Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate

Ignore what you hear and read in the news. The federal government actually reached the legal debt ceiling about four months ago. Since then, the government has been financing its monthly budget deficit by stealing/borrowing money from other government funds, like the federal government employees’ pension fund. In about two weeks, the government will run out of tricks to keep operating as if nothing has happened. If the debt ceiling is not raised by then, the government has to balance its budget.

Reaching the debt ceiling does not mean that the government will default on the outstanding government debt. In fact, the U.S. Constitution forbids defaulting on the debt (14th Amendment, Section 4), so the government is not allowed to default even if it wanted to.

Don't Believe The Debt Ceiling Hype: The Federal Government Can Survive Without An Increase - Forbes

i almost gave you a pos rep for humor

What would have been funny is if the Democrats had pulled the bullshit stunt that the GOP are pulling. Watching the Faux talking heads explode over it would have been hysterical.

Do you truly support the minority party trying to force through threats of shutdown and default what they cannot pass legislatively?

I asked that exact same question REPEATEDLY yesterday, and not a single fuking right wing wack job would TOUCH that question. And they still won't cause they know they would be going bat shit crazy if Pelosi was doing the exact same thing as Bohoner.

Hypocrites, every single one of them.

But I think gun control might be a good reason for the Dems to shut er down. Maybe tax increases on the ultra wealthy. I am sure the Dems can find a handful of reasons to shut er down in future negotiations with Rethugs.

Won't that be great Repubs?

SUPPOSE President Obama announced:

Unless Republicans agree to my proposal for gun control, I will use my authority as commander in chief to scuttle one aircraft carrier a week in the bottom of the ocean.

I invite Republican leaders to come to the White House and negotiate a deal to preserve our military strength. I hope Republicans will work with me to prevent the loss of our carrier fleet.

If the Republicans refuse to negotiate, I will be compelled to begin by scuttling the U.S.S. George Washington in the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench, with 80 aircraft on board.

Governing by Blackmail
What would have been funny is if the Democrats had pulled the bullshit stunt that the GOP are pulling. Watching the Faux talking heads explode over it would have been hysterical.

Do you truly support the minority party trying to force through threats of shutdown and default what they cannot pass legislatively?

it is against the law for the government to default on the debt

if there is a default that would be the presidents fault

there are funds coming in to pay it

You are full of shit dude. Post up the document, maybe the COTUS, where it says EXACTLY WHAT YOU PROPOSE.

You can't because it doesn't exist. And IF Obama did take the action you seem to think he could, the asshole Rethugs would bring impeachment charges against him for doing something the President CAN'T do.

Do your own work and refresh yourself in how Government runs.

i almost gave you a pos rep for humor

What would have been funny is if the Democrats had pulled the bullshit stunt that the GOP are pulling. Watching the Faux talking heads explode over it would have been hysterical.

Do you truly support the minority party trying to force through threats of shutdown and default what they cannot pass legislatively?

it is against the law for the government to default on the debt

if there is a default that would be the presidents fault

there are funds coming in to pay it

Once you pay in full all of the US's ongoing debt obligations, you would have to not pay about 40% or more of what else we're paying now.

Where are you going to not pay in the rest of the budget?
In 2006, every Democrat Senator voted against raising the debt ceiling, including Obama.

So? How many Republicans voted for it?

Here Are Three Debt-Ceiling Lies You’ll Hear From the GOP This Week

2. Obama is a big hypocrite because he voted against a debt-limit increase while Bush was president.

Yes, he did cast such a vote, but no, he’s not a hypocrite, not even a small one. The reason is simple. Democrats made no threats when they cast their votes. They knew they were going to lose and had no real intention of winning.

Well that explains it. I assume his speech about the national debt was also merely symbolic in nature as well? No, this man couldn't possibly be a hypocrite, now could he?

"The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents – #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic."
— Senator Barrack Obama

Of course if you'd rather hear this coming out of his OWN mouth:

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So? How many Republicans voted for it?

Here Are Three Debt-Ceiling Lies You’ll Hear From the GOP This Week

2. Obama is a big hypocrite because he voted against a debt-limit increase while Bush was president.

Yes, he did cast such a vote, but no, he’s not a hypocrite, not even a small one. The reason is simple. Democrats made no threats when they cast their votes. They knew they were going to lose and had no real intention of winning.

Well that explains it. I assume his speech about the national debt was also merely symbolic in nature as well? No, this man couldn't possibly be a hypocrite, now could he?

"The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents – #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic."
— Senator Barrack Obama

Of course if you'd rather hear this coming out of his OWN mouth:


The Democrats did not filibuster as the GOP has done nor did they threaten to shut the government down over it.

It simply is not the same. If the Democrats HAD done such a thing, the right would have been apoplectic. "Treason!" they would scream.
SUPPOSE President Obama announced:

Unless Republicans agree to my proposal for gun control, I will use my authority as commander in chief to scuttle one aircraft carrier a week in the bottom of the ocean.

I invite Republican leaders to come to the White House and negotiate a deal to preserve our military strength. I hope Republicans will work with me to prevent the loss of our carrier fleet.

If the Republicans refuse to negotiate, I will be compelled to begin by scuttling the U.S.S. George Washington in the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench, with 80 aircraft on board.

Governing by Blackmail

As no President has the authority to "scuttle" any ship on his own, he'd be impeached and, if Senate Democrats put nation above politics, removed.
I'm tired. I'm tired mostly of bull shit coming out of washington.

Right this left that

If we did what you did

What about when so and so did such and such

You know, not one damn bit of any of that matters. What does matter is here and now and 30 years from now....
The government supposedly is shut down. Yet our debt clock is climbing just as fast as before the shut down. Why?
What does this tell us? that we have to borrow more so we can spend more? It's time for Americans left , right , white, black , brown, red independent, purple, or polka dotted to wake the fuck up....

When will we have borrowed enough? When will it be too much? We have to stop spending more than we are taking in....And anyone who can't see that is a damned fool.
Here Are Three Debt-Ceiling Lies You’ll Hear From the GOP This Week

2. Obama is a big hypocrite because he voted against a debt-limit increase while Bush was president.

Yes, he did cast such a vote, but no, he’s not a hypocrite, not even a small one. The reason is simple. Democrats made no threats when they cast their votes. They knew they were going to lose and had no real intention of winning.

Well that explains it. I assume his speech about the national debt was also merely symbolic in nature as well? No, this man couldn't possibly be a hypocrite, now could he?

"The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents – #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic."
— Senator Barrack Obama

Of course if you'd rather hear this coming out of his OWN mouth:


The Democrats did not filibuster as the GOP has done nor did they threaten to shut the government down over it.

It simply is not the same. If the Democrats HAD done such a thing, the right would have been apoplectic. "Treason!" they would scream.

It's so different in degree as to be different in kind, at this point.
But, yeah, Tommy Jefferson raped the shit out of Sally Hemmings the minute the poor girl hit puberty.

Joe, don't project your rape crimes on other men. You're history of ...

I hope you realize that you violated rules by accusing me of crimes that you have no evidence I committed.

But here's the thing rapist: lying about Thomas Jefferson over and over doesn't make the lie true. It just exposes more people to the fact that you are a liar ..... I've proven you are lying about this over and over and over.

I proved

Actually, you proved nothing of the sort.

It's established fact that Thomas Jefferson fathered Sally Hemings Children.

Chronology - The Sally Hemings Story (1977) | Jefferson's Blood | FRONTLINE | PBS

Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: A Brief Account « Thomas Jefferson?s Monticello

Sally Hemings ? History.com Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts
But, yeah, Tommy Jefferson raped the shit out of Sally Hemmings the minute the poor girl hit puberty.

Joe, don't project your rape crimes on other men. You're history of ...

I hope you realize that you violated rules by accusing me of crimes that you have no evidence I committed.

But here's the thing rapist: lying about Thomas Jefferson over and over doesn't make the lie true. It just exposes more people to the fact that you are a liar ..... I've proven you are lying about this over and over and over.

I proved

Actually, you proved nothing of the sort.

It's established fact that Thomas Jefferson fathered Sally Hemings Children.

Chronology - The Sally Hemings Story (1977) | Jefferson's Blood | FRONTLINE | PBS

Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: A Brief Account « Thomas Jefferson?s Monticello

Sally Hemings ? History.com Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts

What you have not proven is that Sally Hemmings was ever raped. Unless you think that each and every act of sex was a rape you have nothing to say. To all knowable evidence it was a relationship that lasted for many years. She had multiple children. It was, to all evidence, a consensual and loving relationship.

What you have not proven is that Sally Hemmings was ever raped. Unless you think that each and every act of sex was a rape you have nothing to say. To all knowable evidence it was a relationship that lasted for many years. She had multiple children. It was, to all evidence, a consensual and loving relationship.

Sally Hemmings was PROPERTY.

I want to repeat that because you are kind of dense. SALLY HEMMINGS was PROPERTY.

By definition, every act of sex she had with Jefferson WAS rape because the issue of "consent" was besides the point.

Incidently, most historical movies portray Sally as black, but she was 3/4's white and resembled Jefferson's dead wife (because she was Martha Jefferson's half sister.)

What you have not proven is that Sally Hemmings was ever raped. Unless you think that each and every act of sex was a rape you have nothing to say. To all knowable evidence it was a relationship that lasted for many years. She had multiple children. It was, to all evidence, a consensual and loving relationship.

Sally Hemmings was PROPERTY.

I want to repeat that because you are kind of dense. SALLY HEMMINGS was PROPERTY.

By definition, every act of sex she had with Jefferson WAS rape because the issue of "consent" was besides the point.

Incidently, most historical movies portray Sally as black, but she was 3/4's white and resembled Jefferson's dead wife (because she was Martha Jefferson's half sister.)

If she consented (to of course what never occurred as I have proven already), it cannot be rape. Period. End of story.

What you have not proven is that Sally Hemmings was ever raped. Unless you think that each and every act of sex was a rape you have nothing to say. To all knowable evidence it was a relationship that lasted for many years. She had multiple children. It was, to all evidence, a consensual and loving relationship.

Sally Hemmings was PROPERTY.

I want to repeat that because you are kind of dense. SALLY HEMMINGS was PROPERTY.

By definition, every act of sex she had with Jefferson WAS rape because the issue of "consent" was besides the point.

Incidently, most historical movies portray Sally as black, but she was 3/4's white and resembled Jefferson's dead wife (because she was Martha Jefferson's half sister.)

If she consented (to of course what never occurred as I have proven already), it cannot be rape. Period. End of story.

The thing is, Consent isn't an issue here.

If someone can legally whip you or legally sell you, you really don't have the option of "consenting".. that's kind of the point.
The CR (Continuing Resolution) represents Republican spending levels. The Democrats have negotiated themselves into a hole where they are now begging for Republican spending levels just so they can save an established law.

Debt Ceiling increases without any attempts by the Democrats to take hostages

Reagan: 18
Bush 41: 9
Bush 43 7

Obama has already agreed to Continuing Resolution bill that reflects their spending levels. It represents more than a compromise by Obama because he didn't get his spending levels. But the GOP doesn't care about compromise. They're not looking to negotiate. They want to destroy ObamaCare, and they are willing to blow up the economy over it.

In 2006, every Democrat Senator voted against raising the debt ceiling, including Obama.

If you were a person capable of reason, you would realize that the casting of meaningless votes against the inevitable passage of a raising of the debt ceiling is a far cry from casting votes that in fact cause the failure of a raising of the debt ceiling.


I've heard some desperate responses from Dumbocrats before but this one is the gem.

If you were a person capable of reason, you would realize that voting against raising the debt ceiling when a Republican is in the White House and then demanding that the debt ceiling when a Dumbocrat is in the White House is an appalling display of hypocrisy.

Now, before you libtards scream "but....but....but that's exactly what the GOP has done here" please pull your head out of your ass for 10 seconds and realize that when the GOP voted to raise the debt ceiling we were at $9 trillion in debt and now we are at almost $17 trillion in debt. Huge difference. Huge.

(that being said - the GOP had no business raising the debt ceiling under Bush and that is why they are being replaced by Tea Party candidates).
Sally Hemmings was PROPERTY.

I want to repeat that because you are kind of dense. SALLY HEMMINGS was PROPERTY.

By definition, every act of sex she had with Jefferson WAS rape because the issue of "consent" was besides the point.

Incidently, most historical movies portray Sally as black, but she was 3/4's white and resembled Jefferson's dead wife (because she was Martha Jefferson's half sister.)

If she consented (to of course what never occurred as I have proven already), it cannot be rape. Period. End of story.

The thing is, Consent isn't an issue here.

If someone can legally whip you or legally sell you, you really don't have the option of "consenting".. that's kind of the point.

Sure they can:

Slave Owner: "Slave, would you like to have sex?"

Slave: "Yes"

Boom! Consent...! (you continue to take stupidity to previously unforeseen levels)
If she consented (to of course what never occurred as I have proven already), it cannot be rape. Period. End of story.

The thing is, Consent isn't an issue here.

If someone can legally whip you or legally sell you, you really don't have the option of "consenting".. that's kind of the point.

Sure they can:

Slave Owner: "Slave, would you like to have sex?"

Slave: "Yes"

Boom! Consent...! (you continue to take stupidity to previously unforeseen levels)

Guy, once you have a situation where someone can legally FLOG you or SELL you, it's not like you can say "Not tonight honey, I have a headache." (I'm sure you hear that a lot.)

But, yeah, Tommy Jefferson raped the shit out of Sally Hemmings the minute the poor girl hit puberty.

Joe, don't project your rape crimes on other men. You're history of ...

I hope you realize that you violated rules by accusing me of crimes that you have no evidence I committed.

You mean like you have with Thomas Jefferson?

Fact: Thomas Jefferson was NEVER convicted of rape
Fact: You falsely accuse him of being a rapist

Want to go another round rapist?
The thing is, Consent isn't an issue here.

If someone can legally whip you or legally sell you, you really don't have the option of "consenting".. that's kind of the point.

Sure they can:

Slave Owner: "Slave, would you like to have sex?"

Slave: "Yes"

Boom! Consent...! (you continue to take stupidity to previously unforeseen levels)

Guy, once you have a situation where someone can legally FLOG you or SELL you, it's not like you can say "Not tonight honey, I have a headache." (I'm sure you hear that a lot.)


Sure you can. And if the slave owner respects that, it's NOT rape. If they don't, and they force themselves on the slave like you do, then it is rape.

This is pretty basic stuff, even for a desperate buffoon like you.

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