POLL: Bump for Trump after Biden speech


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
POLL: Bump for Trump after Biden speech

Joe Biden gave his speech on the final evening of the DNC last night, and it resulted in a big bump in the polls—for his opponent, President Donald Trump.
Typically a big political convention speech results in a poll surge for the candidate speaking, not the one who doesn't appear on stage that night. But while Democrats and their celeb spokespersons basked in the glory of the man they are by default supporting for president, Trump's poll numbers surged, according to polling by Rasmussen.

While the DNC talked about their feelings on Trump, they neglected to mention the over two months of rioting and unrest that have been rocking America's cities.
Biden has spent nearly all of his time in the past months of the pandemic in his home in Delaware, recording podcasts and speeches from his basement. The DNC abandoned Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where their convention was slated to take place.

Biden has lost the election before the votes are in. The only way he can win now is with massive voter fraud....
Biden's speech was okay, but all of the crap leading up to it showed how truly vacuous their entire party has become. Was all about what a swell nice guy Creepy Joe is.. but nice is pointless when all he really is.. is an empty vessel for the hate and evil that props him up.
The DNC was so awful that it has given a huge gift to President Trump and his Party: The opportunity to KICK ASS if they campaign intelligently between now and election day.

The Democrats have no plan for anything, and the portions of the Platform that they timidly leak out are all horrible, uniformly unwanted by the American public.

One can only hope that the President doesn't fuck it up with a barrage of inane tweets.

All the President has to do is compare what he is actually doing with what the Democrats propose to do...accompanied by video clips of them saying exactly that.
Spin it the Best you can.
Only way trump wins is if he CHEATS again.

And he is trying hard.
Out in the OPEN.
There is no Bigger Corruption ever in the history of the USA.

Trump the Con Man is doing it again.

Xi's man in Washington is a fucking disaster. Despite the little Goebbels at MSNBCNN crowing about how spectacular Xi's man did, he actually drove potential voters away.

Other than massive fraud. China and their democrats have zero chance of securing the election.
The DNC was so awful that it has given a huge gift to President Trump and his Party: The opportunity to KICK ASS if they campaign intelligently between now and election day.

The Democrats have no plan for anything, and the portions of the Platform that they timidly leak out are all horrible, uniformly unwanted by the American public.

One can only hope that the President doesn't fuck it up with a barrage of inane tweets.

All the President has to do is compare what he is actually doing with what the Democrats propose to do...accompanied by video clips of them saying exactly that.

The Democrats and Biden promised to do exactly what they have been doing for 50 years.
Keeping blacks squarely on the poverty plantation.
POLL: Bump for Trump after Biden speech

Joe Biden gave his speech on the final evening of the DNC last night, and it resulted in a big bump in the polls—for his opponent, President Donald Trump.
Typically a big political convention speech results in a poll surge for the candidate speaking, not the one who doesn't appear on stage that night. But while Democrats and their celeb spokespersons basked in the glory of the man they are by default supporting for president, Trump's poll numbers surged, according to polling by Rasmussen.

While the DNC talked about their feelings on Trump, they neglected to mention the over two months of rioting and unrest that have been rocking America's cities.
Biden has spent nearly all of his time in the past months of the pandemic in his home in Delaware, recording podcasts and speeches from his basement. The DNC abandoned Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where their convention was slated to take place.

Biden has lost the election before the votes are in. The only way he can win now is with massive voter fraud....

It's good news for President Trump. Thanks for your post.
B-b-b-ut the state run politburo media keeps telling us Plugs should get the bump - he didn't shit the bed in front to the nation and read at the level of a 4th grader from a teleprompter.

Although it does sound like he plagiarized some of those nonsensical platitudes..... from a canadian no less.... tsk tsk. What a fucking douche.
Only way trump wins is if he CHEATS again.

RIGHT, Wimpo. Hillary only campaigned in ten states, called half the nation deplorables, and needed carried down stairs and to her car in between not being able to get through a turn stile and you think Trump only won because he cheated?

Now you have an 80 year old fossil running with a slut who openly admits she is 180° opposed to everything Biden stands for, a guy who used corruption and coercion in Ukraine and China for personal gain, sparks no interest in voters, has never done a thing in 50 years of politics but TALK, plagiarizes everything from others, LOST the last two times he tried to run for office and can't even make a public appearance now or a coherent sentence and I doubt will appear for the debates to answer questions not previously known to him and prepared for, and you think the only way HE can lose is if "Trump cheats again?"

DAMN. I can't wait for Nov. 3 so I can see the look on your face!
Spin it the Best you can.
Only way trump wins is if he CHEATS again.
And he is trying hard.
Out in the OPEN.
There is no Bigger Corruption ever in the history of the USA.
Trump the Con Man is doing it again.

TRANSLATION: Democrats are already preparing to go to press come Nov. 4 with Biden's ghost-written version of: 'What The Hell Happened?'
TRANSLATION: Democrats are already preparing to go to press come Nov. 4 with Biden's ghost-written version of: 'What The Hell Happened?'

the Communists intend on claiming Trump cheated and starting a civil war.

{ The final scenario was the only one that posited a clear Trump victory. Biden, like Hillary Clinton before him, won the popular vote (in this case, the margin was a decisive 52% to 47%). But Trump won the Electoral College victory with 286 electoral votes. In other words, Trump was the clear winner of the presidency. Biden conceded defeat on election night but then withdrew his concession as Democratic anger grew over another election in which the winner lost the popular vote but won the Electoral College. The Biden campaign pushed the Democratic governors of Michigan and Wisconsin to disregard Trump's victory, overrule their state legislatures, and send Biden electors to Washington. House Democrats refused to recognize Trump's Electoral College victory. The Biden campaign also came up with what appears to be a demand for concessions in exchange for recognition of Trump's victory: Trump could take office if the Electoral College were eliminated, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico were given statehood, and California was divided into five states to create more Democratic senators. Otherwise, California, Oregon, and Washington state would secede from the union. In the end, the standoff "remained unresolved," and Inauguration Day "arrived without a single president-elect." The scenario ended with: "It was unclear what the military would do in this situation." }

Lock and load.
B-b-b-ut the state run politburo media keeps telling us Plugs should get the bump - he didn't shit the bed in front to the nation and read at the level of a 4th grader from a teleprompter.

Although it does sound like he plagiarized some of those nonsensical platitudes..... from a canadian no less.... tsk tsk. What a fucking douche.

POLL: Bump for Trump after Biden speech

Joe Biden gave his speech on the final evening of the DNC last night, and it resulted in a big bump in the polls—for his opponent, President Donald Trump.
Typically a big political convention speech results in a poll surge for the candidate speaking, not the one who doesn't appear on stage that night. But while Democrats and their celeb spokespersons basked in the glory of the man they are by default supporting for president, Trump's poll numbers surged, according to polling by Rasmussen.

While the DNC talked about their feelings on Trump, they neglected to mention the over two months of rioting and unrest that have been rocking America's cities.
Biden has spent nearly all of his time in the past months of the pandemic in his home in Delaware, recording podcasts and speeches from his basement. The DNC abandoned Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where their convention was slated to take place.

Biden has lost the election before the votes are in. The only way he can win now is with massive voter fraud....

Rasmussen is a fake poll. Try again.
After Trump took Biden's bump, now Trump's own bump continues to build as Black come back home, back to the Republican Party.

HUGE TRUMP BUMP! President Gains 3 Points on Biden – Race a Dead Heat — Black Support Up to 29% After 2 Nights of Convention.

President Trump polls an historic 29% of the black vote.


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