Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate

At what point would you suggest cutting up Obama's credit card? How much debt is acceptable for our nation to carry before this administration takes it seriously?

Why is it so hard for you to understand that CONGRESS approves spending? Actually the COTUS says the House is the originator of spending bills. You just can't seem to grasp that can you?

So after the Senate Dems put together their budget a few months ago, why have the Repubs in the House REFUSED to go to committee to resolve differences.

Why have the Repubs done that? You know, with the so called concern of the Repubs about spending.

We know why the GOP did it...they did it so they could threaten to shut down the government over the Affordable Care Act. Its what they SAID they were going to do.

The GOP planned this, telegraphed it in advance and then did it and now they are trying to point fingers at anyone but themselves.

The National Memo » The Tea Party?s Last Stand

The slowly building revolt among Republicans against the Tea Party shutdown is one sign of how quickly the hard right’s influence is fading. So is the very language they are being required to speak. Having talked incessantly about how useless and destructive government can be, House Republicans are now testifying to their reverence for what government does for veterans, health research, sick children and lovers of national parks, especially war memorials.

Appreciation for government rises when it’s no longer there. By pushing their ideology to its obvious conclusion, members of the Cruz-Paul right forced everyone else to race the other way.

Yes, the Tea Party will still have its Washington-based groups that raise money by bashing Washington, ginning up the faithful and threatening the less ideologically pure with primary challenges. But no Republican and no attentive citizen of any stripe will forget the mess these right-wing geniuses have left in their wake.

Yup. That's how it looks from here.
Simple minds think austerity will lead to prosperity.

What do you think printing more money while struggling with a $16 Trillion dollar debt, does to the value of the U.S. dollar? You honestly believe that by avoiding the issue, not tackling the "SPENDING" problem our government actually has, that things will just improve on it's own? You know.... the first step to an addiction that has an adverse effect on everyone around you, is by first admitting you have a problem. Not sure with his talk of preferring ANOTHER stimulus bill, subsidizing green corporations undergoing financial "problems", while allocating MORE government spending towards Obamacare, that this President is ready to admit that he even HAS a problem.

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2013 -- would require $48.47 in 2013 for that same item

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Not only that. Introduce conflict of interest law into congress.

In that no person in congress can vote on a bill that personally adds to their wealth.

Like what Bachmann and LaMalfa did.

We can also limit the flying hours on Air Force One, let Obama drive cross country in his OWN car, if he wants to spend so much of his Presidency away from the White House
. Sort of counter productive to be wasting so much jet fuel while promoting a green energy policy during his administration, wouldn't you say? However, I suppose you can't have this President actually live by example, now can we?

Seriously dude? Makes you look like a fucking idiot saying shit like that.

No. A president accruing more flight time and wasting jet fuel while pushing a green energy policy in his administration for everyone ELSE to follow .... is a real idiot. Why don't we cut all those flight hours if he is serious about global warming and cutting back on costs to save on government expenditures? I'm sure David Letterman and the ladies at The View can survive without getting goosebumps over another "star struck" visit with their leader.

typically a Boeing 747, costs the Air Force $179,750 per hour to operate, according to a new Congressional Research Service report.


I doubt those costs even include secret service and any need for a decoy for added security.
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No, because you're in error. There is no one person on the planet who literally worships Obama, nevermind the ground he walks on.

Oh no - you quacks have made it perfectly clear that you actually and literally do worship Obama.


Awww man!! You just went over the edge.

If only you'd scaled it down a bit.

Sorry sweetie - the fact that you have to falsely accuse me of being a "troll" (which EVERYONE here - including you - knows I am not) just further proves you do in fact worship Obama. You can't even make an intelligent case denying it... :lol:
the debt ceiling should be raised, no questions asked.

they approved the spending, they need to approve the borrowing.

At what point would you suggest cutting up Obama's credit card? How much debt is acceptable for our nation to carry before this administration takes it seriously?

I've asked this question a 1,000x's and not one of them will give an answer. What does that tell you? :eusa_shhh:
Oh no - you quacks have made it perfectly clear that you actually and literally do worship Obama.


Awww man!! You just went over the edge.

If only you'd scaled it down a bit.

Sorry sweetie - the fact that you have to falsely accuse me of being a "troll" (which EVERYONE here - including you - knows I am not) just further proves you do in fact worship Obama. You can't even make an intelligent case denying it... :lol:

I know you to be a troll, and I also believe that I'm not alone in thinking so.

Your opinion is irrelevant.

the debt ceiling should be raised, no questions asked.

they approved the spending, they need to approve the borrowing.

At what point would you suggest cutting up Obama's credit card? How much debt is acceptable for our nation to carry before this administration takes it seriously?

I've asked this question a 1,000x's and not one of them will give an answer. What does that tell you? :eusa_shhh:

When liberals look to Big Government to always provide them with certain "entitlements", you can't expect them to have any concept of cost.
Reagan was by all means a great President. But like all men he was far from perfect. He won the cold war. But he spent too much money doing it. for instance....

I disagree completely there. There is no "too much" when it comes to freedom. Peace through strength.

Now is insanely ignorant amnesty? Now that was a major fuck up by Reagan.

Do you have some mental disease where you think yelling "Freedom" is an answer to everything.

I love how upset freedom makes you because at the end of the day, freedom leaves you with no argument to stand on. And that really gets your little Victoria's Secret cross-dressing panties in a bunch. :lol:

The guy made the statement that Reagan spent too much money "winning*" the Cold War.

Right. And I said that wasn't true. What part of that did you not understand, stupid? :cuckoo:

*Although he had done nothing of the sort. The Cold War was still very much going on when he left

You're the only idiot in world history who denies that Reagan won the Cold War. Gorbachev capitulated on every significant demand because he knew that A.) Reagan was hell bent on destroying communist threats to the world and B.) Reagan had built the U.S. back into the worlds military superpower after yet another idiot libtard (Jimmy Carter) had tore us down.

Reagan won the Cold War. Pick up a history book sometime. Oh wait - that's right - you prefer your own version of made up history where our founders were "evil slave rapers", where Dumbocrats fought to free the slaves while Abraham Lincoln four to keep them enslaved, and where communism has proven to be successful! :lmao:

and the collapse of the USSR in 1991 caught the intelligence community completely by surprise

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

More made up "history" by JoeB. He is proof that communists really do love their propaganda. (Psst...Joe...there is nothing the intelligence community doesn't know in advance - we had spies inside the Soviet government you fuck'n moron. Hell, we even knew about 9/11 in advance - our leaders just refused to act in the information. Stop being such a naïve, immature, little puppet).

What Reagan did do was make irresponsible deficit spending cool.

So you agree that Obama has been completely irresponsible then? I mean, Reagan added $2 trillion to the debt while Obama has added $7 trillion (it was barely over $10 trillion when he got in - do the math asshole).

He made Plutocracy cool. Even when Trickle Down didn't happen, the rich just found they loved their huge tax breaks so much they were never giving them up.

Yeah, uh "trickle down" proved to be a spectacular success. Reagan took over the second worse economy in U.S. history and created an economic tidal wave which we rode until Bill Clintons socialist policies finally collapsed us around 2003. Conversely, you're trickle up poverty policies have been proven over and over to creat collapse - most recently with Detroit.

Yet another example here of JoeB. believing he can convince people that what happened in history didn't actually happen.

Awww man!! You just went over the edge.

If only you'd scaled it down a bit.

Sorry sweetie - the fact that you have to falsely accuse me of being a "troll" (which EVERYONE here - including you - knows I am not) just further proves you do in fact worship Obama. You can't even make an intelligent case denying it... :lol:

I know you to be a troll, and I also believe that I'm not alone in thinking so.

Your opinion is irrelevant.


Sweetie, you must first start thinking before you can be alone thinking... :lol:

Although, I do agree with you on one thing. My opinion is irrelevant. Completely irrelevant. Which is why unlike you and your libtard pals, I rarely give my opinion - I give facts. Which is exactly why you Dumbocrats can't deal with me. The facts are in my side which leaves you exposed as being stupid. :)
Sorry sweetie - the fact that you have to falsely accuse me of being a "troll" (which EVERYONE here - including you - knows I am not) just further proves you do in fact worship Obama. You can't even make an intelligent case denying it... :lol:

I know you to be a troll, and I also believe that I'm not alone in thinking so.

Your opinion is irrelevant.


Sweetie, you must first start thinking before you can be alone thinking... :lol:

Although, I do agree with you on one thing. My opinion is irrelevant. Completely irrelevant. Which is why unlike you and your libtard pals, I rarely give my opinion - I give facts. Which is exactly why you Dumbocrats can't deal with me. The facts are in my side which leaves you exposed as being stupid. :)

LMAO. Facts???? You wouldn't know a "fact" if it bit you in the ass rotty. Get over yourself troll.
At what point would you suggest cutting up Obama's credit card? How much debt is acceptable for our nation to carry before this administration takes it seriously?

I've asked this question a 1,000x's and not one of them will give an answer. What does that tell you? :eusa_shhh:

When liberals look to Big Government to always provide them with certain "entitlements", you can't expect them to have any concept of cost.

Third time asking you a direct question. Do you know which part of our government is responsible for originating spending bills? Do you or rotty have ANY idea which part of our government does that. (PS this info is contained in that document that you rethugs claim you love and want to follow.)
the debt ceiling should be raised, no questions asked.

they approved the spending, they need to approve the borrowing.

At what point would you suggest cutting up Obama's credit card? How much debt is acceptable for our nation to carry before this administration takes it seriously?

It isn't Obama's credit card, it's America's.

And the problem with the GOP refusing to raise the debt limit has nothing to do with spending.

It's about raising our nation's credit limit to allow the government more breathing space TO spend. You don't think we acquired a 16 TRILLION national debt on just interest? Oh that's right, President G.W. BUSH accrued $820 Billion during his two terms to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (that is until you place that figure up against a single $787 Billion dollar stimulus plan, of course)

the debt ceiling should be raised, no questions asked.

they approved the spending, they need to approve the borrowing.

At what point would you suggest cutting up Obama's credit card? How much debt is acceptable for our nation to carry before this administration takes it seriously?

It isn't Obama's credit card, it's America's.

And the problem with the GOP refusing to raise the debt limit has nothing to do with spending.

I am waiting for the GOP to come up with budget cuts that are based on any kind of reality.

Are they willing to accept real tax increases on teh well off?
Are they willing to drastically cut bloated military spending?
Are they willing to means-test social security so it isn't sending huge checks to millionaires?

Actually, all of America is waiting on communists like you to go the fuck away. We are waiting for the Dumbocrats to come up with budget cuts that are based on any kind of reality.

Are they willing to accept their entitlements have collapsed America?
Are they willing to drastically cut welfare?
Are they willing to finally - after 235 years - give up on slavery and realize they are not entitled to the fruits of someone else's labor?

Freedom JoeB. Leave people the fuck alone and leave them to fail or succeed on their own.
I've asked this question a 1,000x's and not one of them will give an answer. What does that tell you? :eusa_shhh:

When liberals look to Big Government to always provide them with certain "entitlements", you can't expect them to have any concept of cost.

Third time asking you a direct question. Do you know which part of our government is responsible for originating spending bills? Do you or rotty have ANY idea which part of our government does that. (PS this info is contained in that document that you rethugs claim you love and want to follow.)

This has been answered over and over. The House of Representatives specifically (and Congress in general) controls the purse strings. Taxes must originate in the House, they cannot originate in the Senate (which is why the Obama Administration doomed themselves when they falsely declared it a "tax" before the Supreme Court after swearing to the American people for 3 years that it was not a tax).
I've asked this question a 1,000x's and not one of them will give an answer. What does that tell you? :eusa_shhh:

When liberals look to Big Government to always provide them with certain "entitlements", you can't expect them to have any concept of cost.

Third time asking you a direct question. Do you know which part of our government is responsible for originating spending bills? Do you or rotty have ANY idea which part of our government does that. (PS this info is contained in that document that you rethugs claim you love and want to follow.)

Oh, so I have a liberal who is actually conceding that it wasn't President Clinton that had any role in helping to reduce the size of our nation's debt, it was the Republicans in Congress resulting from that 1995 shutdown? President Obama can not effectively be involved in a budget to actually reduce this $16 TRILLION dollar sink hole we are in. There is no way you can separate Obama from HIS share in government spending, you can thank Speaker Pelosi for her contributing support as well.
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I know you to be a troll, and I also believe that I'm not alone in thinking so.

Your opinion is irrelevant.


Sweetie, you must first start thinking before you can be alone thinking... :lol:

Although, I do agree with you on one thing. My opinion is irrelevant. Completely irrelevant. Which is why unlike you and your libtard pals, I rarely give my opinion - I give facts. Which is exactly why you Dumbocrats can't deal with me. The facts are in my side which leaves you exposed as being stupid. :)

LMAO. Facts???? You wouldn't know a "fact" if it bit you in the ass rotty. Get over yourself troll.

Zeke, I own you little bitches with link after link after link. I put more links to verifiable facts in a day than every libtard combined does in a month.
Simple minds think austerity will lead to prosperity.

Even simpler minds believe we can spend ourselves into prosperity (which is the equivalent of believing that a person trapped in a well can pull themselves up with nothing but a rope and a bucket thrown down to them) :bang3:

The fact is - the only way to end the problem is to stop spending. Only a fuck'n moron doesn't realize that if you're spending too much the solution is to stop spending...
October 3 2013~
Let the nay saying begin!

"A majority of Americans want President Obama to negotiate with Congress over the debt ceiling, and nearly two-thirds oppose raising the debt without significant spending reforms attached, according to a recent poll from Ending Spending and the American Action Forum.

House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) said Wednesday following a meeting at the White House that the president had ”reiterated one more time tonight that he will not negotiate.” Obama and most Democrats favor a “clean” debt-ceiling hike without spending reforms attached. Meanwhile, House GOP leaders are said to be working on a larger budget deal to end the government and raise the debt ceiling with reforms."

Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate | National Review Online

1. AN OPPORTUNITY: Obama is badly bruised. The President's numbers aren't strong, with an underwater approval rating (43% approve, 49% disapprove), and a generic congressional ballot that has Republicans ahead by 4 points (40% GOP, 36%DEM)

Just read the rest yourself:

The president's job is to submit a budget request to congress which he has done. What is done with that request is up to the House and Senate. A budget resolution does not require the president's signature.

Raising the debt ceiling is primarily a decision to be made by congress, not the president. If congress does not raise the debt ceiling, then it must cut the president's budget.

It seems to me that negotiations should be between the House and Senate, not the president.

Obviously the President has influence and say on how big of a budget he wants to approve, or was the Clinton era all about the Republicans in Congress?


It is a joy and privilege watching SOBG humiliating Dumbocrats

Exactly how well has this "War on Poverty" been achieved since it was implemented? Do we see any signs [documented proof] of government progress, or are we simply supplying those who choose not to take responsibility to provide for themselves? Where is the accountability for how all THOSE billions are spent, especially when they don't contribute to the needs of this country through federal taxes?

Did a poor person slit your throat last night looking for food?


Then the War on Poverty is doing its job.

Reality is, we can't provide good paying jobs for people who want them... much less those who lack the skills to hold them.

They didn't "slit our throat" because we are armed, it's against the law, and we have law enforcement (so you just proved once again that Republicans are right and you're a fuck'n moron). The more desperate you get, the more nonsensical you become asshat... :cuckoo:

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