Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate

Not only that. Introduce conflict of interest law into congress.

In that no person in congress can vote on a bill that personally adds to their wealth.

Like what Bachmann and LaMalfa did.

We can also limit the flying hours on Air Force One, let Obama drive cross country in his OWN car, if he wants to spend so much of his Presidency away from the White House
. Sort of counter productive to be wasting so much jet fuel while promoting a green energy policy during his administration, wouldn't you say? However, I suppose you can't have this President actually live by example, now can we?

Seriously dude? Makes you look like a fucking idiot saying shit like that.

Says the biggest fucking idiot on USMB.... :lmao:

You just got owned because of your hypocrisy and like a typical Dumbocrat, you throw a hissy over it [MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION]. Man up for once in your miserable little life you whiny little bitch.... :crybaby:
Why is it so hard for you to understand that CONGRESS approves spending? Actually the COTUS says the House is the originator of spending bills. You just can't seem to grasp that can you?

So after the Senate Dems put together their budget a few months ago, why have the Repubs in the House REFUSED to go to committee to resolve differences.

Why have the Repubs done that? You know, with the so called concern of the Repubs about spending.

We know why the GOP did it...they did it so they could threaten to shut down the government over the Affordable Care Act. Its what they SAID they were going to do.

The GOP planned this, telegraphed it in advance and then did it and now they are trying to point fingers at anyone but themselves.

The National Memo » The Tea Party?s Last Stand

The slowly building revolt among Republicans against the Tea Party shutdown is one sign of how quickly the hard right’s influence is fading. So is the very language they are being required to speak. Having talked incessantly about how useless and destructive government can be, House Republicans are now testifying to their reverence for what government does for veterans, health research, sick children and lovers of national parks, especially war memorials.

Appreciation for government rises when it’s no longer there. By pushing their ideology to its obvious conclusion, members of the Cruz-Paul right forced everyone else to race the other way.

Yes, the Tea Party will still have its Washington-based groups that raise money by bashing Washington, ginning up the faithful and threatening the less ideologically pure with primary challenges. But no Republican and no attentive citizen of any stripe will forget the mess these right-wing geniuses have left in their wake.

Yup. That's how it looks from here.

It does? Really? All I see are a bunch of Dumbocrats crying like a bunch of limp-wristed littler bitches about how the Tea Party has shut down the government and rendered Obama an impotent little bitch... :lol:

For 5 years you guys have been predicting "the end of the Tea Party" and all we've seen them do is grow stronger and stronger. It is amazing watching your panties get ruffled because the American people are tired of the Republican Party being nothing but liberals. George W. Bush expanded government, spent recklessly, and trampled all over the U.S. Constitution. Everything your party's platform was built on. He was Obama without the steroids. And you hated him only because he had an "R" next to his name.

This is the first time in your miserable life as a parasite that you've seen real constitutional conservatives and my God are you throwing quite the hissy about it.
they are trying to point fingers at anyone but themselves.

The National Memo » The Tea Party?s Last Stand

The slowly building revolt among Republicans against the Tea Party shutdown is one sign of how quickly the hard right’s influence is fading. So is the very language they are being required to speak. Having talked incessantly about how useless and destructive government can be, House Republicans are now testifying to their reverence for what government does for veterans, health research, sick children and lovers of national parks, especially war memorials.

Appreciation for government rises when it’s no longer there. By pushing their ideology to its obvious conclusion, members of the Cruz-Paul right forced everyone else to race the other way.

Yes, the Tea Party will still have its Washington-based groups that raise money by bashing Washington, ginning up the faithful and threatening the less ideologically pure with primary challenges. But no Republican and no attentive citizen of any stripe will forget the mess these right-wing geniuses have left in their wake.

Yup. That's how it looks from here.

Uh-oh [MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION] - right from your same radical left-wing website... :lmao:

"In the future, this majority looks to move the GOP farther to the right. It will do so at the expense of moderate and center-right voters, but in the interim, we should not look for more moderate Republican leaders to step forward"

The National Memo » Why The Tea Partys Power Keeps Growing

How...fucking....humiliating...:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
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Did a poor person slit your throat last night looking for food?


Then the War on Poverty is doing its job.

Reality is, we can't provide good paying jobs for people who want them... much less those who lack the skills to hold them.

Sort of helps when you are actually attending FREE public education that's provided to you instead of walking the streets in these poor neighborhoods. The last I checked the crime rate hasn't dropped significantly in cities like Chicago, not sure I'm buying into your success story of the government's poverty war. Too bad you're also missing those statistics I mentioned in my last post. Not surprising at all really, liberals tend to fall short on facts and details of government programs when asked. Usually they prefer to punt the issue.

The crime rate in Chicago and most major cities has dropped significantly..

Where have you been checking?

Chicago passes NYC as US murder capital ? RT USA

Chicago mayor touts drop in crime but murder rate remains high

City Murders Increased By 10 Percent In 2012 | Baltimore News | WBAL Radio 1090 AM

Violent crime rates increase - New York News
Sort of helps when you are actually attending FREE public education that's provided to you instead of walking the streets in these poor neighborhoods. The last I checked the crime rate hasn't dropped significantly in cities like Chicago, not sure I'm buying into your success story of the government's poverty war. Too bad you're also missing those statistics I mentioned in my last post. Not surprising at all really, liberals tend to fall short on facts and details of government programs when asked. Usually they prefer to punt the issue.

The crime rate in Chicago and most major cities has dropped significantly..

Where have you been checking?

Chicago passes NYC as US murder capital ? RT USA

Chicago mayor touts drop in crime but murder rate remains high

City Murders Increased By 10 Percent In 2012 | Baltimore News | WBAL Radio 1090 AM

Violent crime rates increase - New York News

And here we see the difference between intelligent, informed posters who add facts to their posts and asshats like [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] who makes up his own version of reality.
And the biggest threats to any person in his or her life are threats to their health,

therefore Reagan's statement is a rationale for the government being an integral part of the effort to provide people heathcare.
grow Up and support yourself.

So Reagan was full of shit?


Reagan wasnt talking about supporting your lazy ass with healthcare you can buy you damn self. I know having self respect is alien to you.
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RotTroll, your mentions aren't working either. All I see is that you aimed a post at me. Not what it actually says.

Wouldn't want you wasting your time.

And yet strangely you are here and responding (while desperately trying to ignore the fact that your radical left-wing website not only contradicted itself, but proved you wrong as well). :lmao:

You're just too cute when you're flustered [MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION]... :lol:
More glaring evidence that Dumbcorats don't give a fuck about people (including children sick with cancer) but instead care only about money, power, and communism...

  • “Treatments for children suffering from cancer. The Republicans have agreed to a compromise by funding the part of the government, including the National Institute of Health, which offers children with cancer last‑chance experimental treatment… The NIH was told by the President, ‘You can’t start any new testing of anything.’ As soon as the Republicans found out about it, they said, ‘Not a problem. Let’s make sure that we fund the NIH. We’ll pass a special bill to fund the NIH so we can save children,’” Glenn explained. “If that’s what you really picked out of the 100% of the pie, you only need to shut down 15%, if that’s what you pick, we’ll fund that. So [Republicans] said, ‘We’ll pass it.” The President said he will veto it if it gets to his desk. That’s the compromise.”

  • “World War II Memorial is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It doesn’t have a staff to it. It is maintained with private financing, built by private financing, maintained with private financing. The White House knew in advance that these flights come in all the time… And so what do they do? They put a chain‑link fence around the World War II Memorial… You have your National Park Service coming out and saying, ‘We were told to inflict as much pain as possible,’” Glenn explained. “Then when the GOP finds out about it, the congressmen remove the barricades. When one of the park rangers says, ‘Hey, you can’t do that’ and starts yelling at the people in the wheelchairs, what happens? The president raises the stakes and then says, ‘I’m going to put guards around that memorial.’ So he’s spending money. Does that seem reasonable to you? By the way, the GOP has offered to cover any costs to keep the memorial open for the greatest generation.”

  • “Then there’s the furloughed military chaplains. The military chaplains are not allowed to work for free. They have all said, ‘We will celebrate mass. We will do our services. We will do baptisms for free.’ They have been told they will be punished if they do it,” Glenn explained. “So you have a baby to be baptized; the military priest cannot baptize your child or he’ll go to jail. He can’t celebrate mass anywhere for free or he will go to jail. Does this sound reasonable to you at all?”

  • “In the Florida Keys small businesses, hunters, and commercial fishermen can no longer practice their trade,” he said. “They have tried to close down the ocean. The Feds are saying, ‘You can’t do any fishing on the ocean.’ Does this seem reasonable to you?”

  • “The American Forces Network, AFN, these are the people that carry shows like mine, they carry shows like… 50% of the shows have to be liberal. But they also not just broadcast the news and talk,” Glenn said. “They also bring our Armed Forces all of the sporting events, all the football games and everything else. The golf course at Camp David is deemed essential, but AFN carrying the football games for our troops is not. Not doing them. Carrying them… By the way, Camp David, the golf course and Camp David is open.”

  • “The D‑day Memorial. The GOP has offered to compromise and fund all of the National Parks,” Glenn explained. “The President has said he will veto any compromise on legislation. So the D‑day Memorial in Normandy has now been barricaded.”

  • “Mount Vernon, George Washington’s home, is privately funded. The Feds blocked the visitors from entering the parking area because the National Park Service maintains the lot… No federal money is used to operate any of these parks. In fact, the federal government makes money through the operation of these parks,” Glenn said. “He had them all closed down and so the 400 to 500 private employees have been furloughed. And by the way, they don’t get any of their money back. They’re just destroyed. Because, I forgot to tell you: The GOP and the Democrats did get together in some emergency legislation. They don’t give a crap about the 400 to 500 employees that are privately. But those government workers, they raced to make sure they knew, ‘Oh, don’t worry. You’ll get your money.’”

  • “A self‑sustaining colonial farm that hasn’t received a dime of government money since 1980 has been closed for the first time in 40 years. The National Park Service has succeeded in closing the farm to the public. In the previous budget dramas, the farm has always been exempted because the government pays nothing, provides no staff, nor do they provide any resources to operate the farm,” he explained. “The President has closed the Vietnam Memorial. The GOP passed the compromised legislation that would fund the memorial, keep it open to the public, but the president said he would veto it.”

  • “The operator of a 51‑room inn located on U.S. Government‑owned land in North Carolina abandoned his defiant stance on Thursday to keep his property open despite being ordered to shut down as part of the federal government shutdown. October is this inn’s prime season,” Glenn said. “The GOP has offered a compromise to open this particular park, but the President said no to that compromise. So here is a private individual that will lose out on the money that he makes in his prime season. State troopers, by the way, have blocked the customers have entering the parking lot. How much are they spending on the state troopers? Again, Park Service ranger said, ‘We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can.’”

  • “The President has forced residents out of their private homes – the government shutdown being felt close to home for some locals. They say they’re being forced out of their private homes on Lake Mead because they sit on federal land,” Glenn said. “Acadia Park, Maine, ‘We’ve been training at two years at Crossfit for this hike, no kidding.’ She said the shutdown now is going to keep everybody off of Acadia Park.”

  • “A historic restaurant opened during the last shutdown, forced to close. An iconic Philadelphia restaurant been forced to close its doors and turned away book parties because of the government shutdown,” he said. “That is a private restaurant. They won’t get any money back.”

  • “There’s a road that goes through a Colorado park,” Glenn said. “The forest service announced the Pitkin County commissioners to order that Maroon Creek Road be shut down at the height of the tourist season, ahead of what is supposed to be one of the busiest weekends of the fall. The road is to be closed at T Lazy 7 Ranch pending the resolution of the shutdown.”

  • “And here’s my favorite. We joked about this. They actually did it. They are now blocking access to trails, roads, and programs at South Dakota’s most popular attraction,” Glenn explained. “The National Park Service has now placed cones along the highway outside of Mount Rushmore this weekend, barring visitors from stopping and looking at the mountain. You cannot stop on the road. And they have officers there to ticket you if you do.” Obama: you are forbidden from LOOKING AT A MOUNTAIN:lmao:

  • “The U.S. Department of Agriculture has gone turned off its entire website in response to the government shutdown, leaving farmers, reporters, and others with no way to access any of the agency’s information online,” Glenn said. “The USDA’s total website goes far beyond response of other federal agencies. Seems to be part of an effort to make people feel the effects of the shutdown. Thursday morning calls to the USDA’s press office seeking an explanation were not answered.”

  • “The President has closed the Military Commissary. Military members and veterans and families who shop at the local tax‑free store were shocked to discover that the store’s doors had been locked. They have closed the PX. This is where you go and you shop if you’re a military family. This is at Andrews Air Force base. They have shut the commissary and they have shut the PX,” Glenn said. “So you can’t go buy any groceries, you can’t go buy any clothes, any medicine. You can’t go buy meat, nothing.”

Obama: Inflict as much pain as possible
Reagan wasnt talking about supporting your lazy ass with healthcare you can buy you damn self. I know having self respect is alien to you.

I get my healthcare from my job. You seem to be confused.

Same here. And it is good to know that if I leave my job for any reason, I will still have health care coverage.

You would still have healthcare when you went to your next job. The fact that you don't know that makes me wonder of you really do have a job.
The CR (Continuing Resolution) represents Republican spending levels. The Democrats have negotiated themselves into a hole where they are now begging for Republican spending levels just so they can save an established law.

Debt Ceiling increases without any attempts by the Democrats to take hostages

Reagan: 18
Bush 41: 9
Bush 43 7

Obama has already agreed to Continuing Resolution bill that reflects their spending levels. It represents more than a compromise by Obama because he didn't get his spending levels. But the GOP doesn't care about compromise. They're not looking to negotiate. They want to destroy ObamaCare, and they are willing to blow up the economy over it.
The CR (Continuing Resolution) represents Republican spending levels. The Democrats have negotiated themselves into a hole where they are now begging for Republican spending levels just so they can save an established law.

Debt Ceiling increases without any attempts by the Democrats to take hostages

Reagan: 18
Bush 41: 9
Bush 43 7

Obama has already agreed to Continuing Resolution bill that reflects their spending levels. It represents more than a compromise by Obama because he didn't get his spending levels. But the GOP doesn't care about compromise. They're not looking to negotiate. They want to destroy ObamaCare, and they are willing to blow up the economy over it.

Well no shit...Dumbocrats live for government spending. Why would they ever attempt to limit it? :eusa_doh:
You see, I read posts like this from Poodle and am convinced that he's about 25 and never lived through the 1980's, or he wouldn't spout such shit. Instead, he believes in some version of history he heard on Rush and Hannity.

[I love how upset freedom makes you because at the end of the day, freedom leaves you with no argument to stand on. And that really gets your little Victoria's Secret cross-dressing panties in a bunch. :lol:

No, I don't take the word "Freedom" seriously from you because to you, Freedom is the ability of rich assholes to fuck over the rest of us. You bastardize the word.

Right. And I said that wasn't true. What part of that did you not understand, stupid?

The part where we spent trillions of dollars on weapons we never used, and the USSR would have probably collapsed had we spent that money or not.

You're the only idiot in world history who denies that Reagan won the Cold War. Gorbachev capitulated on every significant demand because he knew that A.) Reagan was hell bent on destroying communist threats to the world and B.) Reagan had built the U.S. back into the worlds military superpower after yet another idiot libtard (Jimmy Carter) had tore us down.

And when did Gorby do that, exactly? Again, you are probably about 25, and you don't remember what a clusterfuck the Iceland summit was, where Gorby wanted agreements, and Reagan just wouldn't give up his Star Wars fantasies, so they both went home empty handed.

Reagan won the Cold War. Pick up a history book sometime. Oh wait - that's right - you prefer your own version of made up history where our founders were "evil slave rapers", where Dumbocrats fought to free the slaves while Abraham Lincoln four to keep them enslaved, and where communism has proven to be successful! :lmao:

Not sure where you really equate the Southern Democrats of 1861 to today's version, other than the name. But, yeah, Tommy Jefferson raped the shit out of Sally Hemmings the minute the poor girl hit puberty.

More made up "history" by JoeB. He is proof that communists really do love their propaganda. (Psst...Joe...there is nothing the intelligence community doesn't know in advance - we had spies inside the Soviet government you fuck'n moron. Hell, we even knew about 9/11 in advance - our leaders just refused to act in the information. Stop being such a naïve, immature, little puppet).

Guy, I was in the military at the time the USSR fell, and every year, we'd get a big glossy book telling us about how many divisions the USSR had, and what their weapons systems and capabilities were. And they were still sending this book out when Yelstin was standing on the tank, calling this all a bunch of foolishness.

And you are admitting Bush knew about 9/11 in advance? Really?


So you agree that Obama has been completely irresponsible then? I mean, Reagan added $2 trillion to the debt while Obama has added $7 trillion (it was barely over $10 trillion when he got in - do the math asshole).

I have done the math. Reagan increased the debt from less than 1 Trillion to 4 trillion. In short, he increased it 300%. Now I want you to get your tiny brain around this. 200 years of history, two world wars, a Moon Program, Interstate highway system, and the total national debt at the end of that was less than a Trillion. And then along comes Reagan, big spending on weapons we don't need and big tax breaks to the rich, and he quadruples the debt.

Meanwhile, Obama has increased the debt by 70%. Mostly because Reagan made it easier to borrow than tax, and Bush made all these commitments he couldn't walk away from.

Yeah, uh "trickle down" proved to be a spectacular success. Reagan took over the second worse economy in U.S. history and created an economic tidal wave which we rode until Bill Clintons socialist policies finally collapsed us around 2003. Conversely, you're trickle up poverty policies have been proven over and over to creat collapse - most recently with Detroit.

Again, I'm fairly convinced you are about 25, or you wouldnt' spout such bullshit.

First, the 1981 recession was caused because the fed felt inflation was too high. In short, it was a planned event, using unemployment to fight inflation. And Reagan continued that policy after Carter left, which is why unemployment didn't crest until 1983 when it hit 11%.

Of course, here's the thing. Middle class wages stopped growing when adjusted for inflation after Reagan got in. Meanwhile, CEO compensation increased from 40X average worker pay to 482X average worker pay.

And if you want to bring up Detroit, again- who did Detroit lose out to? A bunch of Any-Randian libertarians celebrating the 'wealth-creators'?

Nope. They lost to unionized Germans and Japanese with government subsidized health care, and CEO's that only make six figures.

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