Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate

Ronald Reagan thought not raising the debt ceiling was a horrible idea:

Unfortunately, Congress consistently brings the government to the edge of default before facing its responsibility. This brinkmanship threatens the holders of government bonds and those who rely on Social Security and veterans benefits. Interest rates would skyrocket, instability would occur in financial markets, and the federal deficit would soar. The United States has a special responsibility to itself and the world to meet its obligations. It means we have a well-earned reputation for reliability and credibility -- two things that set us apart from much of the world."

Ronald Reagan, 1968

Oh no...now you did it. You brought up Saint Ronny. The right doesn't like it when you do that.
Ronald Reagan thought not raising the debt ceiling was a horrible idea:

Unfortunately, Congress consistently brings the government to the edge of default before facing its responsibility. This brinkmanship threatens the holders of government bonds and those who rely on Social Security and veterans benefits. Interest rates would skyrocket, instability would occur in financial markets, and the federal deficit would soar. The United States has a special responsibility to itself and the world to meet its obligations. It means we have a well-earned reputation for reliability and credibility -- two things that set us apart from much of the world."

Ronald Reagan, 1968

Oh no...now you did it. You brought up Saint Ronny. The right doesn't like it when you do that.

Particularly when Saint Ronny proves rightwing extremists to be wrong.
Ronald Reagan thought not raising the debt ceiling was a horrible idea:

Unfortunately, Congress consistently brings the government to the edge of default before facing its responsibility. This brinkmanship threatens the holders of government bonds and those who rely on Social Security and veterans benefits. Interest rates would skyrocket, instability would occur in financial markets, and the federal deficit would soar. The United States has a special responsibility to itself and the world to meet its obligations. It means we have a well-earned reputation for reliability and credibility -- two things that set us apart from much of the world."

Ronald Reagan, 1968

Oh no...now you did it. You brought up Saint Ronny. The right doesn't like it when you do that.

Particularly when Saint Ronny proves rightwing extremists to be wrong.

You must put on myopic blinders when going back to St Ron of CA...you can't look at his record of raising the debt limit 11 times, granting amnesty to undocumented immigrants, the numerous attacks on diplomatic outposts and his raising of taxes.
We can all thank god Ronald Reagan was good man who accomplished things unlike the rapist Bill Clinton who did nothing but took credit fod what republicans did..... well Bill did commit a crime while in office but that just turns liberals on knowing they are not the only scumbags.
Oh no...now you did it. You brought up Saint Ronny. The right doesn't like it when you do that.

Particularly when Saint Ronny proves rightwing extremists to be wrong.

You must put on myopic blinders when going back to St Ron of CA...you can't look at his record of raising the debt limit 11 times, granting amnesty to undocumented immigrants, the numerous attacks on diplomatic outposts and his raising of taxes.

What about selling arms to Iran in violation of Federal law to illegally fund neo-fascist terrorists in Nicaragua?

That’s likely taboo as well.
We can all thank god Ronald Reagan was good man who accomplished things unlike the rapist Bill Clinton who did nothing but took credit fod what republicans did..... well Bill did commit a crime while in office but that just turns liberals on knowing they are not the only scumbags.

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We can all thank god Ronald Reagan was good man who accomplished things unlike the rapist Bill Clinton who did nothing but took credit fod what republicans did..... well Bill did commit a crime while in office but that just turns liberals on knowing they are not the only scumbags.

Yup, you were right, Seawytch. Daring to say anything about St. Ronnie gets their blood pressure up something fierce.
We can all thank god Ronald Reagan was good man who accomplished things unlike the rapist Bill Clinton who did nothing but took credit fod what republicans did..... well Bill did commit a crime while in office but that just turns liberals on knowing they are not the only scumbags.

Yup, you were right, Seawytch. Daring to say anything about St. Ronnie gets their blood pressure up something fierce.

Thanks for trying to worry about our feelings, my darling girl. But like everything else, you don't know what you're talking about. We're not crying, we're laughing .. at you.

Clinton was the ultimate right guy at the right time. Business productivity was booming while Newt was at least somewhat restraining government growth. Clinton just gave speech after speech promising to spend more money, Gingrich said no, Slick went back to his office and groped an activist or got a blow job from an intern. I see why liberals are so proud of that.
We can all thank god Ronald Reagan was good man who accomplished things unlike the rapist Bill Clinton who did nothing but took credit fod what republicans did..... well Bill did commit a crime while in office but that just turns liberals on knowing they are not the only scumbags.

Yup, you were right, Seawytch. Daring to say anything about St. Ronnie gets their blood pressure up something fierce.

Say what you want about him because we have the truth of what a great president he was. All you have is envy and spite
We can all thank god Ronald Reagan was good man who accomplished things unlike the rapist Bill Clinton who did nothing but took credit fod what republicans did..... well Bill did commit a crime while in office but that just turns liberals on knowing they are not the only scumbags.


And the biggest threats to any person in his or her life are threats to their health,

therefore Reagan's statement is a rationale for the government being an integral part of the effort to provide people heathcare.
We can all thank god Ronald Reagan was good man who accomplished things unlike the rapist Bill Clinton who did nothing but took credit fod what republicans did..... well Bill did commit a crime while in office but that just turns liberals on knowing they are not the only scumbags.


And the biggest threats to any person in his or her life are threats to their health,

therefore Reagan's statement is a rationale for the government being an integral part of the effort to provide people heathcare.
grow Up and support yourself.
Ronald Reagan thought not raising the debt ceiling was a horrible idea:

Unfortunately, Congress consistently brings the government to the edge of default before facing its responsibility. This brinkmanship threatens the holders of government bonds and those who rely on Social Security and veterans benefits. Interest rates would skyrocket, instability would occur in financial markets, and the federal deficit would soar. The United States has a special responsibility to itself and the world to meet its obligations. It means we have a well-earned reputation for reliability and credibility -- two things that set us apart from much of the world."

Ronald Reagan, 1968

That's all fine and good. When are we going to get spending under control and start shrinking that debt instead of adding to it? The people who have this as a goal are the people i'll be voting for........
Come on Republicans......where are your negotiating skills

What are you offering?

How about an end to your continuing objections to Obamacare?
How about a pledge to never shut down government again?
How about you apologize to the American people?


There are concessions all over the place...Obama won't negotiate...PERIOD. Neither will the weasel REID.

Put a sock in it BOY.

You are so dumb. ObamaCare is LAW whether you like it or not. Obama is being extorted. He has good reason not to negotiate with those tea bagger douche bags. They are what is ruining this country. If they want to make changes to ObamaCare, then they have to do it the traditional way: introduce legislation and build support. Not hold our country hostage.

Whether or not you like it, they are doing it the 'traditional' way. You seem to not understand that the republicans are not in power they need to use leverage to gain any ground at all. Considering that the left does not want to really negotiate on anything with the right they have been forced into specific and large issues to use as leverage. This is simply the way things are for the right politically atm. The fact that you don't like it is rather meaningless.

The problem here is not just that the right is using the shutdown as leverage. That is rather meaningless in the long run anyway and there is nothing currently suggesting that they are going to play with the debt ceiling. I, for one, would be surprised if the ceiling is not rolled into this in the final deal and it is done before we cross the line. Boehner has even stated that default is not a possibility (essentially obliterating any real leverage they might have had with that issue). The dems don't even want to come to the table though. They have demanded that NOTHING but a clean CR reach them. I don't see how you can support them completely avoiding coming to the table but be hard against anything the republicans have put out there. Honestly, I think the left could easily pin everything on the right here and claim completely that they are petulant children (making this about Obamacare certainly sets that up for the left) but they lose ALL credibility with that if they don't even bother to show up to the damn table.

Seriously, even if the negotiation is literally impossible, you still go to the fucking negotiation. Obama is willing to negotiate with the Syrian rebels (even if they have connections to Al Qaeda), Iran and any other entity that will come to the table with us and rightly so. You can't fix a damn thing without even starting a dialogue. Why, then, are we suddenly demanding that congress solve its problems WITHOUT a dialogue? The very concept is inane.
Ronald Reagan thought not raising the debt ceiling was a horrible idea:

Unfortunately, Congress consistently brings the government to the edge of default before facing its responsibility. This brinkmanship threatens the holders of government bonds and those who rely on Social Security and veterans benefits. Interest rates would skyrocket, instability would occur in financial markets, and the federal deficit would soar. The United States has a special responsibility to itself and the world to meet its obligations. It means we have a well-earned reputation for reliability and credibility -- two things that set us apart from much of the world."

Ronald Reagan, 1968

That's all fine and good. When are we going to get spending under control and start shrinking that debt instead of adding to it? The people who have this as a goal are the people i'll be voting for........

Ditto. I will vote for anyone that recognizes individual rights and is not so cavalier to steal my liberty to appease another citizen...and give them rights they already have under the Constitution.
they offered to give obama all the spending he wants in exchange for a one year delay in the individual mandate. This is fair and in concert with the one year delay that obama gave to big business.

Not sure why big business gets a pass and the working class get the brunt of having to pay up.

If you read this forum, you would not have to ask that stupid question AGAIN.

Corporations are not people.
The employer delay effects only 1-2% of businesses and is transition relief ordered by the IRS. It is not a pass.

The working class are the primary beneficiaries of the law. You will soon learn this, but will you admit your error?
That is the very definition of giving them a pass. Those 1-2% are special interest groups that are getting ‘transitional relief’ denied to all other business. It is outright wrong and completely corporatist. For some asinine reason your side WILLINGLY accepts this blatant crony capitalism simply because your guy is in office.

That is absolutely sickening and a strong indication of just how many partisan hacks there really are. I keep hearing how the right is somehow the party of the rich and business but here we are, yet again, with the left exemplifying that ‘value’ more than even the right is willing to.
October 3 2013~
Let the nay saying begin!

"A majority of Americans want President Obama to negotiate with Congress over the debt ceiling, and nearly two-thirds oppose raising the debt without significant spending reforms attached, according to a recent poll from Ending Spending and the American Action Forum.

House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) said Wednesday following a meeting at the White House that the president had ”reiterated one more time tonight that he will not negotiate.” Obama and most Democrats favor a “clean” debt-ceiling hike without spending reforms attached. Meanwhile, House GOP leaders are said to be working on a larger budget deal to end the government and raise the debt ceiling with reforms."

Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate | National Review Online

1. AN OPPORTUNITY: Obama is badly bruised. The President's numbers aren't strong, with an underwater approval rating (43% approve, 49% disapprove), and a generic congressional ballot that has Republicans ahead by 4 points (40% GOP, 36%DEM)

Just read the rest yourself:


"A three-week old "poll" from a Republican consulting and direct marketing firm?"

Great poll you have there, hack.
And the biggest threats to any person in his or her life are threats to their health,

therefore Reagan's statement is a rationale for the government being an integral part of the effort to provide people heathcare.
grow Up and support yourself.

So Reagan was full of shit?


In some respects, yes. Unlike those that worship the very ground that Obama walks on, Ragan was not a savior nor a perfect president. He did a crap load of things that were simply deplorable; some of which we are still paying the piper for. I can hold him accountable for that. The difference here is that you seem completely incapable of doing the same for anyone on the left. Your post outlines how you actually think. To say that Ragan might have been full of shit and somehow think that is a ‘gotcha’ moment really highlights the partisan blinders.

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