Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate


There are concessions all over the place...Obama won't negotiate...PERIOD. Neither will the weasel REID.

Put a sock in it BOY.

Name a single thing that Republucans have offered

A single one sock boy

they offered to give obama all the spending he wants in exchange for a one year delay in the individual mandate. This is fair and in concert with the one year delay that obama gave to big business.

Not sure why big business gets a pass and the working class get the brunt of having to pay up.
Yet Obama is refusing to negotiate.

So, yes, he looks weak.

Obama is standing up for the Constitution and its principles.

That makes him look very very strong.

No one has the right to question the legitimacy of America's debts, as per the 14th Amendment.
Yet Obama is refusing to negotiate.

So, yes, he looks weak.

I think maybe they should negotiate a little with ObamaCare and the shutdown.

But no, there can be no negotiations over the debt ceiling.

The GOP approved the spending now they have to approve the borrowing.

Damn it!, thats not the way it works. increased debt is used for NEW spending, previous spending was covered by previous appropriations.

stop repeating this lie.

You are WRONG!
Name a single thing that Republucans have offered

A single one sock boy

they offered to give obama all the spending he wants in exchange for a one year delay in the individual mandate. This is fair and in concert with the one year delay that obama gave to big business.

Not sure why big business gets a pass and the working class get the brunt of having to pay up.

If you read this forum, you would not have to ask that stupid question AGAIN.

Corporations are not people.
The employer delay effects only 1-2% of businesses and is transition relief ordered by the IRS. It is not a pass.

The working class are the primary beneficiaries of the law. You will soon learn this, but will you admit your error?
Wow DaGoose
Talking about Polls, I posted one and NOBODY signed it in support of ACA.

I can't find a single person on either side of the ACA
who WANTS to pay a fine for not buying health insurance.


Even those who blame GOP are saying if the employer mandate
was delayed, why not delay the individual mandate to be fair???

So while people may blame Tea Party or Ted Cruz opposition to ACA
for holding up Congress, secretly it seems no one really want to pay for it either!

At least these people are being HONEST in their opposition
and taking responsibility to voice that opposition.

Instead of this chicken garbage of
blaming the opposition but benefiting from it at the same time.

How convenient!
To benefit from the opposition while blaming others for it! Ingenious tactic!
Like having your cake, eating it too, charging it to someone else,
and blaming them while you eat the cake at their expense!

Of course!

Enjoy your cake!

Ok....let's talk about polls........

According to the Fox News poll, disapproval of the Republican Party has jumped from 46% in September of 2012 to 59% today. Disapproval of the GOP has climbed from 54% in January to 56% in April to nearing 60% today. Approval of the Republican Party has fallen from 45% to 35%. In contrast, Democratic Party unfavorability has stayed stable in the Fox poll at between 48% and 49% all through 2013.

Support for repealing the ACA has dropped from 39% in June to 30% today. This could mean that the linking of funding the government to defunding or delaying the ACA has completely backfired on the Republican Party. The number of Americans who think that they will be better off under Obamacare has risen by 7 points from 34% to 41%

The behavior of House Republicans isn’t just hurting their 2014 chances. It is damaging the whole Republican Party. When a Fox News poll finds a sizable margin of people are blaming the Republicans things are really bad. The Fox News polls have always shaded their questions with loaded terms, so it means a lot when a poll that is normally friendly to the GOP finds things going this badly.

The Republican Party is being destroyed by their own obsession with Obamacare.

Fox News Poll Finds Disapproval Of GOP Skyrocketing After They Shut Down Government

That damn liberal media FOX news!!!!


ie shame on conservatives and tea party constitutionalists
for standing up against "taxation without representation"

on behalf of all citizens who would also prefer
NOT TO PAY additional fines or taxes
for mandates nobody wants to pay anyway!
they offered to give obama all the spending he wants in exchange for a one year delay in the individual mandate. This is fair and in concert with the one year delay that obama gave to big business.

the GOP approved the spending months ago.

its time for them to approve a bigger credit card to pay for the spending.

they have no right to question the validity of the debt of the USA, as per the Constitution of the USA.

you just don't get it, new debt is for new spending. previous spending was covered by previous appropriations. The govt cannot spend unless the money is authorized and appropriated.

A few things like aircraft carriers are funded by multi year appropriations but the vast majority of govt spending is appropriated in the year it is spent.

I don't understand why the US doesn't follow Germany's conservative approach, it's certainly working there. Cut spending and raising taxes has jettisoned Germany's recovery, while the US's spins it's wheels going nowhere. It's been a pain for the German people in the short term but the long term result is proving rewarding.

Because the US has elected the socialists into power and Germany elected conservatives.

We can be compared to France and their idiocy of 75% tax on a million euro ( ruled unconstitutional, btw), not to Germany.

Germany actually proves that CONSERVATISM works, we prove - that LEFTISM does not.

You do know conservatives in Germany are much more moderate than their American counterparts and much more socialistic too.
Germany is more socialist than the US. It's not even close. Germany spends 28.8% of their GDP on social programs, the US spends 23.4% of it's GDP on social programs.
Net Social Expenditure % of gdp statistics - Countries compared - NationMaster
Yet Obama is refusing to negotiate.

So, yes, he looks weak.

Obama is standing up for the Constitution and its principles.

That makes him look very very strong.

No one has the right to question the legitimacy of America's debts, as per the 14th Amendment.

You do realize that we only pay the interest on the debt don't you? the principle goes up by about 1 trillion per year. BTW, a trillion is a thousand billion. its a real big pile of money.
You do realize that we only pay the interest on the debt don't you? the principle goes up by about 1 trillion per year. BTW, a trillion is a thousand billion. its a real big pile of money.

You do realize that US Treasuries get paid back all the time, right?

We owe more than simply interest, every day.
you just don't get it, new debt is for new spending. previous spending was covered by previous appropriations. The govt cannot spend unless the money is authorized and appropriated.

A few things like aircraft carriers are funded by multi year appropriations but the vast majority of govt spending is appropriated in the year it is spent.


YOU just don't get it.

Our Credit Card is maxed out. We need a higher credit limit for spending that was approved months and years ago. And to finance our existing debt.
they offered to give obama all the spending he wants in exchange for a one year delay in the individual mandate. This is fair and in concert with the one year delay that obama gave to big business.

Not sure why big business gets a pass and the working class get the brunt of having to pay up.

If you read this forum, you would not have to ask that stupid question AGAIN.

Corporations are not people.
The employer delay effects only 1-2% of businesses and is transition relief ordered by the IRS. It is not a pass.

The working class are the primary beneficiaries of the law. You will soon learn this, but will you admit your error?

Hi Lonelaughter:
1. then why aren't the supporters of the bill willing to pay for it
to support the working class? why are liberal supporters exempt from it
and are only depending on OTHER PEOPLE to pay for it?

2. Why do all the people I ask who want health care reform either
a. for singlepayer and against the insurance clause
b. think what we're paying for medicare should be enough if it were managed properly
c. want the bill to be reformed and DON'T want to be charged more
money and/or be required to buy insurance

If I'm wrong, if this bill is so good, then why aren't more supporters willing to pay for it?
Are you?

Will you sign the Poll under "Will you sign this petition"

and post NO I disagree with delaying the mandate and am willing to pay for this bill?
or NO I support the ACA and believe all people including opponents should pay for it.

Why way do you believe?
Where are the supporters willing to pay for this bill if it's so good?
you just don't get it, new debt is for new spending. previous spending was covered by previous appropriations. The govt cannot spend unless the money is authorized and appropriated.

A few things like aircraft carriers are funded by multi year appropriations but the vast majority of govt spending is appropriated in the year it is spent.


YOU just don't get it.

Our Credit Card is maxed out. We need a higher credit limit for spending that was approved months and years ago. And to finance our existing debt.

I believe that this nutter is confusing the appropriations bill.....that is now being used to hold the nation hostage....with the debt ceiling....which might be used to hold the world hostage in a couple of weeks.

He also does not know that the appropriation levels were already agreed upon and represent a compromise on the part of the Democrats.

He is severely uninformed. And he is predictably arrogant about it. Nutters LOVE not to know.
Problem: The credit cards are maxed out, and we can't afford the payments.

Republican Analysis: Obviously, we should stop charging.

Democrat Analysis: Obviously, our credit limit is too low.

Not really a good analogy.

It's a perfectly accurate analogy.

Um, no, it's really not.

We can perfectly afford the payments, simply by raising taxes on the wealthy to pay for things that benefit them to start with.

And it's not like there aren't people who are perfectly willing to extend us credit, even with a AA rating. (We used to have a AAA rating until the nimrods screwed it up.)
you just don't get it, new debt is for new spending. previous spending was covered by previous appropriations. The govt cannot spend unless the money is authorized and appropriated.

A few things like aircraft carriers are funded by multi year appropriations but the vast majority of govt spending is appropriated in the year it is spent.


YOU just don't get it.

Our Credit Card is maxed out. We need a higher credit limit for spending that was approved months and years ago. And to finance our existing debt.

that is the lie he has been telling you, he stated in correctly in 2006 when he complained about bush raising the debt limit. we do not need to borrow more money to pay our debt.

there is plenty of money coming to the IRS to pay the interest on the debt.

do you really think we sell bonds to china in order to get money to pay interest to china on old bonds ?
you just don't get it, new debt is for new spending. previous spending was covered by previous appropriations. The govt cannot spend unless the money is authorized and appropriated.

A few things like aircraft carriers are funded by multi year appropriations but the vast majority of govt spending is appropriated in the year it is spent.


YOU just don't get it.

Our Credit Card is maxed out. We need a higher credit limit for spending that was approved months and years ago. And to finance our existing debt.

that is the lie he has been telling you, he stated in correctly in 2006 when he complained about bush raising the debt limit. we do not need to borrow more money to pay our debt.

there is plenty of money coming to the IRS to pay the interest on the debt.

do you really think we sell bonds to china in order to get money to pay interest to china on old bonds ?
When those bonds would be WORTHLESS...and it is the COMMERCE of tangible goods produced the Chinese are after to SELL to us.

The BONDS are just paper...and worthless.
I don't understand why the US doesn't follow Germany's conservative approach, it's certainly working there. Cut spending and raising taxes has jettisoned Germany's recovery, while the US's spins it's wheels going nowhere. It's been a pain for the German people in the short term but the long term result is proving rewarding.

Because the US has elected the socialists into power and Germany elected conservatives.

We can be compared to France and their idiocy of 75% tax on a million euro ( ruled unconstitutional, btw), not to Germany.

Germany actually proves that CONSERVATISM works, we prove - that LEFTISM does not.

You do know conservatives in Germany are much more moderate than their American counterparts and much more socialistic too.
Germany is more socialist than the US. It's not even close. Germany spends 28.8% of their GDP on social programs, the US spends 23.4% of it's GDP on social programs.
Net Social Expenditure % of gdp statistics - Countries compared - NationMaster

Hi Kiwiman: i was amazed that the leaders in Congress managed to trim down the demands to just those two conditions: a. to delay the individual mandates for one year and b. to cut the tax on medical equipment that would have hurt businesses and services trying to provide medically related services

I did not realize what a big concession this was
until I ran into opponents against ACA who wouldn't even go along with the year delay
to fix problems with the bill, but want the whole thing scrapped as unconstitutional

So that compromise WAS a HUGE push to meet in the middle
after already conceding that Judge Roberts passed this as a "tax" when it wasn't set up
and passed through Congress as a tax

This makes me very moderate and inclusive to accept both the
support and opposition to ACA as EQUALLY protected by law
as long as people are free to support the options of their choice

And as this constitutionalist moderate
I still oppose pushing the ACA as imposing such a restrictive mandate
that adds penalties and fines to taxpayers while taking away choices
instead of rewarding taxpayers for investing in better solutions

I think the fear of conservatives blocked the ability to accept
what was already a good offer to buy time to amend the problematic bill

I found more liberal friends who also thought the offer was reasonable
but have not found one person who really wants to fund the mandates
or be held to them. not one. sorry!

most people want other choices and/or believe
what we're already paying should be enough without adding more cost to taxpayers
Maybe the Dems should compromise.

They will negotiate over the shutdown, but NOT over the debt ceiling.

There are concessions all over the place...Obama won't negotiate...PERIOD. Neither will the weasel REID.

Put a sock in it BOY.

Name a single thing that Republucans have offered

A single one sock boy

they offered to give obama all the spending he wants in exchange for a one year delay in the individual mandate. This is fair and in concert with the one year delay that obama gave to big business.

All the spending he wants? Blank check?


That's a good one
congress is not exempt, but they are exempt from paying the obamacare premiums, they voted themselves a 72% subsidy---------WE are paying their obamacare premiums.
I have produced proof that Congress is not exempt from the ACA;
Produce your proof or silence yourself!

I agreed with you. What you don't seem to get is that they voted themselves a 72% subsidy so they will not be personally impacted by the higher obamacare premiums. Effectively making them exempt from the impacts of ACA.

Thank you Ron and Redfish:

May I offer this as proof
Steve Stockman of Congress open admitted that he wished
he could hire EVERYONE to come work for his office
so EVERYONE could be under the Govt benefits
and not stuck with what ACA offers.

Is that more clear what the complaints are about?

What if all of us could escape paying the fine/tax/penality
for not buying insurance because we had the same taxpaid benefits of govt staff?

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