Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate

October 3 2013~
Let the nay saying begin!

"A majority of Americans want President Obama to negotiate with Congress over the debt ceiling, and nearly two-thirds oppose raising the debt without significant spending reforms attached, according to a recent poll from Ending Spending and the American Action Forum.

House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) said Wednesday following a meeting at the White House that the president had ”reiterated one more time tonight that he will not negotiate.” Obama and most Democrats favor a “clean” debt-ceiling hike without spending reforms attached. Meanwhile, House GOP leaders are said to be working on a larger budget deal to end the government and raise the debt ceiling with reforms."

Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate | National Review Online

1. AN OPPORTUNITY: Obama is badly bruised. The President's numbers aren't strong, with an underwater approval rating (43% approve, 49% disapprove), and a generic congressional ballot that has Republicans ahead by 4 points (40% GOP, 36%DEM)

Just read the rest yourself:


Did the poll also indicate exactly what the president is supposed to ‘negotiate’?

Did the poll also indicate that the American people understand a president cannot ‘negotiate’ concerning Federal law already in place?

Did the poll also indicate that the American people understand that the president can’t ‘negotiate’ concerning Federal law passed by both Houses of Congress, signed into law by the president, and upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court, where only Congress can amend or repeal existing Federal law?

Did the poll also indicate that the American people understand that Congressional republicans have no grounds whatsoever to justify shutting down the government and jeopardizing the Nation’s economic well being because the president is acting in an appropriate, lawful, and Constitutional manner?

And did the poll also indicate that the American people understand that it’s Congressional democrats and the Senate with whom republicans must ‘negotiate,’ not the president?

You didn't read the poll either.
Your questions would be answered if you had.
You are so dumb. ObamaCare is LAW whether you like it or not. Obama is being extorted. He has good reason not to negotiate with those tea bagger douche bags. They are what is ruining this country. If they want to make changes to ObamaCare, then they have to do it the traditional way: introduce legislation and build support. Not hold our country hostage.

:rofl: :rofl: ^^^one of my favorite party lines^^^ :rofl: :rofl:
The ACA is the Law. Will remain the Law

Yes, yes... It's the law of the land...

Just like this one:

It was never funded, was it?

That is the correct answer.

Senate rejects border fence - Washington Times

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Senators on Tuesday rejected building the 700 miles of double-tier border fencing Congress authorized just seven years ago, with a majority of the Senate saying they didn’t want to delay granting illegal immigrants legal status while the fence was being built.

On October 26, 2006, U.S. President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Pub.L. 109–367) into law stating, “This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. It is an important step toward immigration reform.
Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That means...

It's the law of the land!!
You are so dumb. ObamaCare is LAW whether you like it or not. Obama is being extorted. He has good reason not to negotiate with those tea bagger douche bags. They are what is ruining this country. If they want to make changes to ObamaCare, then they have to do it the traditional way: introduce legislation and build support. Not hold our country hostage.

:rofl: :rofl: ^^^one of my favorite party lines^^^ :rofl: :rofl:

Yes, yes... It's the law of the land...

Just like this one:

That is the correct answer.

Senate rejects border fence - Washington Times

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Senators on Tuesday rejected building the 700 miles of double-tier border fencing Congress authorized just seven years ago, with a majority of the Senate saying they didn’t want to delay granting illegal immigrants legal status while the fence was being built.

On October 26, 2006, U.S. President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Pub.L. 109–367) into law stating, “This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. It is an important step toward immigration reform.
Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That means...

It's the law of the land!!
LOL! So was Slavery, Segregation...Jim Crow...ALL Democrat LAW...perhaps they'd like the return of ALL of that?:lol:
they offered to give obama all the spending he wants in exchange for a one year delay in the individual mandate. This is fair and in concert with the one year delay that obama gave to big business.

the GOP approved the spending months ago.

its time for them to approve a bigger credit card to pay for the spending.

they have no right to question the validity of the debt of the USA, as per the Constitution of the USA.

you just don't get it, new debt is for new spending. previous spending was covered by previous appropriations. The govt cannot spend unless the money is authorized and appropriated.

A few things like aircraft carriers are funded by multi year appropriations but the vast majority of govt spending is appropriated in the year it is spent.



Look, I think it's very important, because the name of this is the debt ceiling and so when people hear that, they automatically think, well, that must mean that somehow this is authorizing more spending and more debt for the United States. That's not what this is. What this is, is the ability for the United States government to pay for things that Congress has already committed us to paying for.

Page 3: Text of Obama's Exclusive Interview With the AP - ABC News
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lol, this is one of the results they listed in the poll, without actually showing the question:

54% - Delay implementation of Obamacare in order to limit the
consequences of this harmful law.


The question posed was:

5. POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS: Popular policy changes in exchange for a debt-limit increase.

Here are five items that at least 54% of Americans agree would be good tradeoffs in exchange for increasing the debt limit:
 73% - Ease America’s dependence upon Mideast oil, lower the cost of gasoline and create jobs for American workers by building the Keystone Oil Pipeline.
 64% - Reform the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – also known as SNAP or food stamps by eliminating inefficiencies and revisiting eligibility standards.
 57% - Eliminate certain tax breaks for people and businesses as part of tax code reform.
 55% - Keep Medicare from going broke by means-testing premiums and benefits.
 54% - Delay implementation of Obamacare in order to limit the consequences of this harmful law.

Came in dead last, didn't it!
lol, the outfit that took the poll in the OP?

They post this collage on their promotional 'clients' page:

And if you bother to read the poll, you'll see how they got the results their clients wanted.

Proof of the bolded, please.

You don't like the results so you bash the company.
October 3 2013~
Let the nay saying begin!

"A majority of Americans want President Obama to negotiate with Congress over the debt ceiling, and nearly two-thirds oppose raising the debt without significant spending reforms attached, according to a recent poll from Ending Spending and the American Action Forum.

House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) said Wednesday following a meeting at the White House that the president had ”reiterated one more time tonight that he will not negotiate.” Obama and most Democrats favor a “clean” debt-ceiling hike without spending reforms attached. Meanwhile, House GOP leaders are said to be working on a larger budget deal to end the government and raise the debt ceiling with reforms."

Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate | National Review Online

1. AN OPPORTUNITY: Obama is badly bruised. The President's numbers aren't strong, with an underwater approval rating (43% approve, 49% disapprove), and a generic congressional ballot that has Republicans ahead by 4 points (40% GOP, 36%DEM)

Just read the rest yourself:


An unnamed Senior Obama official tweeted “We are winning…It doesn’t really matter to us” how long the shutdown lasts “because what matters is the end result.”

So, they would keep the government shut down for the sake of winning. Very slick, liberals. Very slick.

President Bill Clinton Morphing Back Into Slick Willie For David Letterman's Late Show!? Get Deets HERE! | PerezHilton.com

The man behind the curtain is still Slick Willie it seems to be.
So Reagan was full of shit?


In some respects, yes. Unlike those that worship the very ground that Obama walks on, Ragan was not a savior nor a perfect president. He did a crap load of things that were simply deplorable; some of which we are still paying the piper for. I can hold him accountable for that. The difference here is that you seem completely incapable of doing the same for anyone on the left. Your post outlines how you actually think. To say that Ragan might have been full of shit and somehow think that is a ‘gotcha’ moment really highlights the partisan blinders.

Kindly produce just one person who worships the ground Obama walks on.

I quoted one. Here is another:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no9fpKVXxCc]Chris Matthews' thrill up leg - YouTube[/ame]
I mean thrills going up his leg. He is definitely objective…

There are some on the left that will argue over and over again that it is not true but the simple fact that carb is incapable of disagreeing with the president on anything meaningful whatsoever has played out all over this board.

I again point to the fact that he thinks the original statement against Ragan was some sort of gotcha moment because someone might disagree with something that was claimed. I could point out sycophants that are on the right who are just as bad with the Republican Party and you would agree that they are terrible but I believe that you are too damn partisan to even bother acknowledging that some here on the left are just as bad as the right.
In some respects, yes. Unlike those that worship the very ground that Obama walks on, Ragan was not a savior nor a perfect president. He did a crap load of things that were simply deplorable; some of which we are still paying the piper for. I can hold him accountable for that. The difference here is that you seem completely incapable of doing the same for anyone on the left. Your post outlines how you actually think. To say that Ragan might have been full of shit and somehow think that is a ‘gotcha’ moment really highlights the partisan blinders.

Kindly produce just one person who worships the ground Obama walks on.

You know there are some out there....Obama could never ever be wrong no matter what because he said so types....Lots of them in fact....

My point exactly.

I am being literal. There is nobody who worships the ground he walks on.

It's a talking point, meant to shut up the opposition.
Thanks for trying to worry about our feelings, my darling girl. But like everything else, you don't know what you're talking about. We're not crying, we're laughing .. at you.

Clinton was the ultimate right guy at the right time. Business productivity was booming while Newt was at least somewhat restraining government growth. Clinton just gave speech after speech promising to spend more money, Gingrich said no, Slick went back to his office and groped an activist or got a blow job from an intern. I see why liberals are so proud of that.

We can all thank god Ronald Reagan was good man who accomplished things unlike the rapist Bill Clinton who did nothing but took credit fod what republicans did..... well Bill did commit a crime while in office but that just turns liberals on knowing they are not the only scumbags.

Yup, you were right, Seawytch. Daring to say anything about St. Ronnie gets their blood pressure up something fierce.

Say what you want about him because we have the truth of what a great president he was. All you have is envy and spite

You realize you're just helping to confirm what we're laughing about, right?

So Reagan was full of shit?


In some respects, yes. Unlike those that worship the very ground that Obama walks on, Ragan was not a savior nor a perfect president. He did a crap load of things that were simply deplorable; some of which we are still paying the piper for. I can hold him accountable for that. The difference here is that you seem completely incapable of doing the same for anyone on the left. Your post outlines how you actually think. To say that Ragan might have been full of shit and somehow think that is a ‘gotcha’ moment really highlights the partisan blinders.

Kindly produce just one person who worships the ground Obama walks on.

Guess he missed the conversation I and another lib on here had with Caroljo over what we fault the current Prez for.

But that's cool, they can just keep accusing us of what so many of them do with St. Ronnie. Fine with me.
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Reagan was by all means a great President. But like all men he was far from perfect. He won the cold war. But he spent too much money doing it. for instance....
Reagan was by all means a great President. But like all men he was far from perfect. He won the cold war. But he spent too much money doing it. for instance....

Thanks for trying to worry about our feelings, my darling girl. But like everything else, you don't know what you're talking about. We're not crying, we're laughing .. at you.

Clinton was the ultimate right guy at the right time. Business productivity was booming while Newt was at least somewhat restraining government growth. Clinton just gave speech after speech promising to spend more money, Gingrich said no, Slick went back to his office and groped an activist or got a blow job from an intern. I see why liberals are so proud of that.

Yup, you were right, Seawytch. Daring to say anything about St. Ronnie gets their blood pressure up something fierce.

Say what you want about him because we have the truth of what a great president he was. All you have is envy and spite

You realize you're just helping to confirm what we're laughing about, right?


You're laughing that a womanizer who groped married women who were trying to help their husbands while they supported him while he got blown by 20 year interns? Um..hah hah? Is that supposed to be funny?
So Reagan was full of shit?


In some respects, yes. Unlike those that worship the very ground that Obama walks on, Ragan was not a savior nor a perfect president. He did a crap load of things that were simply deplorable; some of which we are still paying the piper for. I can hold him accountable for that. The difference here is that you seem completely incapable of doing the same for anyone on the left. Your post outlines how you actually think. To say that Ragan might have been full of shit and somehow think that is a ‘gotcha’ moment really highlights the partisan blinders.

Kindly produce just one person who worships the ground Obama walks on.

You. Rightwing. RDean. Faun. JoeB. Swallow.

Should I continue? :)
Reagan was by all means a great President. But like all men he was far from perfect. He won the cold war. But he spent too much money doing it. for instance....

I disagree completely there. There is no "too much" when it comes to freedom. Peace through strength.

Now is insanely ignorant amnesty? Now that was a major fuck up by Reagan.
In some respects, yes. Unlike those that worship the very ground that Obama walks on, Ragan was not a savior nor a perfect president. He did a crap load of things that were simply deplorable; some of which we are still paying the piper for. I can hold him accountable for that. The difference here is that you seem completely incapable of doing the same for anyone on the left. Your post outlines how you actually think. To say that Ragan might have been full of shit and somehow think that is a ‘gotcha’ moment really highlights the partisan blinders.

Kindly produce just one person who worships the ground Obama walks on.

You. Rightwing. RDean. Faun. JoeB. Swallow.

Should I continue? :)

No, because you're in error. There is no one person on the planet who literally worships Obama, nevermind the ground he walks on.
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