Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate

Fact Check: Congress, staff are exempt from Obamacare
Posted by
CNN Staff
President Obama exempted members of Congress from Obamacare.

“President Obama recently issued a special rule for Congress and congressional staff to get a special subsidy to purchase health insurance on the Obamacare Exchange unavailable to every other American at similar income levels,” said Republican Sen. David Vitter. “That’s an exemption, plain and simple.”

When Obamacare was passed into law, Sen. Charles Grassley, the Iowa Republican, attached language to the bill that mandated members of Congress and their staffers would have to buy health insurance on the newly created health insurance exchanges. What nobody accounted for at the time was that members of Congress and their staffers currently have health insurance through their employer – the federal government. No other employer has been legally required to drop its employee’s health care plan and have them buy coverage on the exchanges.

Like most other large employers, the federal government contributes a portion to the premiums of its employees. In fact, like many employers, the federal government pays most of the premiums for its workers; an average of 72 percent on Capitol Hill. The law didn’t account for the continued employer contribution for these federal workers who would now be buying their insurance on the exchanges. The exchanges were designed to help people without health insurance and people with overly expensive health insurance. It became clear that without their employer contribution, members and their staffers would essentially be getting a cut in pay and benefits equal to thousands of dollars. Even Grassley, the provision’s author, had said the government should continue to contribute to lawmakers’ and staffers’ premiums. What the Obama administration has done is ruled that the congressional workers will continue to receive the employer contribution to help them buy their insurance on the exchange.

False. Congress is no more exempt than any other employer who drops coverage and then helps employees purchase insurance on the exchanges.

congress is not exempt, but they are exempt from paying the obamacare premiums, they voted themselves a 72% subsidy---------WE are paying their obamacare premiums.
Yep. Thanks...Otherwise? THEY are exempt...there is little difference.

Right, the impact on them is exactly the same as being exempt.
Could that possibly be because Americans are idiots who don't understand what the fuck the debt ceiling even is?
Could be that a majority of Americans are far smarter than you and the progressives are and they are tired of the lies.

Cut spending, compromise with the Republicans and work together.

The world understands these things. Why don't the progressives?

We wouldn't be in this mess if the Republicans had left PAYGO in place. Don't blame 'progressives'.
Fact Check: Congress, staff are exempt from Obamacare
Posted by
CNN Staff
President Obama exempted members of Congress from Obamacare.

“President Obama recently issued a special rule for Congress and congressional staff to get a special subsidy to purchase health insurance on the Obamacare Exchange unavailable to every other American at similar income levels,” said Republican Sen. David Vitter. “That’s an exemption, plain and simple.”

When Obamacare was passed into law, Sen. Charles Grassley, the Iowa Republican, attached language to the bill that mandated members of Congress and their staffers would have to buy health insurance on the newly created health insurance exchanges. What nobody accounted for at the time was that members of Congress and their staffers currently have health insurance through their employer – the federal government. No other employer has been legally required to drop its employee’s health care plan and have them buy coverage on the exchanges.

Like most other large employers, the federal government contributes a portion to the premiums of its employees. In fact, like many employers, the federal government pays most of the premiums for its workers; an average of 72 percent on Capitol Hill. The law didn’t account for the continued employer contribution for these federal workers who would now be buying their insurance on the exchanges. The exchanges were designed to help people without health insurance and people with overly expensive health insurance. It became clear that without their employer contribution, members and their staffers would essentially be getting a cut in pay and benefits equal to thousands of dollars. Even Grassley, the provision’s author, had said the government should continue to contribute to lawmakers’ and staffers’ premiums. What the Obama administration has done is ruled that the congressional workers will continue to receive the employer contribution to help them buy their insurance on the exchange.

False. Congress is no more exempt than any other employer who drops coverage and then helps employees purchase insurance on the exchanges.

congress is not exempt, but they are exempt from paying the obamacare premiums, they voted themselves a 72% subsidy---------WE are paying their obamacare premiums.
I have produced proof that Congress is not exempt from the ACA;
Produce your proof or silence yourself!

I agreed with you. What you don't seem to get is that they voted themselves a 72% subsidy so they will not be personally impacted by the higher obamacare premiums. Effectively making them exempt from the impacts of ACA.
Could that possibly be because Americans are idiots who don't understand what the fuck the debt ceiling even is?
Could be that a majority of Americans are far smarter than you and the progressives are and they are tired of the lies.

Cut spending, compromise with the Republicans and work together.

The world understands these things. Why don't the progressives?

We wouldn't be in this mess if the Republicans had left PAYGO in place. Don't blame 'progressives'.

Horseshit, we would not be in this mess if both parties had not engaged in deficit spending for years. Newt and Clinton fixed for a couple of years. Maybe this shutdown will give Barry and Boehner a chance to do what is right--------oh, forgot, Barry refuses to talk.
Could be that a majority of Americans are far smarter than you and the progressives are and they are tired of the lies.

Cut spending, compromise with the Republicans and work together.

The world understands these things. Why don't the progressives?

We wouldn't be in this mess if the Republicans had left PAYGO in place. Don't blame 'progressives'.

Horseshit, we would not be in this mess if both parties had not engaged in deficit spending for years. Newt and Clinton fixed for a couple of years. Maybe this shutdown will give Barry and Boehner a chance to do what is right--------oh, forgot, Barry refuses to talk.
So does the weasel, REID.
October 3 2013~
Let the nay saying begin!

"A majority of Americans want President Obama to negotiate with Congress over the debt ceiling, and nearly two-thirds oppose raising the debt without significant spending reforms attached, according to a recent poll from Ending Spending and the American Action Forum.

House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) said Wednesday following a meeting at the White House that the president had ”reiterated one more time tonight that he will not negotiate.” Obama and most Democrats favor a “clean” debt-ceiling hike without spending reforms attached. Meanwhile, House GOP leaders are said to be working on a larger budget deal to end the government and raise the debt ceiling with reforms."

Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate | National Review Online

1. AN OPPORTUNITY: Obama is badly bruised. The President's numbers aren't strong, with an underwater approval rating (43% approve, 49% disapprove), and a generic congressional ballot that has Republicans ahead by 4 points (40% GOP, 36%DEM)

Just read the rest yourself:


Are you kidding me? Why should this poll surprise anyone? Fucking of course Americans expect Obama to negotiate. He's the Fucking president. You are obviously implying this is supposed to make Obama weak. That is just stupid. It doesn't matter who is president. EVERY president is expected to negotiate.

This forum is so depressing some times.
October 3 2013~
Let the nay saying begin!

"A majority of Americans want President Obama to negotiate with Congress over the debt ceiling, and nearly two-thirds oppose raising the debt without significant spending reforms attached, according to a recent poll from Ending Spending and the American Action Forum.

House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) said Wednesday following a meeting at the White House that the president had ”reiterated one more time tonight that he will not negotiate.” Obama and most Democrats favor a “clean” debt-ceiling hike without spending reforms attached. Meanwhile, House GOP leaders are said to be working on a larger budget deal to end the government and raise the debt ceiling with reforms."

Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate | National Review Online

1. AN OPPORTUNITY: Obama is badly bruised. The President's numbers aren't strong, with an underwater approval rating (43% approve, 49% disapprove), and a generic congressional ballot that has Republicans ahead by 4 points (40% GOP, 36%DEM)

Just read the rest yourself:


Did the poll also indicate exactly what the president is supposed to ‘negotiate’?

Did the poll also indicate that the American people understand a president cannot ‘negotiate’ concerning Federal law already in place?

Did the poll also indicate that the American people understand that the president can’t ‘negotiate’ concerning Federal law passed by both Houses of Congress, signed into law by the president, and upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court, where only Congress can amend or repeal existing Federal law?

Did the poll also indicate that the American people understand that Congressional republicans have no grounds whatsoever to justify shutting down the government and jeopardizing the Nation’s economic well being because the president is acting in an appropriate, lawful, and Constitutional manner?

And did the poll also indicate that the American people understand that it’s Congressional democrats and the Senate with whom republicans must ‘negotiate,’ not the president?
October 3 2013~
Let the nay saying begin!

"A majority of Americans want President Obama to negotiate with Congress over the debt ceiling, and nearly two-thirds oppose raising the debt without significant spending reforms attached, according to a recent poll from Ending Spending and the American Action Forum.

House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) said Wednesday following a meeting at the White House that the president had ”reiterated one more time tonight that he will not negotiate.” Obama and most Democrats favor a “clean” debt-ceiling hike without spending reforms attached. Meanwhile, House GOP leaders are said to be working on a larger budget deal to end the government and raise the debt ceiling with reforms."

Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate | National Review Online

1. AN OPPORTUNITY: Obama is badly bruised. The President's numbers aren't strong, with an underwater approval rating (43% approve, 49% disapprove), and a generic congressional ballot that has Republicans ahead by 4 points (40% GOP, 36%DEM)

Just read the rest yourself:


Are you kidding me? Why should this poll surprise anyone? Fucking of course Americans expect Obama to negotiate. He's the Fucking president. You are obviously implying this is supposed to make Obama weak. That is just stupid. It doesn't matter who is president. EVERY president is expected to negotiate.

This forum is so depressing some times.
Yet Obama is refusing to negotiate.

So, yes, he looks weak.
The Congress is not exempt.

Folks opinions are not facts.

Now watch daveman fact away.
Come on Republicans......where are your negotiating skills

What are you offering?

How about an end to your continuing objections to Obamacare?
How about a pledge to never shut down government again?
How about you apologize to the American people?
Come on Republicans......where are your negotiating skills

What are you offering?

How about an end to your continuing objections to Obamacare?
How about a pledge to never shut down government again?
How about you apologize to the American people?


There are concessions all over the place...Obama won't negotiate...PERIOD. Neither will the weasel REID.

Put a sock in it BOY.
Come on Republicans......where are your negotiating skills

What are you offering?

How about an end to your continuing objections to Obamacare?
How about a pledge to never shut down government again?
How about you apologize to the American people?


There are concessions all over the place...Obama won't negotiate...PERIOD. Neither will the weasel REID.

Put a sock in it BOY.

You are so dumb. ObamaCare is LAW whether you like it or not. Obama is being extorted. He has good reason not to negotiate with those tea bagger douche bags. They are what is ruining this country. If they want to make changes to ObamaCare, then they have to do it the traditional way: introduce legislation and build support. Not hold our country hostage.
Come on Republicans......where are your negotiating skills

What are you offering?

How about an end to your continuing objections to Obamacare?
How about a pledge to never shut down government again?
How about you apologize to the American people?


There are concessions all over the place...Obama won't negotiate...PERIOD. Neither will the weasel REID.

Put a sock in it BOY.

Name a single thing that Republucans have offered

A single one sock boy

There are concessions all over the place...Obama won't negotiate...PERIOD. Neither will the weasel REID.

Put a sock in it BOY.

The GOP hasn't offered any concessions.

Now stop calling people "boy". It makes you look like a racist.
Yet Obama is refusing to negotiate.

So, yes, he looks weak.

I think maybe they should negotiate a little with ObamaCare and the shutdown.

But no, there can be no negotiations over the debt ceiling.

The GOP approved the spending now they have to approve the borrowing.
Yet Obama is refusing to negotiate.

So, yes, he looks weak.

I think maybe they should negotiate a little with ObamaCare and the shutdown.

But no, there can be no negotiations over the debt ceiling.

The GOP approved the spending now they have to approve the borrowing.

Damn it!, thats not the way it works. increased debt is used for NEW spending, previous spending was covered by previous appropriations.

stop repeating this lie.
Come on Republicans......where are your negotiating skills

What are you offering?

How about an end to your continuing objections to Obamacare?
How about a pledge to never shut down government again?
How about you apologize to the American people?


There are concessions all over the place...Obama won't negotiate...PERIOD. Neither will the weasel REID.

Put a sock in it BOY.

Name a single thing that Republucans have offered

A single one sock boy

they offered to give obama all the spending he wants in exchange for a one year delay in the individual mandate. This is fair and in concert with the one year delay that obama gave to big business.
Damn it!, thats not the way it works. increased debt is used for NEW spending, previous spending was covered by previous appropriations.

stop repeating this lie.

no sweety, we need to increase the debt ceiling to pay for spending that was already approved.

the GOP approved the spending, our credit card needs a higher limit, now its time to increase the limit.

if the GOP wants us to cut spending, submit a bill to cut spending.

but don't you DARE threaten default against this great nation!!!!
they offered to give obama all the spending he wants in exchange for a one year delay in the individual mandate. This is fair and in concert with the one year delay that obama gave to big business.

the GOP approved the spending months ago.

its time for them to approve a bigger credit card to pay for the spending.

they have no right to question the validity of the debt of the USA, as per the Constitution of the USA.

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