Poll: “Congrats Michael Brown one year with no criminal behavior!!!!!!”

wordpress ^ | August 17, 2015 | Dan from Squirrel Hill
Poll: Congrats Michael Brown one year with no criminal behavior! I think this sign is a great idea, because it tells the truth. It seems to me the only people who would be upset by it are the people who don't want people to know that Brown was a criminal. For example, Obama tried to block the release of the security video which showed Brown committing theft and assault, despite the fact that there had been multiple Freedom of Information requests for the video. I like this sign because it is a victory for the truth. The News-Gazette reports: Business sign causes a...

That's fucking sick, and those who think it's funny must surely feel the same way about Cliven Bundy.

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What's sick about congratulating a reformed criminal thug for one year crime free? Aren't we supposed to be encouraging this?
If you have to ask what's sick about it then perhaps you should seek professional help. Also, President Obama DID NOT hold the video back. The DOJ suggested they hold it back but they DO NOT have the power to do so. You need to do some research before you post, its the white thing to do.

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I never said he did, skid mark.
Brown isn't a mass murderer, so comparing him to Hitler and bin Laden is asinine.
It is asinine. Brown had neither the intellect nor organizational skills to be a mass murderer. He was a simple thug.
Yet he was genuinely hated by millions. Trayvon Martin was the same way, genuinely hated by millions, yet he had no problems with the law. With that said I can safely say George Zimmerman was considered to be a hero for killing Martin. There's something terribly wrong with our society when individuals can be hated or worshipped based on killing. The media deserves a lot of the blame for that, but free thinking adults should be able to put these things into perspective.

The left made Zimmerman a hero, well done.
Lmao, how did the left make Zimmerman a hero? It was the gun toting rightists of America and Sean Hannity who made Zimmerman a hero. Liberals despised Zimmerman, they thought he was a racist punk, that's far from hero material in the liberal world.
I think you're a racist punk, but as long as you don't grab cops' guns or try to beat someone to death, I have no problem with you living a long life as a bigot.
wordpress ^ | August 17, 2015 | Dan from Squirrel Hill
Poll: Congrats Michael Brown one year with no criminal behavior! I think this sign is a great idea, because it tells the truth. It seems to me the only people who would be upset by it are the people who don't want people to know that Brown was a criminal. For example, Obama tried to block the release of the security video which showed Brown committing theft and assault, despite the fact that there had been multiple Freedom of Information requests for the video. I like this sign because it is a victory for the truth. The News-Gazette reports: Business sign causes a...

That's fucking sick, and those who think it's funny must surely feel the same way about Cliven Bundy.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
What's sick about congratulating a reformed criminal thug for one year crime free? Aren't we supposed to be encouraging this?
Shut the fuck up and show the dead some respect, dickface.

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The fat sub-human negro thug has done something positive with his simian life: He singlehandedly has fed ten thousand maggots in the last twelve months. Who says there isn't something good in everyone?
No one has to show fuck all to the sub-human animal except contempt.
This is white people for you. But then some white chick gets murked by a mexican and they want everyone to bow their heads
wordpress ^ | August 17, 2015 | Dan from Squirrel Hill
Poll: Congrats Michael Brown one year with no criminal behavior! I think this sign is a great idea, because it tells the truth. It seems to me the only people who would be upset by it are the people who don't want people to know that Brown was a criminal. For example, Obama tried to block the release of the security video which showed Brown committing theft and assault, despite the fact that there had been multiple Freedom of Information requests for the video. I like this sign because it is a victory for the truth. The News-Gazette reports: Business sign causes a...

That's fucking sick, and those who think it's funny must surely feel the same way about Cliven Bundy.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
What's sick about congratulating a reformed criminal thug for one year crime free? Aren't we supposed to be encouraging this?
Shut the fuck up and show the dead some respect, dickface.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
If liberals and the president of the united states didn't try their hardest to make a thug look innocent. We wouldn't be talking about this now. This is a creation created by liberals. So shut the hell up.
wordpress ^ | August 17, 2015 | Dan from Squirrel Hill
Poll: Congrats Michael Brown one year with no criminal behavior! I think this sign is a great idea, because it tells the truth. It seems to me the only people who would be upset by it are the people who don't want people to know that Brown was a criminal. For example, Obama tried to block the release of the security video which showed Brown committing theft and assault, despite the fact that there had been multiple Freedom of Information requests for the video. I like this sign because it is a victory for the truth. The News-Gazette reports: Business sign causes a...

That's fucking sick, and those who think it's funny must surely feel the same way about Cliven Bundy.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
Oh look, the blasphemer is offended. How ironic.
Blasphemer, no, Lmao. That's pretty fucking ignorant of you to imply, but it's what rightists do so who gives a fuck. Did it ever occur to your bored-out ass that God and Jesus consider Michael Brown to be a sacred soul? Or do you do their thinking and judging for them? That makes you the blasphemer, but since you're a fake Christian I wouldn't expect you to know that, let alone even to ponder it. There are some very stupid rightists on here, and since I've only been on here a short while I can't say for sure you're the most retarded... yet... but you're definitely in the running. Keep up the good work dickface.

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You are right, but by his actions it doesn't look like he had a relationship with God. That was between him and God, but society itself is better without Brown. So good riddance.
wordpress ^ | August 17, 2015 | Dan from Squirrel Hill
Poll: Congrats Michael Brown one year with no criminal behavior! I think this sign is a great idea, because it tells the truth. It seems to me the only people who would be upset by it are the people who don't want people to know that Brown was a criminal. For example, Obama tried to block the release of the security video which showed Brown committing theft and assault, despite the fact that there had been multiple Freedom of Information requests for the video. I like this sign because it is a victory for the truth. The News-Gazette reports: Business sign causes a...

That's fucking sick, and those who think it's funny must surely feel the same way about Cliven Bundy.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk

Did Clive Bundy attack a police officer and get killed?
This is white people for you. But then some white chick gets murked by a mexican and they want everyone to bow their heads
White lives matter.

Only when they are killed by a mexican
No, a mexican that was deported seven times and shouldn't of been here in the first place. In fact was being protected by a liberal city sheltering him.

Yes, I said Mexican.
This is white people for you. But then some white chick gets murked by a mexican and they want everyone to bow their heads
White lives matter.

Only when they are killed by a mexican
No, a mexican that was deported seven times and shouldn't of been here in the first place. In fact was being protected by a liberal city sheltering him.

Yes, I said Mexican.
wordpress ^ | August 17, 2015 | Dan from Squirrel Hill
Poll: Congrats Michael Brown one year with no criminal behavior! I think this sign is a great idea, because it tells the truth. It seems to me the only people who would be upset by it are the people who don't want people to know that Brown was a criminal. For example, Obama tried to block the release of the security video which showed Brown committing theft and assault, despite the fact that there had been multiple Freedom of Information requests for the video. I like this sign because it is a victory for the truth. The News-Gazette reports: Business sign causes a...

That's fucking sick, and those who think it's funny must surely feel the same way about Cliven Bundy.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk

Did Clive Bundy attack a police officer and get killed?

He pointed guns at police threatening to kill them and they said "Ok buddy lets talk about it"
This is white people for you. But then some white chick gets murked by a mexican and they want everyone to bow their heads
White lives matter.

Only when they are killed by a mexican
No, a mexican that was deported seven times and shouldn't of been here in the first place. In fact was being protected by a liberal city sheltering him.

Yes, I said Mexican.

White lives dont matter unless a white was attacked by a minority. I think I said it plainly enough for even you to get it.
wordpress ^ | August 17, 2015 | Dan from Squirrel Hill
Poll: Congrats Michael Brown one year with no criminal behavior! I think this sign is a great idea, because it tells the truth. It seems to me the only people who would be upset by it are the people who don't want people to know that Brown was a criminal. For example, Obama tried to block the release of the security video which showed Brown committing theft and assault, despite the fact that there had been multiple Freedom of Information requests for the video. I like this sign because it is a victory for the truth. The News-Gazette reports: Business sign causes a...

That's fucking sick, and those who think it's funny must surely feel the same way about Cliven Bundy.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk

Did Clive Bundy attack a police officer and get killed?

He pointed guns at police threatening to kill them and they said "Ok buddy lets talk about it"

So the answer to my question is, no.
White lives matter.

Only when they are killed by a mexican
No, a mexican that was deported seven times and shouldn't of been here in the first place. In fact was being protected by a liberal city sheltering him.

Yes, I said Mexican.

White lives dont matter unless a white was attacked by a minority. I think I said it plainly enough for even you to get it.
If a white man was in and out of jail his whole life and shouldn't of been on the streets because of liberal policies. I would feel the same.
wordpress ^ | August 17, 2015 | Dan from Squirrel Hill
Poll: Congrats Michael Brown one year with no criminal behavior! I think this sign is a great idea, because it tells the truth. It seems to me the only people who would be upset by it are the people who don't want people to know that Brown was a criminal. For example, Obama tried to block the release of the security video which showed Brown committing theft and assault, despite the fact that there had been multiple Freedom of Information requests for the video. I like this sign because it is a victory for the truth. The News-Gazette reports: Business sign causes a...

That's fucking sick, and those who think it's funny must surely feel the same way about Cliven Bundy.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk

Did Clive Bundy attack a police officer and get killed?

He pointed guns at police threatening to kill them and they said "Ok buddy lets talk about it"

So the answer to my question is, no.

You're right, people point guns and threaten them all the time and walk away....white people
Only when they are killed by a mexican
No, a mexican that was deported seven times and shouldn't of been here in the first place. In fact was being protected by a liberal city sheltering him.

Yes, I said Mexican.

White lives dont matter unless a white was attacked by a minority. I think I said it plainly enough for even you to get it.
If a white man was in and out of jail his whole life and shouldn't of been on the streets because of liberal policies. I would feel the same.

If my cock had wheels it'll be the Oscar Meyer Car but were talking about concerns for white lives only when a minority can be blamed. They care so much they...sit home and have extra mayo or cheese whiz
wordpress ^ | August 17, 2015 | Dan from Squirrel Hill
Poll: Congrats Michael Brown one year with no criminal behavior! I think this sign is a great idea, because it tells the truth. It seems to me the only people who would be upset by it are the people who don't want people to know that Brown was a criminal. For example, Obama tried to block the release of the security video which showed Brown committing theft and assault, despite the fact that there had been multiple Freedom of Information requests for the video. I like this sign because it is a victory for the truth. The News-Gazette reports: Business sign causes a...

That's fucking sick, and those who think it's funny must surely feel the same way about Cliven Bundy.

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk

Did Clive Bundy attack a police officer and get killed?

He pointed guns at police threatening to kill them and they said "Ok buddy lets talk about it"

So the answer to my question is, no.

You're right, people point guns and threaten them all the time and walk away....white people
Give some examples.

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