Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate

I don't understand why the US doesn't follow Germany's conservative approach, it's certainly working there. Cut spending and raising taxes has jettisoned Germany's recovery, while the US's spins it's wheels going nowhere. It's been a pain for the German people in the short term but the long term result is proving rewarding.
I don't think the word you want is "jettisoned".
Spending does not happen unless the House votes to approve it. Any massive spending and borrowing that has taken place since January 2011 has been approved by Boehner and the GOP.

WRONG. Spending originates IN the HOUSE. The Senate either agrees or disagrees...comes up with alternate legislation back to the house...and so on...it's called reconciliation. To DATE? The Senate refuses to do their jobs.

They agreed to the 988 billion appropriations level that the GOP wanted.

That is the job they are supposed to do.

The ACA is no longer up for debate or negotiation.

Laws are repealed or altered all the time. Obamacare isn't a natural law of physics.
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You mean forcing people into commerce or pay a penalty for NOT buying something you don't need or want> ? Like that?

Lunger? YOU are truly an idiot.
The T posted:
You mean forcing people into commerce or pay a penalty for NOT buying something you don't need or want> ? Like that?

Lunger? YOU are truly an idiot.

Ron sez:
This is a perfect example of what an irresponsible person looks like. They will bitch about "buying something you don't want and need." The problem with that statement is that NO ONE can see the future. Tomorrow you could be diagnosed with cancer. Tomorrow you could be in a large car crash. Tomorrow you could be badly burned in a house fire. And on, and on, and on......... And if one of those tomorrows happens and you are severely injured it will be to late to get that insurance. That means that I and everyone who did act responsibily will have to pay for you sorry ass in some way or another.
When you cannot afford to pay your medical bills the hospital raises its rates to cover the cost. When the hospital raises its rates the insurance companies raise their rates. Those of us who are responsible end up paying higher insurance rates because of a deadbeat ASSHOLE who thinks nothing bad can happen to them.
Could that possibly be because Americans are idiots who don't understand what the fuck the debt ceiling even is?
Could be that a majority of Americans are far smarter than you and the progressives are and they are tired of the lies.

Cut spending, compromise with the Republicans and work together.

The world understands these things. Why don't the progressives?
You mean forcing people into commerce or pay a penalty for NOT buying something you don't need or want> ? Like that?

Lunger? YOU are truly an idiot.
The T posted:
You mean forcing people into commerce or pay a penalty for NOT buying something you don't need or want> ? Like that?

Lunger? YOU are truly an idiot.

Ron sez:
This is a perfect example of what an irresponsible person looks like. They will bitch about "buying something you don't want and need." The problem with that statement is that NO ONE can see the future. Tomorrow you could be diagnosed with cancer. Tomorrow you could be in a large car crash. Tomorrow you could be badly burned in a house fire. And on, and on, and on......... And if one of those tomorrows happens and you are severely injured it will be to late to get that insurance. That means that I and everyone who did act responsibily will have to pay for you sorry ass in some way or another.
When you cannot afford to pay your medical bills the hospital raises its rates to cover the cost. When the hospital raises its rates the insurance companies raise their rates. Those of us who are responsible end up paying higher insurance rates because of a deadbeat ASSHOLE who thinks nothing bad can happen to them.

for Ron
first, no one with any of the things you mentioned was denied medical care before obamacare. NO ONE.

second, most of the ACA policies have very large deductibles 5K to 10K before the insurance pays anything. Poor people will not have the 5K or 10K, so guess who will pay those deductibles-------us, you and me----just like we do now.

there are two good provisions in ACA, no denial for preexisting conditions, and no lifetime maximum payments---------the rest of it is garbage and should be thrown in the trash.
October 3 2013~
Let the nay saying begin!

"A majority of Americans want President Obama to negotiate with Congress over the debt ceiling, and nearly two-thirds oppose raising the debt without significant spending reforms attached, according to a recent poll from Ending Spending and the American Action Forum.

House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) said Wednesday following a meeting at the White House that the president had ”reiterated one more time tonight that he will not negotiate.” Obama and most Democrats favor a “clean” debt-ceiling hike without spending reforms attached. Meanwhile, House GOP leaders are said to be working on a larger budget deal to end the government and raise the debt ceiling with reforms."

Poll: Americans Want Obama to Negotiate | National Review Online

1. AN OPPORTUNITY: Obama is badly bruised. The President's numbers aren't strong, with an underwater approval rating (43% approve, 49% disapprove), and a generic congressional ballot that has Republicans ahead by 4 points (40% GOP, 36%DEM)

Just read the rest yourself:


Not all Americans want Obama to negotiate until the budget issue is settled. Why would he now agree to trust anything the Republicans promise. Their sole goal was stated by McConnell years ago - they want the president to fail. And to have taken the first step to solve the problems of health care in America, an issue which has been kicked down the road for over 100 years, make him a success - notwithstanding all the efforts by the extreme right to discredit EVERYTHING he has done.

Better you and others oppose Obama on another hot button current issue - one most us have never heard of sense it, like pre ACA health care in America, benefits the few and not the many.


Expose the TPP
Really? Try again. Congress, the Corporations exempted unlawfully BY Obama either get ON the program with the rest of us...or NO DEAL.

Get it?

Congress is not exempt.

The employer mandate delay is transitional relief. All very legal.

Change the channel.
Yes they are. Try again.
Fact Check: Congress, staff are exempt from Obamacare
Posted by
CNN Staff
President Obama exempted members of Congress from Obamacare.

“President Obama recently issued a special rule for Congress and congressional staff to get a special subsidy to purchase health insurance on the Obamacare Exchange unavailable to every other American at similar income levels,” said Republican Sen. David Vitter. “That’s an exemption, plain and simple.”

When Obamacare was passed into law, Sen. Charles Grassley, the Iowa Republican, attached language to the bill that mandated members of Congress and their staffers would have to buy health insurance on the newly created health insurance exchanges. What nobody accounted for at the time was that members of Congress and their staffers currently have health insurance through their employer – the federal government. No other employer has been legally required to drop its employee’s health care plan and have them buy coverage on the exchanges.

Like most other large employers, the federal government contributes a portion to the premiums of its employees. In fact, like many employers, the federal government pays most of the premiums for its workers; an average of 72 percent on Capitol Hill. The law didn’t account for the continued employer contribution for these federal workers who would now be buying their insurance on the exchanges. The exchanges were designed to help people without health insurance and people with overly expensive health insurance. It became clear that without their employer contribution, members and their staffers would essentially be getting a cut in pay and benefits equal to thousands of dollars. Even Grassley, the provision’s author, had said the government should continue to contribute to lawmakers’ and staffers’ premiums. What the Obama administration has done is ruled that the congressional workers will continue to receive the employer contribution to help them buy their insurance on the exchange.

False. Congress is no more exempt than any other employer who drops coverage and then helps employees purchase insurance on the exchanges.
Could that possibly be because Americans are idiots who don't understand what the fuck the debt ceiling even is?
Could be that a majority of Americans are far smarter than you and the progressives are and they are tired of the lies.

Cut spending, compromise with the Republicans and work together.

The world understands these things. Why don't the progressives?

because they know that they will always lose the debate when both sides are given equal time. Even progressives know that their ideas are stupid and cannot be implemented. They live in a fantasy world where everyone has equal stuff and we all dance around the may pole singing, I'd like to buy the world a coke.
Congress is not exempt.

The employer mandate delay is transitional relief. All very legal.

Change the channel.
Yes they are. Try again.
Fact Check: Congress, staff are exempt from Obamacare
Posted by
CNN Staff
President Obama exempted members of Congress from Obamacare.

“President Obama recently issued a special rule for Congress and congressional staff to get a special subsidy to purchase health insurance on the Obamacare Exchange unavailable to every other American at similar income levels,” said Republican Sen. David Vitter. “That’s an exemption, plain and simple.”

When Obamacare was passed into law, Sen. Charles Grassley, the Iowa Republican, attached language to the bill that mandated members of Congress and their staffers would have to buy health insurance on the newly created health insurance exchanges. What nobody accounted for at the time was that members of Congress and their staffers currently have health insurance through their employer – the federal government. No other employer has been legally required to drop its employee’s health care plan and have them buy coverage on the exchanges.

Like most other large employers, the federal government contributes a portion to the premiums of its employees. In fact, like many employers, the federal government pays most of the premiums for its workers; an average of 72 percent on Capitol Hill. The law didn’t account for the continued employer contribution for these federal workers who would now be buying their insurance on the exchanges. The exchanges were designed to help people without health insurance and people with overly expensive health insurance. It became clear that without their employer contribution, members and their staffers would essentially be getting a cut in pay and benefits equal to thousands of dollars. Even Grassley, the provision’s author, had said the government should continue to contribute to lawmakers’ and staffers’ premiums. What the Obama administration has done is ruled that the congressional workers will continue to receive the employer contribution to help them buy their insurance on the exchange.

False. Congress is no more exempt than any other employer who drops coverage and then helps employees purchase insurance on the exchanges.

congress is not exempt, but they are exempt from paying the obamacare premiums, they voted themselves a 72% subsidy---------WE are paying their obamacare premiums.
That is correct, but some of them can and have on this forum.

A debt ceiling freeze requires about a third of current government spending be stopped, because revenues are only covering about 2/3rds.

I have never seen anyone propose a plan for a 1/3rd cut in federal spending that even a majority of Republicans would support.

All I have seen from Democrats is raise taxes. Relaxation or elimination of unneeded regulations and lowering the corporate tax rate would stimulate growth and increase revenue.
Eliminating some bloated government agencies would cut spending. A balanced budget Amendment would help if the Senate ever passes one. Putting Harry Reid in jail for illegally not allowing the Senate to pass a budget would do more good than anything I can think of.

The Senate passed a budget 6 months ago. Boehner refused to go to conference on it.
These people will toss around alot of big talk about freezing the debt ceiling,

until you explain to them that to stay under the debt ceiling in a fair and balanced manner

you'd have to cut defense by close to 40%.
Could that possibly be because Americans are idiots who don't understand what the fuck the debt ceiling even is?
Could be that a majority of Americans are far smarter than you and the progressives are and they are tired of the lies.

Cut spending, compromise with the Republicans and work together.

The world understands these things. Why don't the progressives?
You are a hoot!!!!!!!!!!!!
Explain how you can work with the republicans when they are doing everything in their power to stop ANY legislation the President tries to pass. YOU CANNOT WORK WITH SOMEONE WHEN THEY DO NOT WANT TO WORK WITH YOU. You cannot work with people whose primary goal is to throw mud at the President and to deny him any accomplishments.
Yes they are. Try again.
Fact Check: Congress, staff are exempt from Obamacare
Posted by
CNN Staff
President Obama exempted members of Congress from Obamacare.

“President Obama recently issued a special rule for Congress and congressional staff to get a special subsidy to purchase health insurance on the Obamacare Exchange unavailable to every other American at similar income levels,” said Republican Sen. David Vitter. “That’s an exemption, plain and simple.”

When Obamacare was passed into law, Sen. Charles Grassley, the Iowa Republican, attached language to the bill that mandated members of Congress and their staffers would have to buy health insurance on the newly created health insurance exchanges. What nobody accounted for at the time was that members of Congress and their staffers currently have health insurance through their employer – the federal government. No other employer has been legally required to drop its employee’s health care plan and have them buy coverage on the exchanges.

Like most other large employers, the federal government contributes a portion to the premiums of its employees. In fact, like many employers, the federal government pays most of the premiums for its workers; an average of 72 percent on Capitol Hill. The law didn’t account for the continued employer contribution for these federal workers who would now be buying their insurance on the exchanges. The exchanges were designed to help people without health insurance and people with overly expensive health insurance. It became clear that without their employer contribution, members and their staffers would essentially be getting a cut in pay and benefits equal to thousands of dollars. Even Grassley, the provision’s author, had said the government should continue to contribute to lawmakers’ and staffers’ premiums. What the Obama administration has done is ruled that the congressional workers will continue to receive the employer contribution to help them buy their insurance on the exchange.

False. Congress is no more exempt than any other employer who drops coverage and then helps employees purchase insurance on the exchanges.

congress is not exempt, but they are exempt from paying the obamacare premiums, they voted themselves a 72% subsidy---------WE are paying their obamacare premiums.
I have produced proof that Congress is not exempt from the ACA;
Produce your proof or silence yourself!
He is willing to negotiate the terms of the CR. I don't know what the ACA has to do with it.

I don't know what the ACA has to do with it.

its a tax

all bills raising revenue will originate in the house of representatives

thats why

Your big chance to make sure millions didn't get healthcare was in the 2012 elections, which you lost, and the USSC, which you lost. Get over it. You need to win the House the Senate and the WH to get your way.
These people will toss around alot of big talk about freezing the debt ceiling,

until you explain to them that to stay under the debt ceiling in a fair and balanced manner

you'd have to cut defense by close to 40%.

Wouldn't be too sure of that. Seems there are quite a few Teahadists who are gung-ho for burning down the village to save it.
Yes they are. Try again.
Fact Check: Congress, staff are exempt from Obamacare
Posted by
CNN Staff
President Obama exempted members of Congress from Obamacare.

“President Obama recently issued a special rule for Congress and congressional staff to get a special subsidy to purchase health insurance on the Obamacare Exchange unavailable to every other American at similar income levels,” said Republican Sen. David Vitter. “That’s an exemption, plain and simple.”

When Obamacare was passed into law, Sen. Charles Grassley, the Iowa Republican, attached language to the bill that mandated members of Congress and their staffers would have to buy health insurance on the newly created health insurance exchanges. What nobody accounted for at the time was that members of Congress and their staffers currently have health insurance through their employer – the federal government. No other employer has been legally required to drop its employee’s health care plan and have them buy coverage on the exchanges.

Like most other large employers, the federal government contributes a portion to the premiums of its employees. In fact, like many employers, the federal government pays most of the premiums for its workers; an average of 72 percent on Capitol Hill. The law didn’t account for the continued employer contribution for these federal workers who would now be buying their insurance on the exchanges. The exchanges were designed to help people without health insurance and people with overly expensive health insurance. It became clear that without their employer contribution, members and their staffers would essentially be getting a cut in pay and benefits equal to thousands of dollars. Even Grassley, the provision’s author, had said the government should continue to contribute to lawmakers’ and staffers’ premiums. What the Obama administration has done is ruled that the congressional workers will continue to receive the employer contribution to help them buy their insurance on the exchange.

False. Congress is no more exempt than any other employer who drops coverage and then helps employees purchase insurance on the exchanges.

congress is not exempt, but they are exempt from paying the obamacare premiums, they voted themselves a 72% subsidy---------WE are paying their obamacare premiums.
Yep. Thanks...Otherwise? THEY are exempt...there is little difference.
Could that possibly be because Americans are idiots who don't understand what the fuck the debt ceiling even is?
Could be that a majority of Americans are far smarter than you and the progressives are and they are tired of the lies.

Cut spending, compromise with the Republicans and work together.

The world understands these things. Why don't the progressives?
You are a hoot!!!!!!!!!!!!
Explain how you can work with the republicans when they are doing everything in their power to stop ANY legislation the President tries to pass. YOU CANNOT WORK WITH SOMEONE WHEN THEY DO NOT WANT TO WORK WITH YOU. You cannot work with people whose primary goal is to throw mud at the President and to deny him any accomplishments.
Why would WE throw MUD at the POTUS when he's busy wallowing in it with Dingy Harry Reid and the Progressive Democrats...whom are throwing it AT the people and holding them hostage to tyranny called ObamaCare?
A debt ceiling freeze requires about a third of current government spending be stopped, because revenues are only covering about 2/3rds.

I have never seen anyone propose a plan for a 1/3rd cut in federal spending that even a majority of Republicans would support.

All I have seen from Democrats is raise taxes. Relaxation or elimination of unneeded regulations and lowering the corporate tax rate would stimulate growth and increase revenue.
Eliminating some bloated government agencies would cut spending. A balanced budget Amendment would help if the Senate ever passes one. Putting Harry Reid in jail for illegally not allowing the Senate to pass a budget would do more good than anything I can think of.

The Senate passed a budget 6 months ago. Boehner refused to go to conference on it.

That is not true, the only budget bill voted on in the senate in the last 5 years was one sent over by the whitehouse, it was voted down 98-0.

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