not a supporting argument. It is bullshit.
The shutdown is a very recent example but you'll probably not care about how badly our system treats those wanting to be here both legal and illegal. I do not like our government being needlessly harsh because of the old adage: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you.

Phobia is defined as an unreasonable fear of relatively harmless things, it fits.
It's weird, but Democrats seem totally ignorant of what most Americans think.

For example, while most Americans are Christian, Democrats mock and ridicule Christianity.

While most Americans love the American flag, Democrats mock and ridicule the American flag.

While most Americans love the military, Democrats mock and ridicule the military.

It makes no sense, but there you have it.

They've chosen to align with the very worst fringes of humanity.

They openly side with violent criminals.

They openly side with sexual perverts.

They openly side with foreign invaders.

Somehow, the Democrats have deluded themselves into believing that they can gain more votes, and more political support, from these extreme fringes, than they will lose by alienating the overwhelming mainstream majority of Americans by pandering to these fringes.

Mainstream Americans are waking up. We certainly saw this in 2016. Not so much in 2018, but just wait 'til 2020.

Unless they change course, drastically, the Democrats are on course, within the meager lifetime that I have left, to go politically extinct in most of the country.
It's weird, but Democrats seem totally ignorant of what most Americans think.

For example, while most Americans are Christian, Democrats mock and ridicule Christianity.

While most Americans love the American flag, Democrats mock and ridicule the American flag.nt
-While most Americans love the military, Democrats mock and ridicule the military.

It makes no sense, but there you have it.

What makes no sense is your depiction of millions of Democrats all holding the same beliefs - clearly you've never secured a decent education.

The possibility of a disconnect between a party's leadership and it's membership is pretty obvious.

Indeed, it is not credible that you did not consider that.

Thus your ridicule is revealed to be a dishonest attempt at a logical fallacy of Argument by Ridicule, and not a serious point.
You are so full of shit you must have brown blood
Illegal immigration is a serious problem, that is not in dispute, Dealing with it like monsters or decent human beings is the problem.

Several liberals on this site have denied that it is a serious problem. Including Rightwinger, for one example.

Indeed, he has viciously attacked people for saying it is a problem.

You are dealing again with a moral question. You think it's serious because of the scare tactics you have been subjected to and I think it's serious on humanitarian grounds.

I was at this position on this issue well before any such "Scare tactics" were employed.

All you are doing is attacking my motivation for my position, so that you can avoid having to address the actual merits of mine.

That is intellectually dishonest.
Treating vulnerable people like garbage never made any situation better. Motivation is the main issue here. You cannot understand Americans caring about these horrible foreigners and I cannot simply put up with my government abandoning it's humanity.

NOt inviting people to come into our community is not "treating them like garbage".

I'v not invited you into my house. Do you feel I have treated you "like garbage"?

Apples & Agnostics - try again.
Dem's can't win on this issue defending illegals because illegals keep killing Americans.
Illegal immigration is a serious problem, that is not in dispute, Dealing with it like monsters or decent human beings is the problem.

Several liberals on this site have denied that it is a serious problem. Including rightwinger, for one example.

Indeed, he has viciously attacked people for saying it is a problem.

Even those on the left wrong who will pay empty lip service to admitting that illegal invasion is a problem, won't be nailed down into agreeing to any real solutions to it.

Just try to get occupied to agree to any effective remedy for such invasion. Mark my words, anything that you propose, that has any plausible chance of mitigating the problem, he will oppose. His admission that “Illegal immigration is a serious problem” is empty and meaningless. It's a lie. He doesn't really believe that; if he did, he'd agree with the need for serious solutions to a serious problem.
Have you considered the possibility that building a very large wall would dissuade many migrants from attempting to come all that way in the 1st place? Suppose we include E-Verify and more surveillance and Border Patrol people and whatever else makes sense, I would think such a policy might be a more humane way to deal with the problem.

So, what would you do to address the problem?
Mr. Obama had a pretty decent balance of carrot and stick that kind of half-assed worked without overly demonizing decent people while keeping a high level of deportation of undesirables. It would be nice if we could get the whole system overhauled but republicans want no part of that. Yhey cannot even discuss t without being dicks about it.

When we have a population of illegals numbering in the millions, it is not a good balance, it is a fucking disaster.
That's a matter of opinion but we have already seen clear examples of what it does to our country when the fearmongers try to get all heartlessly militaristic on the problem. Trump is now spending the last of his political capital trying to appease the xenophobes.

What exactly do you think we have "seen" as a "clear example" of "what it dos to our country"?

Oh and calling what you don't like a phobia, is not a supporting argument. It is bullshit.
The shutdown is a very recent example but you'll probably not care about how badly our system treats those wanting to be here both legal and illegal. I do not like our government being needlessly harsh because of the old adage: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you.

Phobia is defined as an unreasonable fear of relatively harmless things, it fits.

.1. The Shutdown? Trump is trying to enforce the law and secure the border. That you blame HIM for the clash with those that are AGAINST that, shows your bias.

2. Our nation is overwhelmed with immigrants to the point that we are being forced to endure transformational change against our will. That our treatment of those doing this to US is only "HARSH" is a testimony to our very gentle natures.

YOu and yours are the ones tearing this nation apart by attacking your fellow Americans by falsely maligning their just positions and interests.
It's weird, but Democrats seem totally ignorant of what most Americans think.

For example, while most Americans are Christian, Democrats mock and ridicule Christianity.

While most Americans love the American flag, Democrats mock and ridicule the American flag.nt
-While most Americans love the military, Democrats mock and ridicule the military.

It makes no sense, but there you have it.

What makes no sense is your depiction of millions of Democrats all holding the same beliefs - clearly you've never secured a decent education.

The possibility of a disconnect between a party's leadership and it's membership is pretty obvious.

Indeed, it is not credible that you did not consider that.

Thus your ridicule is revealed to be a dishonest attempt at a logical fallacy of Argument by Ridicule, and not a serious point.
You are so full of shit you must have brown blood
Several liberals on this site have denied that it is a serious problem. Including Rightwinger, for one example.

Indeed, he has viciously attacked people for saying it is a problem.

You are dealing again with a moral question. You think it's serious because of the scare tactics you have been subjected to and I think it's serious on humanitarian grounds.

I was at this position on this issue well before any such "Scare tactics" were employed.

All you are doing is attacking my motivation for my position, so that you can avoid having to address the actual merits of mine.

That is intellectually dishonest.
Treating vulnerable people like garbage never made any situation better. Motivation is the main issue here. You cannot understand Americans caring about these horrible foreigners and I cannot simply put up with my government abandoning it's humanity.

NOt inviting people to come into our community is not "treating them like garbage".

I'v not invited you into my house. Do you feel I have treated you "like garbage"?

Apples & Agnostics - try again.

1. YOur pretense to not understand the concept of a gap between membership and leadership is you being full of shit, not me.

2. Not inviting people to come into our community is not "treating them like garbage".
Several liberals on this site have denied that it is a serious problem. Including Rightwinger, for one example.

Indeed, he has viciously attacked people for saying it is a problem.

You are dealing again with a moral question. You think it's serious because of the scare tactics you have been subjected to and I think it's serious on humanitarian grounds.

I was at this position on this issue well before any such "Scare tactics" were employed.

All you are doing is attacking my motivation for my position, so that you can avoid having to address the actual merits of mine.

That is intellectually dishonest.
Treating vulnerable people like garbage never made any situation better. Motivation is the main issue here. You cannot understand Americans caring about these horrible foreigners and I cannot simply put up with my government abandoning it's humanity.

Have you considered the possibility that building a very large wall would dissuade many migrants from attempting to come all that way in the 1st place? Suppose we include E-Verify and more surveillance and Border Patrol people and whatever else makes sense, I would think such a policy might be a more humane way to deal with the problem.

So, what would you do to address the problem?
Mr. Obama had a pretty decent balance of carrot and stick that kind of half-assed worked without overly demonizing decent people while keeping a high level of deportation of undesirables. It would be nice if we could get the whole system overhauled but republicans want no part of that. They cannot even discuss it without being dicks about it.

Haha...CNN told you The Kenyan did a kick ass job with immigration so you know it’s a fact huh?
2.5 Million Join Illegal Population under Obama
You are dealing again with a moral question. You think it's serious because of the scare tactics you have been subjected to and I think it's serious on humanitarian grounds.

I was at this position on this issue well before any such "Scare tactics" were employed.

All you are doing is attacking my motivation for my position, so that you can avoid having to address the actual merits of mine.

That is intellectually dishonest.
Treating vulnerable people like garbage never made any situation better. Motivation is the main issue here. You cannot understand Americans caring about these horrible foreigners and I cannot simply put up with my government abandoning it's humanity.

Have you considered the possibility that building a very large wall would dissuade many migrants from attempting to come all that way in the 1st place? Suppose we include E-Verify and more surveillance and Border Patrol people and whatever else makes sense, I would think such a policy might be a more humane way to deal with the problem.

So, what would you do to address the problem?
Mr. Obama had a pretty decent balance of carrot and stick that kind of half-assed worked without overly demonizing decent people while keeping a high level of deportation of undesirables. It would be nice if we could get the whole system overhauled but republicans want no part of that. They cannot even discuss it without being dicks about it.

Haha...CNN told you The Kenyan did a kick ass job with immigration so you know it’s a fact huh?
2.5 Million Join Illegal Population under Obama

What Kenyan?
That's a matter of opinion but we have already seen clear examples of what it does to our country when the fearmongers try to get all heartlessly militaristic on the problem. Trump is now spending the last of his political capital trying to appease the xenophobes.

No, we have not. A successful application of “fearmongers try[ing] to get all heartlessly militaristic on the problem” would involve deporting all of the invading foreign criminals currently within our borders, and very strong measures to keep any more from getting in. If we';d seen what that does to a country, then what we would see is a country free of these invaders, and free of the crime and economic burden that they bring with them. Perhaps even a country free of treasonous filth such as yourself, who openly take the side of these invaders, against that of your own country and your own fellow Americans.

As far as getting “heartlessly militaristic” about the problem, we haven't seen anything. I hope to see this change.

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