Poll: 80% Call Illegal Immigration a Problem, 58% say Serious’

Trump's biggest weakness. Less than ONE-EIGHTH believe he is religious.

All intelligent people know he is Satan's spawn:

Rasumussen, a favorite of the pseudocons: Immigration Update - Rasmussen Reports®

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Voters continue to believe illegal immigration is a major problem, and few feel the government is doing enough to handle it.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 68% of Likely U.S. Voters think illegal immigration is a serious problem in America today, with 43% who consider it Very Serious. However, this compares to 80% and 50% respectively in August 2015 and suggests that President Trump's focus on the problem has lessened voter concern somewhat.
This is why it is important to track things over time.

Lyin' Donald's constant drumbeat about Mexicans has actually resulted in Americans caring LESS about illegal immigrants over time. No one trusts him.

He is failing yet again.
And yet 80 percent of Americans believe illegals should have a path to legal status and/or citizenship.

I call solid digestive waste from a male bovine.

Only traitors want to allow invading foreign criminals to stay, much less achieve legal status or citizenship.

You are rather openly a traitor, but real Americans are not.

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