Poll: Americans put Russia in new 'axis-of-evil' w/North Korea & Iran, threat to U.S.


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
Conservatives here on this forum and elsewhere will be greatly saddened to see Americans place their Comrade Putin in such a very negative light.

Thank you America!

CNN Poll: Most see Russia as a threat to U.S. ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

A CNN/ORC International survey released Friday also indicates that Russian President Vladimir Putin's unfavorable rating among Americans has soared over the past month.

Only 11% of those questioned say they have a positive view of Putin, with 68% saying they see him in a negative way.

"The numbers are pretty clear on the Russian president. Americans really don't like Vladimir Putin, whose unfavorable rating has jumped 14 points since early February," Holland added.
Nothing has changed in more than 35 years, although some really ignorant politicians thought they had, against better advice. Remember the hildabeast and her misspelled reset button, such fond memories of the botched policies of the maobama regime. Would be funny as hell if it weren't so serious.
Russia, Iran, and Syria are the only remaining nations along with political groups like Hezbollah, Golden Dawn, and Jobbik that oppose the globalist hegemony of NATO and Zionists.
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Russia, Iran, and Syria are the only remaining nations along with political groups like Hezbollah, Golden Dawn, and Jobbik that oppose the globalist hegemony of NATO and Zionists.

Along with potentially Venezuela, Ecaudor, China, Pakistan, and potentially India and Brazil.
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Russia, Iran, and Syria are the only remaining nations along with political groups like Hezbollah, Golden Dawn, and Jobbik that oppose the globalist hegemony of NATO and Zionists.

You forgot North Korea and the Tea-Party.
Conservatives here on this forum and elsewhere will be greatly saddened to see Americans place their Comrade Putin in such a very negative light.

Thank you America!

CNN Poll: Most see Russia as a threat to U.S. ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

A CNN/ORC International survey released Friday also indicates that Russian President Vladimir Putin's unfavorable rating among Americans has soared over the past month.

Only 11% of those questioned say they have a positive view of Putin, with 68% saying they see him in a negative way.

"The numbers are pretty clear on the Russian president. Americans really don't like Vladimir Putin, whose unfavorable rating has jumped 14 points since early February," Holland added.

So everyone knows Russia is a threat to America but Obama? You know, the 80's want their cold war back and all?

Russia, Iran, and Syria are the only remaining nations along with political groups like Hezbollah, Golden Dawn, and Jobbik that oppose the globalist hegemony of NATO and Zionists.

You forgot North Korea and the Tea-Party.

Most of the Tea Party are bigger zionist chicken hawks than you. They are on your side don't worry.

As for North Korea, who has invaded more foreign countries in the last 50 years, or killed more civilians, North Korea or the US Government?
Russia, Iran, and Syria are the only remaining nations along with political groups like Hezbollah, Golden Dawn, and Jobbik that oppose the globalist hegemony of NATO and Zionists.

You forgot North Korea and the Tea-Party.

Most of the Tea Party are bigger zionist chicken hawks than you. They are on your side don't worry.

As for North Korea, who has invaded more foreign countries in the last 50 years, or killed more civilians, North Korea or the US Government?

I give up... who?
Russia, Iran, and Syria are the only remaining nations along with political groups like Hezbollah, Golden Dawn, and Jobbik that oppose the globalist hegemony of NATO and Zionists.

You forgot North Korea and the Tea-Party.

Most of the Tea Party are bigger zionist chicken hawks than you. They are on your side don't worry.

As for North Korea, who has invaded more foreign countries in the last 50 years, or killed more civilians, North Korea or the US Government?

You have no idea how many civilians N Korea has killed in the last 50 years, no one does, but they are doing it intentionally to their own. That regime should have been taken down decades ago.
Most of the Tea Party are bigger zionist chicken hawks than you. They are on your side don't worry.

As for North Korea, who has invaded more foreign countries in the last 50 years, or killed more civilians, North Korea or the US Government?

I give up... who?

The question is, do you even really care? Probably not.

Hey! I'm a bleeding heart liberal. Now tell me... who has killed more civilians, North Korea or the US Government. Tell me.
You forgot North Korea and the Tea-Party.

Most of the Tea Party are bigger zionist chicken hawks than you. They are on your side don't worry.

As for North Korea, who has invaded more foreign countries in the last 50 years, or killed more civilians, North Korea or the US Government?

You have no idea how many civilians N Korea has killed in the last 50 years, no one does, but they are doing it intentionally to their own. That regime should have been taken down decades ago.

Are you avoiding the intervention question because you know how many countries NK has intervened in, 0, and the US has intervened in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria just to name a few since 2000 alone?

It is estimated somewhere from 700,000 to 3 million have died in North Korea, most estimates around 1.5 million.

The US Government in Iraq alone killed about 1 million civilians due to sanctions and war.
The American Genocide Against Iraq: 4% of Population Dead as result of US sanctions, wars | Informed Comment

But yea, North Korea is the "rogue state". Talk about hypocrisy.
Most of the Tea Party are bigger zionist chicken hawks than you. They are on your side don't worry.

As for North Korea, who has invaded more foreign countries in the last 50 years, or killed more civilians, North Korea or the US Government?

You have no idea how many civilians N Korea has killed in the last 50 years, no one does, but they are doing it intentionally to their own. That regime should have been taken down decades ago.

Are you avoiding the intervention question because you know how many countries NK has intervened in, 0, and the US has intervened in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria just to name a few since 2000 alone?

It is estimated somewhere from 700,000 to 3 million have died in North Korea, most estimates around 1.5 million.

The US Government in Iraq alone killed about 1 million civilians due to sanctions and war.
The American Genocide Against Iraq: 4% of Population Dead as result of US sanctions, wars | Informed Comment

But yea, North Korea is the "rogue state". Talk about hypocrisy.

So the US killed all those people all by themselves did they. What the hell were the other coalition countries doing all that time? Exactly what was their body count? So far all you are proving yourself to be is a weak assed anti-American piece of shit that needs to be shipped to N Korea so you can appreciate what you have here.
You have no idea how many civilians N Korea has killed in the last 50 years, no one does, but they are doing it intentionally to their own. That regime should have been taken down decades ago.

Are you avoiding the intervention question because you know how many countries NK has intervened in, 0, and the US has intervened in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria just to name a few since 2000 alone?

It is estimated somewhere from 700,000 to 3 million have died in North Korea, most estimates around 1.5 million.

The US Government in Iraq alone killed about 1 million civilians due to sanctions and war.
The American Genocide Against Iraq: 4% of Population Dead as result of US sanctions, wars | Informed Comment

But yea, North Korea is the "rogue state". Talk about hypocrisy.

So the US killed all those people all by themselves did they. What the hell were the other coalition countries doing all that time? Exactly what was their body count? So far all you are proving yourself to be is a weak assed anti-American piece of shit that needs to be shipped to N Korea so you can appreciate what you have here.

Sure, there were other nations complicit in the crimes, those in UN that supported US push for sanctions, and the "coalition of the willing" that joined the US led war. It doesn't eliminate US Government responsibility. Because without the US Government neither would have occurred.

By the way, I don't appreciate shit from the traitorous and tyrannical government.

Son, my family has been here since 1670, I am as American as they come. Like my ancestors who fought in the Revolution to oppose British Tyranny, and in the war of Southern Independence against Northern Aggression, I stand against the tyranny of the Government in DC today.
Russia, Iran, and Syria are the only remaining nations along with political groups like Hezbollah, Golden Dawn, and Jobbik that oppose the globalist hegemony of NATO and Zionists.

You forgot North Korea and the Tea-Party.

Most of the Tea Party are bigger zionist chicken hawks than you. They are on your side don't worry.

As for North Korea, who has invaded more foreign countries in the last 50 years, or killed more civilians, North Korea or the US Government?

Sorry to correct you, but you were on the CORRECT path;

Today we see the Military Industrial Complex we were warned about LONG AGO using money to influence trigger happy war.....................................

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